Wednesday, August 31, 2011


For many of my blog readers, this may be "inside baseball" and not make a lot of sense. For those readers familiar with HPD, I'm pretty sure many of you are shaking your heads also.

I'll let the comments, and I'm sure there will be plenty, speak for themselves and maybe explain the situation a little better than I can.

HPD veteran and well respected Lieutenant Marco Tedeschi has been removed as the Department Advocate and has been replaced by Sergeant Christine Mertes. The Department advocate reviews Internal Investigations and makes recommendations to the Chief of Police as to potential discipline for those officers involved.

Let the comments begin.


  1. come on now, giver her some credit. Mertes has had a stellar career at HPD with numerous accomplishments. Among them she was the first female sniper at HPD according to her(totally untrue), she apparently caught the attention of the other women at her hairdressers when she detailed for them how she was shot in the line of duty while walking a beat on Albany Avenue (never happened)and many other lies she has been caught in. This is not unknown to Chief Roberts as much of this was detailed to him by the former IAD commander, in writing by the way . Maybe you should FOI that.

    This is the person placed in charge of reviewing discipline? She should have been bounced years ago for her dishonesty

  2. Wow, the complex looks more like a Marx brothers movie now.

  3. Why don't they make Mertes in charge of the Janitors.....

  4. What about choosing a rookie officer with three years on over a veteran major crimes detective to go to Polygraph training. Now that is just another example of poor choices.. Would not it be more logical and intellegent to choose a bi-lingual officer that speaks and reads spanish ?

  5. Mertes is also a well respected attorney in the state of Mass.

  6. I bet she will not fall in the parking lot with a ''sweet'' gig like that now......

  7. What is your motivation here? The tone of your post suggests that you are trying to stir up trouble and discontent. Don't the Hartford Police officers have a hard enough time coping without you winding everybody up about every single thing you disagree with? I usually share your views, but this invitation just seems petulant on your part and counterproductive to morale at HPD. Just saying. Dont be such a windup artist.

  8. Kevin, you are the balls!!!! As a strong supporter of this blog I DEMAND that you not only FOI that memo, but place it on this blog for all to see. You should receive a letter of commendation for bringing this to light. Department Advocate Position..... Really!!!

  9. I'm not winding anything up, it is what it is. I didn't make the decision to put her there

  10. I want to see proper documentation supporting the alleged law degree!!

  11. It is what it is. Kevin is not a wind up artist. Im sure the person who supports that change is implicated. By the way morale was cancelled at hpd long ago. Take a vote and see. If the command staff wants to make themselves look stupid. Just keep putting certain inexperienced individuals in special gigs.

  12. I think kevin would get more vote of confidence by officers then roberts .....

  13. Will this break the Brookman hit counter.

  14. The ice cream vending machine gets my vote for dept advocate !!!

  15. I wonder now if mertes will attempt to demote daily. She should do the job correctly and not let others dictate the agenda . I also think that an oral process should be conducted for the polygraph training. Why not post it and at least pretend to give others the chance. And u wonder why everyone is pissed off ...

  16. This post proves that this blog and the handful of whiney cops who post on it know NO facts. Where is the part in your article that the so-called scorned Department Advocate got "hit" by a car on a private job and is out "injured" so Sgt. Mertes is ACTING Dept Advocate in his absence. Which is no big loss...The same small group of whiners should worry about serving the community they took an oath to serve as much as they worry about getting their next post on this bs blog. Just like when Lt. Brooks got moved to headquarters and the hater group cried it was a cover-up for the investigation - how about he got moved because the investigation revealed that he is in fact guilty of acting unethical. As always this blog serves only as a resource to fuel the handful of middle management who want to act like bitter children who do not get their way instead of being a good source of facts and good debates. And for the record the officer who was given the opportunity at the polygraph class has shown himself to be an officer who goes above and beyond to better this community. An officer who loves being a cop not just saying he is one. He deserves every opportunity handed to him.

  17. For the record Tedeschi was temporarily replaced beacause he is out injured long term..... He wasn't "removed" She's just filling in..... But who cares about the truth........

  18. Sergeant Christine Mertes ..... U must be kidding!! Can anyone remember her being on the street? I sure can't, been here sixteen years, worked the road the entire time, never seen her on a call once. She was probably on light duty recovering from that gun shot wound while going over her cold bore sniper calculations. What qualifications if any does she have to hold this position. Lets
    see, practicing how to fall down while convincing your co-workers your injured, working tirelessly on the "Blue Page", polishing apples for the chief which were dropped off from Cavanna's farm, writing policy and procedure for calls that she has never handled...... REALLY!  In my opinion, to judge another cop and hand out fair discipline, you should have a great deal of street time, held multiple positions within our agency so that you understand what it is to be a cop and all the aspects involved in the split second decision making we deal with on a day to day basis. Then and only then can you look at a case objectively from a cops point of view and issue discipline if warranted. If for whatever reason this position needs to be filled by a female, why not allow Karla Rodriguez this opportunity. (She's been on 16 years, did patrol, promoted to detective, worked major crimes and Intel, promoted to the rank of Sergeant, college educated, bi-lingual, blazin, well respected, and extremely motivated.) Nope, that might sense if we did that, right?!
    Good pick with that Mertes character chief, way to go! Wouldn't expect anything more from ya.  

