Monday, September 12, 2011


Last week I had requested the incident report for the Nappier traffic stop. Several other media outlets including WFSB and the Courant had also asked for it and were refused. The explanation was that it was part of an ongoing investigation and exempt from release.

At least one person I spoke with at FOI disagreed with that , but none the less, the report was not released. Luckily, I was able to obtain the report from an "alternative" source and posted it here. Now, apparently HPD has seen the light and decided to abide by the FOI laws. Or did they just figure out that resistance was futile since I had already posted it?

Whatever the reason, the letter below was e-mailed to me this afternoon advising me that the report was available"for immediate release" and it would cost $1.00 for copies. Thanks HPD, but I'm all set. And by the way Channel 3 is all set also, they have it on their website too.

And another question, why are we wasting a sworn police officer, a detective at that, to handle FOI requests? Wouldn't she be better off actually solving crimes instead of violating FOI laws?

Here is the response letter:


  1. Great Job Kevin. Keep them following the law!

  2. You know how it is Mike, it's not always easy but like I told Dan Nolan, the truth usually wins out over evil.

    And you keep up the good work also. When does Officer Murtha start back?

  3. Love the way the Courant is using your blog as a source in today's story.

  4.  Despite everything I've ever read on this blog or heard from HPD officer's themselves, I still want nothing more than to be a sworn Officer of the Hartford Police Department. I would be honored to be lucky enough to learn from and work next to some of the finest Officers in the nation, to help protect the citizens and visitors of Hartford until I'm too old to go to work everyday.  
     This blog has been great. Without it, If I were to be hired, all of these issues discussed here I would have discovered after the fact and they would have proven to be overwhelming I'm sure. New recruits with the knowledge of this blog ahead of time should prove to be a commodity for the City.  
    With passion and eagerness combined with the knowledge of what is right and wrong, what is transparent and corrupt....we ARE the future of HPD. 
    Post Nubila Phoebus

    P.S. Kevin, Murtha was said to be put through the next Academy class, which from what I heard is to be shortly after this current class. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to be his classmate.

  5. You don't want to work here, go for any other surrounding town/city such as Manchester, Newington, Waterbury, Middletown even East Hartford. Hartford is a mess, and I say that to anyone looking for a LEO career.
    I'm looking to jump ship myself. Everyone may not feel the same as me but I'm defiantly not the only one.

  6. No can you F.O.I the V.I.N. on the car (according to the report) Napier was driving that night? Is it possible that Napier purchased a 2007 Crown Vic from the state when they updated their fleet? Maybe she wanted a similar car to drive, that she didn't pay taxes on, when she couldn't drive the state issued vehicle. Or is it her state vehicle and she takes the time to change plates on it when she doesn't want anyone to know its her.

  7. HPD needs to change how they handle FOI's. Just except them, respect them and move on. What the hell does Det. Weibush do all day anyway? $80,000 a year to fight and lose FOI's? Seems like a waste.

    That's funny how you got the report anyway. That fact alone does not make the administration look vey good. You should get their official copy to see if anything is redacted. Either way, it sounds like you owe somebody one dollar. ;)

  8. I think it cost me $5.98, but how can you put a price on justice :) The HPD copy would have been cheaper

  9. anonymous with the passion to be on the HPD, I am just curious to know if you leave in Hartford? I love your passion for the HPD and would love to see someone like you as my neighbor too. Thank you for wanting to serve this city.

  10. The interesting thing about you Brookman is that your detractors seem to be reading your blog- and telling everyone else not to. Why is that-do you think?

  11. I do not live in the City sir, but I live within 10 miles and I'm familiar with the city, albeit not intimately.

  12. whatever my "detractors" are doing, please ask them to keep it up, over 5,000 hits today alone

  13. Let me add that if I am lucky enough to be hired on, my house would go up for sale and I would relocate to Hartford.

  14. the courant cant report themselves out of a paper bag...they ought to fold that rag.

  15. Kev, I heard you mentioned once again on Fox 61 at 10pm. Good stuff, keep up the great work!!

  16. Isn't Nappier our state treasurer? She used to seem bright and articulate. Now however I'm concerned that after that embarrassing fiasco in February when it came out that her "DRIVER" was paid 90G + to drive her to after hours, off duty events you'd THINK she would have made sure everthing else was in order. I wonder if she handles a big bounced check or bank error to pension funds in such a non-chalant manner.

    This joke of an "issue" is costing us precious money we don't have to spend on "investigations". So if we're going to spend it on investigations anyway lets blow it wide open. Nappier made a verbal public pledge to the Lea Foundation at one of thier events (not sure if she had a driver to that event). Has she properly processed the paperwork andfollowed through with that pledge?

    Governor Malloy; please cut out the state vehichles for these "entitled" politicans and stop taking money away from the most vulnerable the children who need education, health and even mental health services.

  17.  This kind of shenanigan is why HPD is so toxic. The amount of deception, distraction,  concealment, and entitlement here is absurd. This kind of behavior is why moral is so low. Why the majority of officers feel betrayal and distrust toward most supervisors. 

    What makes it worst is the  downward ripple effect this has on officers who are favored by supervisors. How many times has an officer gotten over the radio to inflict harassment, abuse or humiliation without supervisors promptly stepping in, and correcting the behavior? 

    This hazing mentality needs to go away if an environment where unhealthy competition is to be discouraged. Supervisors, and senior officers need to go out of his way to make sure everyone knows where everyone stands at any point in time, to reduce speculation and misinterpretations. 

    What's more effective, pulling an officer to the side, or going to other officers, and putting an officers name through the mud? 

    O yeah...  Sgt. O' Connor, I think you are crazy man. Maybe you should go fishing, or go play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare or something. When you are a street boss, proactive policing goes down 1000%. 

  18. Interesting that the FOI response says that the Hartford Police Department doesn't keep their records electronically.....

    Interestingly, accident reports are kept electronically and are available on line.

  19. Amen brother. Occonnor is a danger to officer safety based on his demeanor. He has poor peoPle skills
