Monday, September 5, 2011


I guess the answer to that is probably yes, as it seems that the long awaited Rudewicz Report may be submitted this week.

But putting the report aside for the moment, Chief Daryl K. Roberts must sit in his office some days and shake his head asking "WHY ME?". A lot of the controversy is his own doing, many of them caused by questionable decisions he has made as to those he surrounds himself with. The latest one though I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he had very little control over.

It would almost be a comical situation if it didn't have the potential to turn very bad very quick. It seems that, according to several HPD sources, Connecticut State Treasurer Denise Nappier was charged with Operating an Unregistered Motor Vehicle, Misuse of Plates, Operating Without Insurance and her vehicle was towed and her Connecticut License plates were seized last Thursday night by a Hartford Police Officer.

I don't have the actual copy of the incident report, I will hopefully have that tomorrow, so in the meantime I won't name the HPD Officer. The sources that spoke with me were not sure what the probable cause, if any, to stop Ms. Nappier was. They all thought it was bizarre the way the situation was handled and no supervisors stepped in to correct the incident before it went too far.

I originally thought Nappier was fair game if she was operating her personal vehicle without the proper plates. It seems that wasn't the case though. It was her state issued vehicle with the single digit "Connecticut Official" license plate. I think Nappier is either plate number "4" or "5". Right there, that should have immediately raised red flags for anyone paying attention.

The only thing worse would have been that she was towing plate "1", Governor Malloy, or "2" Lieutenant Governor Wyman. But nope, no red flags for anyone. Apparently, if the stop was called in, no supervisor heard it or questioned it. The wrecker was called to tow the state vehicle, the plates were seized and Ms. Nappier was sent on her way to walk home with her summons in hand.

Even more interesting though is the fact that the officer's sergeant signed off on her report and approved it, what HPD calls a "10-9". Still no red flags. I would think my first question after reading the report would have been "YOU DID WHAT?". And then immediately have set about implementing some serious damage control, first of which to make sure the State Treasurer had arrived safely home after she was left walking.

It seems that sometime Friday, Hartford County State's Attorney Gail Hardy with one of her Inspectors in tow, paid a visit to Chief Roberts at his office. From what I am told, it wasn't the most cordial visit between the two (they seldom are) and the Inspector was sent to retrieve the plate from the barrel they are tossed in before they are returned to DMV.

As of now, it seems as though the entire situation was more of a clerical error
caused by a new vehicle issued to Nappier and the paperwork hadn't caught up with DMV yet. It just makes you wonder if anyone is paying attention.

Why was the car even sent on the road if the proper paperwork wasn't in place, but also when does common sense kick in to figure out the situation?

Like I've said before Chief, it can't get much worse


  1. At least the officer was trying to do traffic investigations. You cant fault her for that .....

  2. So, she was, allegedly, driving an unregistered vehicle, missuse of plates, and no insurance. "They all thought it was bizarre the way the situation was handled and no supervisors stepped in to correct the incident before it went too far." Are you implying that public servants are above the law? If, in fact, the vehicle wasn't registered or insured, who would have been responsibile if she had an accident, or worse, ran over someone? THE STATE!
    Then, you say, someone should have checked to insure she arrived home safely. Is that S.O.P. for the H.P.D., or are you suggesting that because it's a high ranking state employee,the situation should be handled differantly? What if it had been my Mother, or your Mother? And if, in fact, it was a clerical error, she was still driving an unregistered, uninsured vehicle. Someone dropped the ball big time!

  3. A traffic investigation that used a little common sense and would stand up in court might have more benefit for the City. Give me a laptop and I could probably find you 50 unregistered/misuse plates that were actually just that, not a brand new vehicle issued to the Treasurer of the State of Connecticut

  4. RB,

    And I think I stated that "Why was the car sent out on the road in the first place?".

    But the process only got worse as it went on, and I have to dig into this more, but there is probaly some sort of exemption for these plates. I know the governors vehicles swap plates around regularly. The "1" could be on his towncar or his suburban depending on the situation, or a regular passenger plate is affixed if needed.

    There are a few scenarios that would have made a lot more sense. I agree with the liability issue, but maybe even tow the car back to the Capitol and turn it over to the Capitol Police, at the States expense, rather than leave Nappier walking with a ticket.

    And no , I am not condoning speacial treatment for politicians. When I first heard about this Thursday night, I was going to FOI the report to show that the Treasurer was not exempt. That was when I initially was told it was her private personal vehicle.