  19. As far as the polygraph gig goes what do you expect when you’re the Deputy Chief's neighbor. That dude has been taking care of since day one.How many other guys have been taking care of by the brass because the work they perform on the houses and cars. We all know they didn’t get to where they are because of their police work.

  20. First off. If u are going to give opertunities to new guys with 3 years on over seasoned major crimes detectives. Then u quite frankly are a poor supervisor and poor human being. He might be motivated and hard working. But has he ever testified in federal court ? Has he ever even done a warrant for a felony crime ? Or even knows how to set up a photo array ? You just sank morale another 10 points. I hope it was worth it and this new guy polishes your car really shiny.

  21. To anon @ 10:19
    K. Rodriguez are u kidding me she is part of the Hulk a maniacs. Another one who has been taken care of by the brass. If you only knew what she did while in intelligence, that lead to her divorce,your head would spin.

    This just shows you the employees at HPD that DKR is terrible and inept as a Chief. Not to say that his support staff is any better. Knowing the lies this person, Mertes, has spun and they put her in a position that requires some sort of integrity is a joke. Flush them all I say and start a new the unknown is a lot better than what you have now.

  22. Why not be fair and put a blue form out instead of just picking someone that has done nothing. A cso in the northeast area is such a difficult positon. The area looks like kuwait.

  23. What happened to the Union taking a no-confidence vote in the Mayor and Chief of Police? Could it be the upcoming primary is holding them back? If they don't have a contract before the primary do they think it will be favorable one after it!

  24. That robles report will be released soon, i guarentee it, then we will see who is running for the hills amid a national level corruption scandal......

  25. Soon is right. I would call my attorney if i were some....

  26. Hey Brookman,
    No wonder you can't win the nomination. You cannot even do enough research to spell the Sergeant's name correctly. True leaders aren't part of the problem they are part of the solution. Instead of continually stirring up controversy, why don't you offer some solutions. You are obviously the most intelligent blogger around. This goes out to all of your loyal follower who spend more time whining and bitching than they do helping the City of Hartford. "Protect and Serve"? They only ones they are serving are themselves.
    If you don't believe she was an attorney, instead of typing in lies, type something into google and research it. The bar has a list of acting attorneys.
    Finally, someone w/ the truth. Tedeschi was injured and the job and expected to be out for some time. Mertes was put in his vacancy until his return. He was not replaced. May Tedeschi slipped in the parking lot on a banana peel. Did you bother looking into that?
    Brookman and the rest of you make me want to vomit in my mouth. You make me sick.
    Do something positive for once.
    Cry babies.

  27. @ anonymous 1221hrs- maybe if you did "police work" during your shift instead of leaving dumb comments on this here blog, you might be recognized and taken care of by "the brass"

  28. Hey last comment. Its called freedom of speech. I and everyone else can say whatever and whenever. If u have such an issue. Dont read it. Or go to prospect ave to sit down and vent ur issues with bronsdorf. ...i wish hpd allowed a boxing league. Then we would see

  29. Spoken from a jealous tongue. Sgt. Rodriguez has worked for every position here. No one talked when she was on midnights. Bringing up her Intell days would leave everyone talking about how she knew gangs inside and out and for the ones that couldn't get in her pants - they chose to trash her. Shes a smart woman with a resume that would make anyone's head spin. I can ask her for a copy.

  30. @anytime anyplace- slow your roll tough guy, your keyboard is getting the best of you. Your talking about a boxing match yet you won't even post using your real name. Ok, I'll meet you after recess by the swing set, be there or be square

  31. The hulkamaniacs will be victorious. Ohhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaa

  32. The hulkamaniacs will be victorious. Ohhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaa

  33. Sgt. Mertes?!.....give me a break, why is she even still around?

  34. @anonymous 11:30^^ You are obviously somebody who has thrived very well under the DRK bully regime. Yes, you may want the truth put out there, but only some of the truths. You certainly don’t want your secrets, your mistakes put out here. That's why you discredit this blog, because at some point, or maybe already, this blog will look at you. So it helps you to discredit "we the people". Are you scared of something? You know there are things about you that have been f-ed up. If it wasn't for this blog, the same old crap would be going on. You would have kept on getting away with selective attacks on peoples careers, influenced investigations ect... You sat there while all this crooked stuff went on, and you did nothing accept ride the escalator to the top. It's pretty easy to call people cry babies with stars in your eyes or on your shoulder....

  35. How can they make somebody who is known throughout the PD as a pathological liar the advocate? I mean she is a nice woman, but she has a major personality flaw with the lying. That's insane. It's not a good move to put her in there, temporary or not. Not to mention her whole slip and fall routine. How can she ever recommend disciplining an officer for lying or dishonesty? I thought we were trying to improve our administrative processes that for so long has been so screwed up?

    Poor department advocates lead to city liability. Enter Jim Bernier- DKR’s puppet. Read Bernier's investigation into Dailey. You have never read a more one-sided opinion piece in your career. It's astonishing how much opinion is put in that document and how much exculpatory was left out. And this is from a department advocate! Shame. These are the kind of consequences that arise from having bad department advocates.

