Monday, September 26, 2011


The awaited report is in , and I'm not really sure how many questions it has answered. What it does seem to depict though is an almost "junior-high school" type of mentality that seems to permeate the department driven by personality conflicts and gossip.

The report did seem to accomplish one of ,what I believe, was its main goals. Chief Roberts has submitted his resignation/retirement as of December 31, 2011. It also seems to point out what most likely is a need for a complete housecleaning at the top. Highly paid administrators are paid those salaries to avoid, or at least deal with, the issues outlined in the report before they rise to the level of attorney battles.

As I have mentioned here before, Neville Brooks and myself have been friends since grammar school. Although much of the blame in the report seems to be placed on him in the narrow scope that was addressed, there is a much greater problem that needs to be addressed. A couple details were left out of the report that may have clarified a few things.

First off was the issue of the "5 month absence" and his sporadic attendance during that period. I am not defending Neville Brooks here, but what's fair is fair, just don't cast a cloud of doubt and then not explain it. During that period, Lt. Brooks suffered a bout with cancer and underwent surgery, chemo therapy and a difficult recovery process. It wasn't that he was hanging out at the casino or just didn't feel like coming to work.

This was common knowledge among the Command Staff and the responsibility to fill Brooks' void during that period was squarely with Chief Roberts, the direct supervisor of the IAD Commander. That wasn't done, and the responsibility for a division running without any direction, or very little, belongs with the Chief.

It was also interesting to note the issue of the missing reports. Although the report did not mention "the former officer", sources have told me that two individuals had IAD reports in their possession after they left HPD. Former Assistant Chief Neil Dryfe and his wife, former IAD Sergeant Cindy Dryfe both had taken reports with them.

It seems interesting that Dryfe expresses his concern over Brooks' leadership in the memo listed as an exhibit to Chief Roberts, but he may have also contributed to the problem by removing reports, for whatever reason.

The issue of the security and access into the IAD complex was actually addressed in the early 1990's when a security system was installed in the IAD Complex. This was done after the IAD office area was allegedly broken into by a police officer climbing over a wall from an adjoining bathroom. The system was eventually cancelled because under Mayor Perez the City didn't want to pay for its maintenance and monitoring.

Another interesting part is how the complaints apparently were started. The complaint from Sergeant Laureano to Assistant Chief Horvath details claims of a hostile work environment and allegations that Brooks was seeking retaliation against the Chief's. Even though no one else seemed to have issues, Horvath moved forward.

As a side note, Sergeant Laureano claims he was unable to sleep because of the stress Brooks' behavior put him under. That might explain a lot since many wonder when Laureano does sleep. He is one of HPD's highest money earners as of this time because of his private job and overtime schedule, working in excess of 18 or 20 hours many days.

Sergeant Laureano has recently landed a position as Commander of the Northeast Condition's Unit.

The report does seem to point out many management issues, but this report only hits the tip of the iceberg. It claims morale is poor because of inconsistent discipline and the potential intimidation of officers fearing underhanded or uneven handling of discipline.

It is up to Mayor Segarra now as to whether this report will sit on a shelf like so many others, or will it actually be implemented. It reminds me of words Mayor Segarra spoke this past Saturday at the funeral of John O'Connell. "To remain silent is cowardly" Segarra said. So far the silence has been deafening from City Hall, much of this was known before any report was ever commissioned


  1. Good work, Kevin! Neville is an honorable man who has earned a great deal of respect from his peers and the community. Thanks for helping to give the complete story.

  2. You make some very good points, Kevin. I have a feeling that a lot more will be coming out on this. Lt.Brooks has my support. I don't think he is the bad guy here.

  3. Everyone at the PD is saying this: Give me a break Gabe, "Headaches and stress?" Well that didn't stop you from working 5 additional private jobs a week. I would have a headache too if I had to work all those private jobs around my regular assignment. Your memo is completely coached. That’s a joke. Maybe Gabe should post his yearly earnings the last 3 years... I wonder what his key fob schedule looked like. And what a coincidence, he landed a nice cushy job as a NE Conditions Unit Supervisor- it’s more of the same old nonsense. I certainly don’t want to work for him, but if I did I would work days; because everyone knows he would be working a private job.

  4. What did you know? When did you know it? What did you do about it? And what took so long?

    I can hardly contain myself anymore when it comes to the level of incompetence and corruption in the city of Hartford. This city needs an enema or rather a clean sweep and as far as I am concerned, it can not happen fast enough.

    It is amazing that I and others know about these things long before a is reports started let alone finished.

    I was the Host and Executive Producer of the One Hartford TV show where I and others reported on events for more than three years. Political leaders in the city said what we where saying just could not be so.

    We at the One Hartford Television Show were branded as gossip mongers that feed on rumor and innuendo. Now Kevin with his Blog and a TV Show of his own is a top source of breaking news for the city.

    Yet those on the inside seem to know nothing. Well what did you know? When did you know it? What did you do about it? And what took so long? They are either blind, willfully ignorant, stupid, or exceedingly corrupt.

    Trust me when I tell you that if you want to put an end to this madness there is only one way to do it.

    When you get your ballot find MCCAULEY and bubble in my name first! I'm petitioning to be the People's Mayor on 11.8.11 - Be the one that makes the difference!