  5. I cant wait to fax that rudiwitz report to every federal agency ...... Soon. Very soon ...

  6. Hopefully i will get some ot in car 16

  7. As I've heard it, the "4" plate was in the vehicle, not on the vehicle, which she turned over to the officer for an unknown reason. The plates in question for proper registration were found to have no history until paperwork magically appeared from the state Friday afternoon.

  8. if Denise Nappier got into an accident and did not have the updated information in her car, she would have been cited and sued. No one is above the law. The citizens of hartford,and the state of CT are held to the same standards, must have updated registration, insurance card and correct plates.
    From my sources, Ms.Nappier was offered a ride home several times, and was given numerous chances to have some one from the state to assist with her vehicle issue, but she refused provide any information. Where was her state issued cellphone that has the list of all the heads of the state, i.e. the Comm. of DMV, or some one from the Capitol Police.

    But at the same time, the good ol' race issue came up in which she accused the officer for stopping her because she was, em, black. Can they stop beating the dead horse, last time I check the north end of Hartford is 99% black, I think the white officer is the minority in those areas.
    From what I know, a patrol sergeant does not need to be at every traffic stop.
    I think Ms.Nappier has enough political pull to rectify the problem.
    Mr. Brookman you must know Ms.Nappier very well, but state plate or not, the information was not correct. Even if DMV did not update the system, the updated registration and "insurance card" would be with the vehicle.
    The Gov. cannot just swap plates around on his vehicles, that is illegal. Although he has more than one vehicle they all must have plates that correspond to the VIN.

    So, its not a "Daryl, Can it get any worse" it more of Ms.Nappier make sure your state issued car is legit. Also If Dannel Malloy didn't close DMV offices things would have been good.
    My sources tell me, Ms.Nappier as went as far and had the officer removed from his patrol area. Which to me is wrong. I guess doing your job, and not having fear of who you are and what title you have is not a good habit to have as a officer.

    What if the officer did not cite Ms.Nappier and she then gets in an accident, guess what the officer will be in trouble for not taking action. What if the officer did let Ms.Nappier go, I will probably believe that she would have complained anyway. So its a double edge sword.

    So tell me this Mr.Brookman is it right for the treasurer to call the Chief directly and complain, then have the officer taken from his patrol area. What happened with a citizen complaint, following the rules of using the internal affairs to conduct an investigation.
    Did the officer do something wrong?
    Traffic stops are conducted everyday in Hartford, that 4 out of 5 cars are unregistered which is huge liability to the other drivers on the road. So the officer did his job, no matter what.

    Ask Ms.Nappier to be more truthful and give the right story. She should be ashamed of the antics she pulled and railroading she is doing to the officer.

  9. Now morale will sink even more. I have been working in patrol for over 9 years. I always get that race card non sense. Im sick of it. Find another excuse why ur car is not registered or you are talking on ur cell Phone. Do you really think that any officer. Who gets paid a good check would just go around pulling over black people. That area of the city is 100 percent black. That obama crutch is geting old. And who does she think she is to have that officer pulled from the street. I would like to see some of this politicians push a patrol car on a friday night. Responding to shots fired. That officer might not be the best but at least she is out on the street trying to do an already dangerous job.

  10. All this "Transperacy" talk from administration in regards to how the citizens and police should be working together, how we treat them the same as we do our own, and how we must work together. Apparently, that has no bearing on this particular situation.

    CT Title 14 statute 14-213b clearly states that "If an officer cannot be presented upon request a valid insurance card, that shall be used as prima fascia evidence that none exist." Well, policy dictates that if an operator cannot provide insurance at the time of the stop, than the vehicle WILL be towed.

    The officer followed procedure. Even if the car is self insured by the State of Connecticut, it STILL needs to have an insurance card in it with the vehicles particular information. It is not insured by default just because it is a CT owned fleet vehicle.

    This is being blown out of proportion. If the officer cut her loose, (against HPD policy AND CT law) it would clearly be seen as favoritism to politicians, and something that should be avoided at all costs. If Denise left and crashed, God forbid, than it would be observed through NCIC that the officer ran that registration earlier, and the question would come up as to why she was cut loose and given preferential treatment. THAT would stir up a shit storm of gigantic proportions that nobody wants to even fathom. That would cause the officer, the city, the state, and all involved the biggest liability suit that they have ever seen.

    We are taught early at the academy not to give preferential treatment to family, friends, politicians, or anyone else for that matter.