    What about Marco? If I were him, I wouldn't be in a hurry to come into work either. You try having your career attacked by the hulk-a-maniacs and see how often you come in. I hate to say it; I would go out injured too. You'll see respected leaders and officers stand up and produce once there is a significant regime change. Until then, same old - same old.

  36. She was on mid nights for what a new York minute please. A true hulk a maniac thru and thru. I would not want to be associated with that group when the Feds arrive.

  37. The feds will come once the robles report gets leaks. It is in the works. Trust. Soon.

  38. you mean the Rudewicz report I think. I'm not sure how much detail they went into about Robles, but if they looked into IAD and the command staff, I would think "double-dipping " by others would be part of it. I'm hearing that several other names may have arisen other than just Robles.

  39. The mayor is extremely nervous if that rudowitz report is released. I would be very nervous if i was on that report. Once i get a copy. And i will. I will fax a copy to new haven fbi office and the courant. .......

  40. don't forget my copy Batman, just in case I don't get it from somewhere else first. It might be time to stgart placing bets if we see that report released before the Mayoral primary September 13th.

    Will it help or hurt Mayor Segarra?

  41. Christene, where is your comeback post this time? I can't believe you've managed to stay out of the spotlight for this long, can you? I know you've been worried and your last post in July confirmed that for us.
    I know about the careers you've destroyed as well, I'll just let that one sink in for a bit and wait to see what you come up with to defend yourself. I'm sure it will be another 'good one'.

  42. Mertes when you translate to Spanish for the blue page don't use google translate that thing is as accurate as you are with your lies. Ah and I forgot you are a disgrace to the blue uniform.!

  43. C'mon Sarge! We're all here waiting for what you have to say. After all you are a public voice for HPD, this is where's your voice?

  44. Hot off the press !!September 1, 2011 at 9:28 PM

    I guess city council and several political organizations are putting together a collection of signatures to present to the mayor to force him to not only release rudawitz report but start running the city correctly instead of planting trees

  45. to hot off the press:

    from what I understand , the report has not been submitted to the Mayor yet, and I'm still not sure a written report will actually be submitted, we'll have to wait and see. Because of the timeline, we can almost be sure it will be used politically. If it is bad enough and scathing of the command staff, Segarra may use it to make an immediate change in leadership at HPD.The current relationship between the administration (i,e Mayor Segarra) and Chief Roberts is not a good one. If it is not negative to DKR, I doubt Segarra would risk losing any election support, particularly in the Northend, by releasing the report and doing anything to remove Chief Roberts pre-election/primary.

    Daryl Roberts is still pretty popular in the community, and the Mayor needs to walk on eggshells as to how he proceeds or risk losing some community support which translates to votes.

    The report will most likely portray a picture of lack of leadership on the part of HPD, how severe that lack of leadership is seems pretty clear, but how the report will lay that out is unknown.

  46. James Brown(good god)September 2, 2011 at 8:18 AM

    Hey jack asses get it right she is no longer the PIO she is the "temporary" oh "acting" dept. Advocate. She does not need to respond, she'll just open an investigation into the blog and try and find out who is posting on it and smack them with a hammer, she is the advocate you know; she can do that. Or is she busy trying to figure out how to pass the bar exam in Mass.
    Oh yeah Sgt. I've got a sniper rifle that needs fixing can you help or are you too busy telling new recruits or a new hairdresser how you walked the toughest beat in the city and got shot.
    Macgyver called and wants his paper clip back he needs to defuse a bomb called DKR.

  47. in regards to kevin, it makes sense to have a young officer go to polygraph school. you will get at least 20 years out of him from the schooling he will receive. if we send a person with 17 years on the job we only get 3 years out of the person. "what sense does that make. kevin does have three or so years on the job, but he is college educated, has nothing holding him back like a wife and kids and this writer feels it was a good choice. Also think about the cost that will be saved. we can now do our own polygraphs without paying an outside agency for new recruits, etc. when the decision was made to send him i'm sure they expected all the negative responses. can you blame the guy for not taking the position. if you were asked, you would to. this writer has some time on the police department and has never written in this blog before.

  48. I agree with anonymous

  49. I agree with anonymous also

  50. This new polygraph examiner is going to think he has something to prove. I feel really bad for any new recruits who are examined by him, a young kid who has too much control over who he passes and fails. If it's true that he's the neighbor of Dept. Chief then I'm sure he's going to operate in the same manner that he is familiar with himself that allowed him to get to this position within HPD,( i.e. Letting his buddies pass through and failing others that may not have deserved it) It's not like HPD actually goes through the process that often where they can't keep paying LESS to have CSP and private companies handle the poly screening.

  51. This new polygraph examiner is going to think he has something to prove. I feel really bad for any new recruits who are examined by him, a young kid who has too much control over who he passes and fails. If it's true that he's the neighbor of Dept. Chief then I'm sure he's going to operate in the same manner that he is familiar with himself that allowed him to get to this position within HPD,( i.e. Letting his buddies pass through and failing others that may not have deserved it) It's not like HPD actually goes through the process that often where they can't keep paying LESS to have CSP and private companies handle the poly screening.

