Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Hartford City Council President rJo Winch posted the following comment on her face book page last week:"For the fbers who also read the WE THE PEOPLE Blog be ware of false statements. The latest is that I fired a Fireman. No, his boss fired him. My involvement was the mistreatment and maltreament of a female recruit. I fought for her to remain in the training program. I will take what ever fall out comes my way and given the same situation I will do it again."

I'm not sure where she gets her information or if she even checks the facts before she opens her mouth, but if her past history is any indication, we know she doesn't. In the post she is referring to, no where do I mention her. What was in the post were transcripts of sworn testimony by former Hartford Fire Chief Charles Teale. In the transcripts, Teale refers to Winch's involvement trying to prevent a female recruit from being terminated. In the transcripts below, on page 60 Assistant Chief Michael Parker testifies to the fact that he believed Nolan was correct in terminating recruit Felicia Graves because they felt she was incompetent and unfit to be a Hartford firefighter.

Here is the posting Winch refers to, I will give a $50.00 gift certificate to the Hook & Ladder Restaurant to the first person that can find anywhere in the posting where I even mentioned her or claimed she fired anyone. In a comment, someone asked if she was involved in the Nolan matter, and if you read Teales testimony, he stated under oath that she was.

More tedious reading, but the facts are there to make your decision as to whether Nolan's termination was politically motivated. After political pressure, Graves was returned to the next academy class after Nolan was fired and the way was cleared, even after Parker and others claimed she was unfit for the job


  1. Oh Darn! I really wanted to win that gift certificate,too. Winch out! BROOKMAN IN!

  2. I'm not too worried about paying out on that one because her claims just aren't there

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  5. Anonymous said...
    So rJo Wench is concerned about her precious reputation on your blog??? Funny I would worry more about her "involvement was the mistreated and maltreatment of a female recruit". Her words not mine. She further states "I fought for her to remain in the training program and given the same situation will do it again". Um ignorance at it's best here??? Chief Parker and several others testified that Nolan was correct in terminating recruit Felicia graves because shevwas incompetent and unfit to be a Hartford firefighter. So rjowenchie. You feel strongly about keeping an incompetent firefighter on in turn risking the lives of fellow firefighters and the citizens of Hartford. RJo wants to serve on the council for Hartford yet jeopardizing safety of firefighters and residents is less of a concern than a poor female recruit that could not cut it. Well I hope wench's doesn't need to call HFD. Maybe then she'd "do things differently". What a joke.

  6. I edited one sentence in the above post so as not to create any potential problems but it didn't affect the tone of the post.

  7. I wonder why RJo Winch would be involved in a personnel matter anyway. This whole thing reeks of dirty politics.

  8. RJo Winch is gone. The voter's have spoken. Kevin you have my support and that of many others on your bid for council in November. Hartford desperately needs change and real leadership.Best of Luck to you!

  9. Ding, dong, the Winch is gone. The wicked Winch, oh, the wicked Winch. Ding, dong, the wicked Winch is gone!

  10. To Anonymous at 05:48pm.
    It looks like Winch is going to pull an Eddie Perez, hanging on to the very last minute. She announced on her Facebook page today that she plans to run as an Independent in November. SMH.

  11. Kevin, keep up the good work. It is truly unbelieveable the lengths that some of these people went to try and burn a firefighter who truly loved the city and his job. Nolan will prevail no doubt and cost the city money. I have to wonder what else those crooked politicians, fire chiefs, union leaders have gotten away with. Anyway keep digging Kevin, I bet you will find alot more dirt in city hall.

  12. Haven't I found enough already?

    Just kidding. There is plenty to be uncovered and with everyone;s help we are making progress and making change

  13. I tore down a ton of her signs today.

  14. I wonder after watching the news tonight what "Winchie's" reaction to the "staff error" that kept a little girl out of Burr Elementary school for three weeks. Since she involves herself in personnel issues. Whether or not the staff person in question was the responsible or not there was clearly some incomptence here. In this case luckily a straight A student only missed three weeks of classes. Unfortunately for the residents of Hartford the incompetence of a least 1 Hartford FF (Graves)the consequences could be far worse. "Winchie" (I love that by the way - who came up with that) will be long gone by the time a lawsuit further devestates the city. She's not alone in her idiocy though, so Hartford voters, do what's right, vote them all out. Really, could it get any worse than this?

    There could be an upside to this latest thing, that smart little girl may grow up to be someone who will push for the RIGHT thing to be done especially when incompetence harms someone.

  15. To anonymous at 12:54am. Would you please provide more details about the staff error at the Burr school? I could not find anything online about it. Also, the transcripts of the Nolan case are easy to read as well as enlightening. I am looking forward to reading Tom Dalton's testimony.