    Anyone operating a vehicle other than their own have a legal obligation to ensure that the registration, insurance, and all applicable paperwork is in order. This clearly wasn't done, and now the officer is paying for it all by doing their job, transferred to the "Booking" division away from the public. That ought to boost morale. Here's the message, "Do your job with moral fortitude and free of favoritism, and get transferred out of your permanent assignment."

    The officer followed policy and letter of the law. There's nothing much more to it.

  11. Mr. Brookman, What I take issue with is your comment "And then immediately have set about implementing some serious damage control, first of which to make sure the State Treasurer had arrived safely home after she was left walking."

    So, because it's the State Treasurer, and not a common taxpayer, The HPD should go out of their way to make sure she gets home OK!

  12. Mister Brookman, your were correct in what you had stated. Federal, State and Municipal vehicle's are exempt from registration. Further, like the city of Hartford, are self insured, and insurance cards are not required. You guys make yourselves look so stupid being so ignorant of the laws you attempt to enforce. Maybe if you guys with only a few years of service were around long enough, you'd know that. All that being said, the sergeant that signed the report should have caught the officer's stupidity. As for the officer in question, she does nothing but demean and demoralize citizens, she does not know how to treat anyone. She probably has the most citizen complaints in the short time she's been a cop. She should not be in any position where she has any contact with any citizens. Every HPD officer that has seen her in action knows this is the case. She is an embarrassment to the badge and the city.

  13. I agree, the officer belongs in booking away from public.

  14. @ Anonymous 2:27. You are incorrect. Every vehicle that bears a marker plate has a registration. That is what a registration is. The registration would belong to the state of connecticut, and it details the year, make, model, color, finance group, lienholder, or registrant. Thats why it is called a registration PLATE. All cars, cruisers, unmarked, busses, tanks, whatever has a hard copy registration certificate. They are exempt from TAXES. If it has a plate, it has a hard copy registration certificate, end of story.

  15. As we all know this Officer is a liability waiting to happen to the organization. But what puzzles me is how is how the supervisor signed off on her report. He should have at least questioned it considering he was attached to State Wide Auto Theft Task Force for several years.

    Furthermore if she gets disciplined for her actions, so should he. But that won't happen since he has been ordered to conduct the investigation into the incident and he will find her totally at fault and no wrong doing on his part.

  16. Why is she still on the police force. Is the kith waiting until she kill someone for no reason.

  17. I remember a long time ago, I was comming home from Riverside amusement park in Agawam, Mass (At that time it was still Riverside and not six flags).

    I was pulled over by the Connecticut state police on I 91, Because he ran my plate (I was not speeding or anything else) And my plate information came back to the previous vehicle that i had, And this was 6 months after i bought my other vehicle and transfered the plate to my new vehicle, The Connecticut DMV was six months behind on transfering my plate number to my new vehicle.

  18. Can Channel 3 get the story right. My god they have it all wrong....

  19. Lets leave the officer alone. Kevin you are incorrect because if anything else was done by the officer regarding our State Treasurer then there would have been a real problem. The police officer did the job expected.

    Politicians and police never mix. If you do one a favor he/she will repay you by sticking it up you a** at some point to save their own skin.

    Stick with your other issues because you are pretty informative but please do not take up the flag for someone driving an unregistered vehicle, especially a politician.

    Police sergeants have a lot more important things to do than supervising every traffic stop and they are way down on the listing of priorities for a sergeant, a first responding supervisor to do.

    And what the hell is the Chief States Attorney for GA-14 doing handling a traffic stop? That is the question you should be really asking.

    Morwe bullshit, more corruption and who will take the majority of the criticism from those with no business giving it--Chief Roberts and the police officer who gave out the ticket.

  20. I have a question is there any happy person in the Hartford Police Dept.????? I never heard of a place where there are so many backstabbers cut throats immoral people I thinks its safe to say that Albany Avenue Capen and Garden Street are all safer places to be than 50 Jennings Rd. Better yet you could get a better deal from one of them gangsters on Albany Ave than you could from one of the command staff at HPD anyway thank GOD football season started because if it didn't crime would probably be higher

  21. It seems to me that common sense went out the window here. If it was any other officer I might be inclined to back her supporters but you’re talking about a person who constantly escalates a situation and starts fires on calls. She’s a very rude and discourtesy officer and she’s the reason why people hate cops. You should be ashamed of supporting her. How many times has she tried to jam guys up because she under the delusion that everyone wants her? Please…she’s a liability and needed to be taken off streets.