  52. I think enough has been said about the polygraph opening. I don't think you can fault any officer for taking advantage of an opprtunity offered to him (or her). Is anyone going to turn something down and say "the process for the selection is flawed, so thanks , but no thanks, I'll pass"? What should be looked at is the process for making such selections to stem the effects of the "good old boy" network.

    What criteria is used to make the selection and is their a competitive process? That is where the change needs to begin. Whether it is an opening for the Department Advocate or a polygraph examiner, it needs to be above board and able to be explained how the choices were made. It is unfair for anyone to be promoted under a cloud of suspicion because the process is highly questionable

  53. Kevin, I have to disagree with you in regards to the comment; ”I don't think you can fault any officer for taking advantage of an opportunity offered to him (or her).”
    Part of the problem at HPD is far too many people don’t have the ability to turn down (respectfully) an opportunity that is given to them, as opposed to them having EARNED it. Just because something is offered does not mean you have to accept it. This type of behavior breeds contempt among others who may have earned the opportunity, but never given a chance.

    Anybody who works at 50 Jennings Road can look back over their respective careers, pick at least 5 people who were given something that they did not EARN, while others who put in their time, did a good job, had unblemished records, held the respect of those they worked with (and for), yet nothing is offered to them.

    I have spoken with Kevin on many occasions, but have never worked with him. (I did, on one occasion help him out of a potential fist fight (think STAG party, Kevin). I have spoken too many who work with him and they speak quite highly of him. That being said, do I think he should take the Polygraph assignment? Maybe. If the other Officer/Detective wants that assignment then he/she (not going to name that person) should be given first choice. If he/she says no, and none else puts in for it (assuming it was posted). Someone has to go to the training.

  54. If the mayor thinks he can cover up the rudawitz reports he must be smokin. I will see to it that vargas wins the election. Its time to clean the kitchen !!!!

  55. A vote of no confidence around sept 13 sounds bout right. Its gonna get hot around here soon !!!

  56. Marty Miller is wise beyond his years. Logic is something that was lost at police headquaters long ago. Just like all the individuals that have not evene pushed a patrol car. Patrol is the backbone of the dept. and should not get dumped on like it does.

  57. Why not post the position like they are suppose to. But I guess proper labor practices are not even followed around here. By the way, Mertes is an excellent person but a poor officer that should stick to the blue page. Not like that is even relevent anymore. If i ever go up their to her office, i will have a union rep and my attorney on speaker phone ....

  58. @ anonymous 1:02 PM: Your wrong it’s a great move making her the advocate. Just means everyone and anyone will be able to sue the City and win (like that’s new) because a known compulsive liar is the advocate. It brilliant… this should boost morale 5 points in itself.

  59. Marty miller you are by far one of the most bitter spiteful gossipers in the entire department. I can imagine life must be draining on you when u have to walk around with that negativity on your shoulders everyday. Would it kill you to pat a fellow officer on the back once in a while and say congrats instead of stomping your feet like a 2 year old screaming not fair. Kevin and his integrity and work ethic will run circles around you while you finish out your career.

  60. Christine... Stop your bitching on the blog and grow up. You should be  very proud of yourself and your accomplishments so far at HPD.  Only you could spark up the blog to over 60 hits in record time with nothing but negative comments being said about you. It must be your great people skills, your ability to communicate well with others and being liked by everyone you work with, right.......REALLY!!!! What the hell are you doing in the chiefs complex anyways!! Your name isn't even dry on the roll yet. On top of that, how did you get the"temporary" Public Information Officer gig!!! That position is the face of the Hartford Police Department for god sakes!! Whom ever fills this position, male or female, MUST have command presence, look razor sharp in uniform and have public speaking skills second to none!!! You mean to tell me you beat cops out of this position like Luis Rodriguez, Peter Bergenholtz, Lance Sigersmith, Rob Davis, Mike Cachiolli,  Sean Spell, and countless others. Might as well put you on the side of the CT transit bus for the click it or ticket campaign while were at it. Another great command decision... Instead of having somebody who is high speed representing our agency, were stuck with a rookie with no street time who is 78% body fat, wears her uniform looking like an unmade bed including a hat three sizes to big and spins fairy tales about her personal achievements longer than the story of Peter Pan!  

  61. "10-2 Garbage Can" I guess I'll take one for the team and enlighten you b/c you're obviously havent been around long enuff to see the BS happen over&over&over again. They only post the jobs that are considered "non essential", the others filled by people with the ole "Chiefs discretion" rule/excuse for NOT posting it. There is not and never has been any rhyme or reason to the majority of the decisions made. Someone was recently told that his/her disciplinary history was too extensive for consideration. I'm not the smartest mofo in the world but I do know what extensive means and a 1 day rip and a mva is not extensive. It's a motor vehicle "accident" NOT a mvop a motor vehicle "on purpose". Also more food for thought...when they tell you that you werent selected bc u have no investigative experience, ask them what are you doing when you're out there EVERYDAY dealing with general public dealing with their problems and making arrests and finding solutions. I'll tell u what ur doing guyz, YOU'RE INVESTIGATING! Just sayin...

  62. Blue pages? I get my info here. The chief put out a one line memo saying Mertes is the new department advocate. Very limited, very secretive, very typical. That information was not in the blue pages, it was on “We the People”. Let alone all the other interesting stuff we have learned here about the administration. The blue pages are propaganda, a stale management 101 idea, a joke.

    You should know that upstairs wants you to know as little as possible about administrative moves. Everything is a big secret. The mentality is "Don't talk about this or don’t talk about that" And that’s the way DKR and his staff like it. If nobody knows the whole truth and everything is secret, then they can function without accountability and do whatever they want. ie Putting Mertes in as the advocate or any other admin move. It’s all top secret stuff. Hush hush, don’t ask why the chiefs do what they do, just except it. That is why they all try to discredit this blog, because it exposes the taboo secrets of the department.

    You can read the one line memo from the chief and except it, even though you know it's the wrong thing to do; or you can get more information here and vent. Judging from the hit counter and the stacks of unread Blue Pages, like it or not -most of the cops come here.

  63. TO be honest I really hope none of the people writing on this blog are protecting anyone on the streets of Hartford. You are all the biggest group of complaning, unhappy, and have nothing better to do than sit on a blog and bitch. If you all feel that strongly why are none of you posting any names. I'm not a part of HPD but think maybe if you can all throw insults around about "your" dept and "your" co-workers you can at least post your name. Or hide behind "Anonymous".

  64. Anonymous 9:24pm'

    I appreciate what you are saying, but if you are a regular reader of theis blog, you are aware of what happens to people at HPD that are not playing "for the right team". The retaliation and retribution are swwift and usually severe for those that speak out. The number of comments on this posting is the most that have ever been posted for one of my blog post. That should tell you something right there that HPD leadership is a mess. Furthermore, for the Mayor to be aware of this and do nothing shows you even more that there is not only a lack of leadership at HPD, there is a lack of leadership citywide

  65. Just to let you all know. The large untouched stack of blue page newsletters is now on white paper. Did they run out of blue paper ? That should be a good entry level investigation for mertes to complete ....

  66. Marti miller is one of the best bosses I've had fair no bullshit if you mess up he will tell you if you do a good job he will reward you. 9 year this place had made me find out who is who the reality is that Martin miller is a good boss he might look like he sleeps with his uniform on but I'm starting to look like him because I'm to busy serving this city and the citizens. Mertes is not even Half the cop he is that's my piece you like it or not.

  67. I say we take our vote of no Confidence to the blog. I give my vote as first. 1-vote for no confidence in mayor and command staff

  68. For whomever has bad rants about Marty Miller must be jealous. Everyone knows patrol is the backbone that keeps the city from burning down every day. With that said Marty Miller has the total trust of 99% of street cops. He is our William Wallace.

  69. Segarra can't even lead a kindergarten I hope Vargas takes over union man lives in Hartford all his life don't forget segarra had to leave one time for unknown reasons ? Wow that's another story .

  70. After the clouds......more clouds

  71. @ Anonymous September 2, 2011 8:47 AM Are you kidding me?? Have you forgotten that Kevin got a cushy Weed and Seed coordinator desk job when he’s barely out of the academy or how about his current CSO spot….Hasn’t he been given enough already?...and now the polygraph job. When are the handouts going to end? The Brass doesn’t realize how demoralizing it is when they put their friendships a head of what's right for the Dept.

  72. And people wonder why HPD has such a huge turnover. I'm ready to get the hell outta here myself and transfer to Manchester or Newington where the Chiefs and morale are the opposite of HPD. See ya!

  73. Remember what they did to william wallace in the end .....hulkamaniacs for life !!!

  74. I say we find a fresh recruit in the academy and make him a detective. Now !!!!!!!

  75. If marty miller is william wallace. Which i totally agree. Then kevin is like robin hood! He serves a greater purpose. Htfd is no sherwood forest though. More like a new york ghetto .

  76. Patrol may be the HEART of the JOB but how come WE get the SH*T end of the stick??? The command staff uses the threat "I"m gonna send u 2Patrol like it's a bad thing. When we ALL came on this job ALL we wanted to do was wear the uniform. But a few crafty higher ups sold some naive kids with stars in their eyes the dream that "you can wear a football jersey and do detective-like work and eventually u Will BE detective". Guys bought into that BS and now we have 50 cops with no public speaking skills bc their dealing with the worst the city has to offer, instead of going to the "routine" calls and dealing with actual homeowners with a vested interest in the city who actually like cops and the city in which they live. Poor management at HPD is pervasive and they contaminate the new kids as soon as they get off FTO. God forbid if a new kid has a trade where an administrator can get discounted work at his home, CARTE BLANCHE and the world at HPD is his oyster. Reward the cops who do a great job in Patrol once in a while. It's a little too late bc very few of the command staff can remember their limited time in patrol. Oh! I also vote for NO CONFIDENCE. I believe that's 2 so far.