  22. Ray Lewis, Baltimore Ravens said the same thing about football and crime. At least sunday afternoon would me a good time to bring my wife and kids to Sigourney Square Park. The grass is cut thanks to Kevin at least..........

  23. Put her in conditions with the rest of them idiots

  24. At least the "idiots" in conditions don't keep putting trash in an obviously full trash can...

  25. Anon @ 2:27 certainly *IS* right, and anon @ 4:37 has it wrong. I'm in charge of a government department's fleet. They do not carry a conventional registration, and plates get moved among vehicles regularly. While they do have insurance cards, all the information on them is blank except the government name and policy number. BTW, government agencies are not the only ones exempt from the normal registration/plate/insurance deal. Surely most people have test driven a car at a dealership? Do you really think they do a conventional registration/plate/insurance on every single car on the lot, then turn that plate in and cancel when the car is sold? No of course not. They have a handful of insured dealer plates, and they cover whatever car they are legitimately being used on. So no, despite what some people are positive is fact, not every plate must correspond to a specific VIN.

  26. Thank you "Chris"! Of course anonymous at 2:27 is right. That's what happens when your dealing with an Officer such as the one that did such a stupid thing!!! Writing a summons to the state treasurer in a state vehicle. She is absolutely ignorant and plain stupid! That's what happens when your dealing with an officer such as her who thinks she knows everything and thinks what she did is right. Going to booking isn't a punishment, it's a gift to her. With all her incidents and complaints, then this, she should be fired! And "Ned" @1119am, maybe the Chief states attorney for GA14 is involved because the State Treasurer was issued a misdemeanor summons which is an arrest??? Just like the officer involved, and the few officers thinking she did the "right" thing, you need to get your facts straight and have a better understanding of the law and judicial system, and oh yah, motor vehicle statutes. You guys look so stupid. JK, you should be ashamed of yourself and you look even dumber now! Hide out in booking for a few years, shut your mouth for once, and hope this passes!!!!

  27. Sounds like this officer has had other complaints. People with such a lack in patience and the attitude that people they deal with/pull over/stop on the street are not as high and mighty as they themselves are Have no business being police.
    I wonder how many people have been wrongly pulled over or even worse arrested that didn't have a position in politics to save them. SCARY

  28. I blame command staff for puting her on the road. Just keep her in teleserve. She actually did a great job in there. She is not the best. But look at the city its looks like post ww2 germany.

  29. I blame command staff for puting her on the road. Just keep her in teleserve. She actually did a great job in there. She is not the best. But look at the city its looks like post ww2 germany.

  30. This Officer obviously has a very poor reputation and totally lacks common sense ! I can just hear the conversation " Excuse me Im Denise Nappier (shows License) I am the State Treasurer and this is a state Car "(Police officer verifies her identity) but finds a glich in the State Cars paper work . Now remember this lady is basically Number 4 In the State of Ct food chain !!!!
    You have to be kidding me right? That this cop would tow her car and make her walk home and think thier would be no repercussions . I wonder how this officer treats regular Joe citizen? Very Badly from what I Hear . Officer whos next ? the governor ? Well as you police officers say " Have a nice Day Officer !!!

  31. she belongs to the chiefs complex or conditions,she fits the profile of a serious mental case.

  32. To Dumb and Dumber,

    Does anyone think that the Top States Attorney should be getting involved in this flap? Past prosecutors would never get near that thing ever. So your pseudonym, dumb and dumber is accurate. You can get any dumber.

  33. How do you think Sgt. Oconner would have handled this situation?

  34. Does she even know who Denise Nappier is? I mean, did she make the connection at the time of the stop? It went this far, I would say "no" to both questions...and THAT, dear people, is why this is such a mess...among other obvious problems.

  35. first off, the writer was correct that this should have been handled by a citizen complaint and investigated by IAD. 2nd please don't use the race card, the population in the area of the stop is mostly Afro American. 3rd if a white person was stopped in the area this could be considered racial profiling due to you are targeting a person that is not normally in the area. I think this whole thing is going to back fire on Denise. Do you really think that she walked home three miles. From a source she contacted the capital police and was given a ride. The walk to her area of town is 4.2 miles not 3 miles.

  36. This is what happens when supervision breaks down to such a low that officers act without thinking.

    Additionally all officers especially in the Capitol City should know basic information about city and state government. Basic information that was once stuff that we knew because we were interested and had a sense of current and past city and state history is missing today.