  77. You talking about Lt Ford using his position to have certain officer work at his house and in exchange a full time position at the pal program

  78. I've worked for that Place for quite a while and to be honest no positions other than the mounted unit had been posted. that was harnetts like 5 years ago when at least they pretended to give an opportunity. I also vote no confidence for Daryl gadaffi I mean roberts and Pedro hug a tree Segarra.

  79. Ive never seen such a group of crybabies ... Morale is down YES , Mertes sucks YES , were not happy with conditions are terrible YES ..... but Im still proud to wear my Hartford patch, don the uniform and walk the path that many proud great men walked before me ... Everyone that comments on here complaining is just adding to the propaganda that this blog is trying to put out there and paint a picture that HPD is a bunch of cowboys, liars, shady cops... well im not gonna lie there here, but its only a few ..... We keep hearing about a vote of no confidence, lets see it happen even though our guys are complaining I bet half wouldnt even vote ..... Now were talking about Conditions vs patrol , ya know what sounds to me like bitter jealousy to me, grow the F up people ... I agree with alot of what you guys are saying but lets not forget were all brothers and sisters in blue, next time before you comment think about the day you got your call you were hired for the greatest department in the state, think about when you walked accross that stage and got your badge how proud you were, how you would have defended the department and ready to go down swinging with anyone who bashed the department like you are doing here..... then comment, i would like to see those

  80. anonymous 2:33pm,

    you need to go back and re-read my postings about the efforts of HPD. With the exception of the leadership, cops involved in criminal activity and ridiculous things like parking a marked cruiser in a handicap space, I am usually very supportive of HPD's efforts, jst read the recent post about the efforts of the shooting task force. What is right is right and waht is wrong is wrong and that is what comes out here, Do you think over 70 people have commented becasue everything is wonderful at HPD? Take your blinders off and face reality. I have never tried to brand "HPD is a bunch of cowboys, liars, shady cops..."

  81. i want this post to hit a 100 come on boys and yes DKR sucks so what?

  82. Mr. Brookman maybe you should re read your posts.... everything that was written about morale and the department being the greatest in the state and all you heard was "Shady, Liar cops" this is typical and why 50 percent of your information is incorrect , you want to bring the truth? you want to shed light on things? you want to make a diffrence ? then get the real story ! verify it and bring it to the table ..... I would NEVER justify the criminal activity or abuse of power from any cop .... Also "parking in a handicap spot" thats your biggest story, maybe we should follow you around for a few days do you always legally park? wear your seat belt? follow the speed limits? so on and so forth, I would bet even you have ran into the store and left your car parked incorrectly or sped to make it to work cuz you were late.. no one is perfect and I think there are much better stories to talk about then a parking issue , Im sure even your not perfect and always follow every rule .. and yes more then 70 comments of all complaining, not one person mentioned anything good about the department ....There are a lot of good cops, boots to pavement everyday placing their lives on the line that are tired of all this HPD bashing , Why dont you come for a ride along MR. Brookman, let real cops that are proud of their job so you how it really is on the street, instead of bitter people that just want to spout off about what they personally feel, theres a bigger picture

  83. Anybody know the status of the Oconner investigation?

  84. The position of polygraph examiner going to Kevin, without any postings or competition, is a perfect example of HPD s . He probably would not be the most qualified candidate if others applied. PS Kevin can you please stop posting comments like somebody else thinks you're even remotely qualified at that job, just accepted t why your getting it... Nobody faults you.

  85. A no confidence vote will probably begin at the next union meeting. The only delay was the union summer break. A vote of no confidence should begin from union membership, not union leadership.

  86. I would like to see the comments hit 100. moral will improve when every officer is given an opertunity to compete. to show case there skills, education, and training. Marty Miller is not respected by everyone in patrol. only by the people that are his friends. Hey marty why dont you shave, cut that hair, and press that uniform.

  87. Marty miller is one of the top supervisors. He is logical and realistic he will help you even if he dislikes u. Unlike people like capt long and rob allen. Who are out for themselves and could not lead plastic toy soldiers in the parking lot of headquarters. Burke is also pretty good too. Grumpy but realistic and logical .....

  88. Occonnor should b put in booking. He is a serious hazard to public safety and himself

  89. Anonymous @ 3;41pm,

    I know these postings are hitting too close to home for you, but your attempts to deflect from the truth obviously aren't working, but good try. It might help if you back some of your statements up with facts. The figure of 50% accurate is interesting. Name one thing that has been inaccurate.

    This nonsense over whether the appointment is an "acting" or permanent position is ridiculous. Bottom line is DKR appointed Sgt. Mertes, and LT. Tedeschi has been told that when he returns from his sick leave he will not be going back as the Advocate.

    Even the allegations others have mentioned about Mertes's claims that she was the first female sniper in CT and was shot walking a beat on Albany Avenue are accurate and there is in fact an Internal Affairs memo that was submitted to both Chief Roberts and Chief Horvath detailing allegations against Sgt. Mertes and interviews conducted with witnesses to her "statements", I hesitate to call them lies because someone that can make up stories about being shot as well as claims about injuries to family members has a real problem psychologically. The document will speak for itself if and when the City complies with my FOI request for the memo.

    And feel free to follow me anytime you like, I may not always park properly, but I can say I never forced an elderly woman out of a handicap space so I could park there instead. And if you would like for me to ride along with you I would welcome the opportunity, although I doubt that you have too much experience on the inside of a patrol car, otherwise you would already know that I am very familiar with just about every corner of this city and am not afraid to venture into all of our neighborhoods, many of your "counterparts" that actually are out in the streets doing real police work will verify that for you.

    And I can also honestly say that I have never submitted a fraudulent "slip and fall" claim because I was upset with the City, can you say the same?

  90. First Mr. Brookman, u r doing a great job. Don't let the haters stop or derail ur efforts. I am a 16yr vet of the pd and still enjoy dealing with the public and d onning the uniform on a daily basis. I just HATE the BS the 2nd flr dishes out to the "grunts" like myself. It lowers morale and breeds dissension. Opportunities are only for a select few and those with preconceived notions (by the admin staff) will languish in "Patrol Purgatory". Altho I hate the BS, I still come to work on time (or early) and give my best like my friend M&M, I want the new kids to be the best they can be. If that means goin over their reports with a fine tooth comb or making sure they charge people appropriately, so be it. We still have a job to do, no matter how much "they" make it suck. Just hang in there guys, it will definitely get better. KEEP The FAITH.

  91. As a concerned citizen it surprises me that Oconner has not hurt himself or someone else as often as he drives home drunk from the Irish Club. But since Glastonbury PD pulled him over on a few occasions, he just badged them and was still allowed to drive home DRUNK!!! He has a Drinking problem and needs professional help!! Has HPD offered him help????

  92. Kevin,
    Thank you for this blog. Your BOLD, in your face style of social media can and has changed things. Maybe not as quickly as some would like, but it has happened.
    The truth has exposed those officers who have proven to be a waste of a uniform and tax payers money. This blog has already identified many professional leaders who are respected by the majority. Unfortunately they have been kept off flight status because they are a threat to the current regime. It's sad that some believe they are above department policy, but they are not above the law.
    I hope and pray that Lady Justice is presen`t when the Rudawitz investigation results are acted on and made available. Then let's start 2012 with Chief L. Seigersmith and put Capt. J. Buyak upstairs, where he should have been years ago.
    Kevin, would you ever consider a position as an HPD Public Information Officer?

  93. patrol not traffic you must be one of Marty friends. did he do you bathroom? he not the best supervisor. He a mess! if you going to pick someone to be william Wallace pick someone else. Mad-36 are you taking about drunks at HPD? Oconner hasnt crashed 2 or 3 PD cars. Patrol will be fine without Marty

  94. Marty miller is fair. And above all he treats co workers with a common courtesy and not have a power trip because an officer wont grovel on his knees for his rank like other people around here. Take some direction from capt buyak and learn to treat people as you want to be treated.

  95. Miller supporter !!!!!September 4, 2011 at 5:45 PM

    Mertes will now refer herself to eap for hurt feelings or she will attempt to use her new postion to get revenge. If i have a run in with her. I will hav my attorney and the union ready. Im sure she will do a fine job violating labor laws and rights of officers ........

  96. A new day of respect and change is approaching led by commander brockman and his followers. What does not kill u makes us stronger.

  97. Are u kidding me!!! ......... Really! Who is the minus five with the third grade education trying to blog. Nice job turd!

  98. Valkerie was on tv last nite. I think we need to take notes on the failed over throw attempt on Germany ...

  99. I can't believe the response this issue received. It's incredible. I knew I didn't like Mertes, I knew that most of the people I'm close with don't like her, but I had no clue there was such widespread hatred for this chubby bunny. Maybe once DKR is gone she'll follow.

  100. Mr. Brookman,
    I think you should start a new post on the Kevin O'Brian lie detector training situation, being that half of the comments in this post are about it

  101. I don't really think that's a great idea to single out a post about the new polygraph examiner, although I do agree with everyone that it's totally asinine how a rookie landed this position. It's not in Kevin Brookman's best interest to start blogging like that. Where as in this blog was about how Tedeshi was stripped of his title and relplaced by Mertes who is already under DKR's thumb, it also just so happens that no one likes Mertes and commented accordingly.
    By the way....#100. Retire Mertes

  102. Fuzzy,

    I agree and I think I stated that here previously. It is unfortunate that the process has already put a cloud over this officer. I don't fault him, I fault the administration and the process itself for drawing his performance into question. I really don't know the Officer, I believe I have only met him once and he seemed professional and a decent guy. Even if he was the choice from the start, why not open the process up and at least try to make it legit.

    I allowed the posts about the selection to go through because I think it was in line with the same questions regarding the selection of Mertes without any legitimate process.

    There were quite a few posts that referred to a specific Sergeant and potential drinking and mental issues. Although I think the comments were somewhat legitimate, I did not put those through because they were not pertinent to the discussion and I don't want to get into bashing individuals "anonymously". But I agree with your comments and lets try to stay with the topic.

    It does point to the problems with leadership and I'm sure many of the same problems will be detailed in the Rudewicz report.