    The officer had a duty to immediately contact her immediate sueprvisor, that would be the street sergeant, and to advise him/her of who had been stopped. The supervisor, who is supposed to be a wiser and more seasoned officer could assess the situation and decide what to do. The officer failed to do so and we have the situation that we now see. She belongs in booking where she can do little harm tot he public and to her career.

    This is an embarassing situation for everyone involved with no good explanation from either side.

    It is damaging to State Government and to HPD. No one believes the State Treasurer and her explanations and no one seems to support the officer.

    But don't worry because something will happen soon to make this look like a non event very soon.

  37. Kevin,
    The articles mention that Gail Hardy was given the registration and report, at which time she found no fault on Nappier. Let me ask you this- Did she give Gail the same registration she gave the officer at the time of the stop? Or did she lie to Gail and give her the "valid" one. If DAS stating that the wrong registration was in the car, and that the officer did in fact get the wrong expired registration from Nappier, then how is this even an issue? Something smells fishy. Find this out and you will be a hero to us all.

  38. This is hilarious. About time the "instigator" was taken of the streets. This is the same person who has told recruits to remove a portion of the assigned gun holster once probation is completed because "it gets in the way". Same person who repeatedly shows up to calls as back up, only to escalate the situation in every, and all possible ways. 

     High Functioning Mentally Challenged Person  

  39. I have read this blog for the past few months and have seen nothing but bitter members of the Hartford Police Department lashing out and trading inside information and embarrassing the patch.
    It is in disbelief that you members would tarnish your own patch by being disloyal to one of your own, back stabbing and dragging there names through the mud. No matter if you dislike your co-worker, we, you all have the same common ground, go home safely at the end of the watch and back up your wingman when required.
    It seems you have all forgotten.
    I worked in an era in which we confronted the ones who are not pulling there weight. Not hide behind phony screen names.
    As I read this blog I see that you will trash this officer and disgrace their name. Not matter if they were right or wrong we support each other.
    Being a police officer is a brotherhood a sisterhood which few can be apart of, it is quite apparent that you few members of the Hartford Police Department has lost that valuable family like motto.

    If you have no leaders leading then taking upon yourselves to keep your morale high, talk to one another, tell each if they are doing the right or wrong, most of all trust each other. When the day end you must be grateful that you all are going home. Because you will never know when your numbers is up. This officer you guys are trashing maybe the same one who may be giving you aide, talking you through those moments, consoling a family member of yours.

    I understand Mr.Brookmans blog, but dont't add hurtful embarrassing comments, truth or not.

    Have pride in your department have respect for your fellow officer, but most off rise above the contagious thing they call rumors.

    Next time you get dress in your uniform, read the officers oath, the code of conduct. Look in the mirror and see if your a true police officer

  40. Kevin,
    #1. Is nappier eligable for plate #44?
    #2. Gail, get off your but and correct the BS at DMV. Let's see you storm into that office. When you register a vehicle in Mass your vehicle is entered into the system before you get back into it. From what I have been told by DMV is it's not a difficult procedure. Then offer driver training to nappier as that's what started this event in the first place.
    #4. hightower, keep your mouth shut. you can read the Blue Blog, but don't offer your useless words of wisdom.
    #5. To 147, No in the north end if your charged by police for any violation and you have been brought up to believe that nothing is ever your fault, you can storm the chief's complex and scream racism. It always works and gets you damages $$.
    #6. to RB @ 2:22
    I think mr. brookman was refering to professional curtisey in so much as damage control.
    To Rebellious Slave @ 12:32
    Very few are happy! the command staff can't even get along with each other. Albany @ Capen are safer places than 50 Jennings rd. at least on Albany Ave you know who your enemies are and can adjust accordingly. At 50 jennings rd it's easy to get stabbed in the back by a coward and few see it coming.
    To Chris @ 6:06
    Keep clicking your heels together and telling yourself that. Again, It's not your fault, remember?
    To Anonymous @ 6:52
    Sounds like your describing a city hall employee. Talk about cut and paste, thank you.
    To Anonymous @ 5:02
    Who cares how Oconner would have handled this. He's passed out in a booth at the Irish Club.
    And remember everyone, Have a Nice Day!

  41. I agree with A 231 dumb and dumber are in lala land. They must be doing lots of trespass dumb dumb dumb dumb,,,,,,