    And the comments have now exceeded 100, pretty good for a blog that DKR doesn't think people should pay attention to.

  103. Kevin
    For what it's worth a basic background check has been started on Mertes. Hummmm why did Springfield MA. let go of such a valuable asset to that city?
    Let's look at all the out of state transplants that were injected into the department and ask yourself, what did they bring to the table. Lets see, color of the day arm bands, divide and conquer specialized units like V & N, code 3 haircuts. What, Mertez was a gift from Springfield. Was in patrol a week, someone decided to make her an FTO. Please. Her probationary police officer (PPO) dropped her off at the academy and respectfully told the staff, Really!!!!, could I have a real cop? Can you smell FEAR? I guess if your totally ineffective on the street why not become a boss? plus if you suck as a boss, we'll just hide you upstairs in the chiefs complex.
    Now she polishes apples for the A/C. Is that what their calling it now.

  104. I've had a few conversations with Mertes myself, I can tell you she comes off as a nice lady.....that is of course, until she flicks that switch of hers and turns into a wombat when you say something she may not agree with or simply upsets her. And forget ever bringing it up again because it's out of the question, she'll avoid you like the plague. GREAT LEADERSHIP and maturity. I can't for the life of me understand how she ever became a cop much less get to where she is upstairs. I hope that all of her skeletons come pouring out of the closet right here on We The People!

  105. This blog site is my new blue page

  106. It will be amazing to watch the second floor run around like little smurfs once vargas is elected mayor.

  107. Wait.....Did Mertes complete the 'self-sponsored' academy in MA? Because that doesn't count. shouldn't count anyway.

  108. Maybe with some support from his fellow officers, Kevin might meet, or even exceed, your "standards" ! You wanted to talk about morale, didn't you !?

  109. 105 comments, I think this may be a "We the People" record!

  110. Those cookies tasted good. At least Zarger made a great attempt to boost morale and bake cookies for C -squad. I miss Lt Jobes also. He was the best!!!!Now all we have left is Occonnor Miller is also extremely great ..

  111. The tribunes, Marullus and Flavius, break up a gathering of Roman citizens who seek to celebrate Julius Caesar's triumphant return from war. The victory is marked by public games in which Caesar's friend, Mark Antony, takes part. On his way to the arena Caesar is stopped by a stranger who warns that he should 'Beware the Ides (15 th ) of March.'

    Fellow senators, Caius Cassius and Marcus Brutus, are suspicious of Caesar's reactions to the power he holds in the Republic. They fear he will accept offers to become Emperor. Cassius, a successful general himself, is jealous, while Brutus has a more balanced view of the political position. Cassius, Casca, and their allies, visit Brutus at night to persuade him of their views, and they plan Caesar's death. Brutus is troubled but will not confide in his devoted wife, Portia.

    On the 15th March Caesar is urged not to go to the Senate by his wife, Calphurnia, who has had dreams that he will be murdered, and she fears the portents of the overnight storms. He is nevertheless persuaded by flattery to go and as petitioners surround him Caesar is stabbed and dies as Brutus gives the final blow. Against Cassius's advice Mark Antony is allowed by Brutus to speak a funeral oration in the market place after Brutus has addressed the people of Rome to explain the conspirators' reasons and their fears for Caesar's ambition. Brutus calms the crowd but Antony's speech stirs them to rioting and the conspirators are forced to flee from the city.

    Brutus and Cassius gather an army in Northern Greece and prepare to fight the forces led by Mark Antony, who has joined with Caesar's great-nephew, Octavius, and with Lepidus. Away from Rome, Brutus and Cassius are filled with doubts about the future and they quarrel bitterly over funds for their soldiers' pay. They make up the argument and despite the misgivings of Cassius over the site they prepare to engage Antony's army at Philippi. Brutus stoically receives news of his wife's suicide in Rome, but he sees Caesar's ghost as he rests, unable to sleep on the eve of the conflict.

    In the battle the Republicans at first appear to be winning but when his messenger's horse seems to be overtaken by the enemy Cassius fears the worst and gets his servant, Pindarus, to help him to a quick death. Brutus, finding Cassius's body, commits suicide as the only honourable action left to him. Antony, triumphant on the battlefield, praises Brutus as 'the noblest Roman of them all', and orders a formal funeral before he and Octavius return to rule in Rome.

  112. So basically your saying we should be aware of September 12th, the results of the Robles hearing. Then the elections on the 13th, which will give us a new ruler. Thank You in advance.

  113. god your all such a joke. first time looking at this and last. unreal group of whiners and cry babies...

  114. To the last commenter:
    Because I doubt that was your first and last time reading this blog and because I'm sure you're reading this, I'm going to speak directly to you.
    You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. Out of even the most over the top posts yours pisses me off more than anything ever posted on We The People, that incudes Sgt. Mertes' post. If you knew what kind of crap and lack of morale and leadership officers at HPD have to deal with on a daily basis ONTOP of daily duties of protecting the city then you wouldn't have made such an asinine and ignorant comment. If you are somehow affiliated with HPD or Hartford and are familiar with what goes on, then your comment is only that much more sad and you should be one of the first folks to leave the City.