  5. I don't know Kevin, you seem to be disappointed in the report. I understand you have childhood friendships, but I was hoping for a non-biased point of view. Or rather, to be frank, less hippocracy.
    When speaking of Lt. Brooks, you defend him by stating "what's fair is fair, just don't cast a cloud of doubt and then not explain it."
    I applaud that, as you brought light to the situation. But why sing a different tune when speaking of Sgt. Laureano. You inform readers that he filed a hostile work grievance for the conditions in IAD. But why do you cast clouds and list his annual income and 18 hour work days for him losing sleep. Yeah, I understand what your "eluding to" (albeit in a sleazy way).
    But... a few questions; Is that against department policy? Is he scheming to earn those shifts? Is he breaking any rules?
    Like a wise man once said, "what's fair is fair, just don't cast a cloud of doubt and then not explain it."

  6. Clearly, this Sgt. Laureano is a total snake. In his own memo, he wrote about how he went along with Brooks' alleged remarks but then threw him under the bus. I sure wouldn't want to be working with the likes of him. If he's not humiliated by this, he certainly should be. He smells dirty to me.

  7. mr. brookman, you say you are a man of integrity and want the truth. Neville did NOT undergo Chemotherapy. He was only out of work for about 3 months out of the almost 3 years he was in IAD. What Sgt. Laureano did was the TOUGH thing to do. lets face it ROBERTS and NEVILLE made a mess! to blame Sgt. Laureano for anything is ridiculous he's not the one that went crazy when he did not get promoted to DC. Does gabe work alot? maybe so, but look at his track record in IAD, NO late cases, nothing but praise from the troops about how fair he was..... thats just my 2 cents

  8. Where is the time card audit ?? The mayor thinks that he can just release 20% of the report ? Where is the rest of it ? Robles. Daily. Condon ?? Etc.

  9. I love my job, I've met some great people here. I've also met some others that aren't so great. It's the whiners, the complainers, that drive me crazy. You know, the ones best described as "jaded, burntout, washed up, or just plain LAZY.."

    When I read a previous comment about Sgt. Laureano and the northeast conditions position, I had to laugh.
    The writer had the audacity to state "I certainly don’t want to work for him, but if I did I would work days...blah blah blah" (forgive me)
    Newsflash!!! Buddy, you're in the position YOU'RE IN because that's where YOU belong! Stop crying, being a "hater" and start jumping out on some corners and doing your job!

  10. Something smells awfully fishy.... these allegations seem to be wholly based on Laureano's statements. I don't know him, but from what I read in this report, he comes across as the one trying to shove it up someone's ass. Something tells me this is not the full story.

    Also, I wholeheartedly disagree with anonymous at 7:48 p.m. The entire picture needs to be painted at all times. It's very simple to make a statement without details to put it in perspective. Particularly important in this case, if the report calls to attention prolonged absences, as they did here, and the employee had and was battling cancer resulting in time off from work, it should be noted. If I were sitting on a jury, that information would be crucial.

    This report smells political in nature. How sad.

  11. Sgt. Laureano is the man. Everyone complains about the second floor administration, but when he stood up to them, the sheep fell into place and started pointing fingers.

    Go ahead sheep, "Baaa" about Larueano, "Baaa" about conditions and how you'd be so good if you were there...

  12. Here I thought an investigation was to just lay out the facts. If I turned in an "investigative report" to a judge this full of opinions it would get laughed out of court.

    The city obviously paid for this opinion piece to neuter LT Brook's potential law suit and remove Chief Roberts all in one. Well played Mayor.

  13. If you are using the word honorable to describe Neville still then obviously you do not know how to read.. or you just read the parts you wanted to which had to of been the one paragraph that wasn't spelling out that he sucks at his job and that just because he didnt get picked to be d/c he went out of his way to ruin reputations of people that were his friends. Every uniform on here that bashes Sgt. Laureano for being a rat better remember the backs Neville stabbed the last few months..that would be those of his closest friends. Lance better hope he doesnt get his wish to be promoted next because he will get to feel that razor sharp edge of that knife next. Sgt. Laureano stood by the oath he took when he came on the job- he may work 18 hour days - but at least he is there working them not spending 8 of them getting coffee.

  14. The report was bought and paid for by City Hall and is not an objective analysis of the HPD by any means.I agree that DKR had to go but I am very uncomfortable that Pedro will select someone in a way in which there is quote a word he uses all the time.

    Then again the police force is down about 75 positions and Hartford is unsafe who cares who the Chief is anyway as the next one will be a waterboy for Pedro anyway.

  15. Honestly this dept has turned into a bad episode of saturday night live. Really. I am so embarrassed to be associated with a bunch of grown men who act like ten year olds on a Playground. .....even the media laughs. The city is a mess. Feds need to take over and put these children in check

  16. There is a lot more to the Laureano "stress" than what is depicted in the Horvath memo, I am in the process of obtaining an HPD Internal memo through "alternative means" that might just shed some more light on what was causing Laureano's "stress" and it wasn't Lt. Brooks.

  17. Funny how brookman couldnt wait until this report came out to clear his boy. But when it comes out he bashes it. Laureano has done more policework at this department in his time here than Brooks could ever do in 50 years of trying. He put more cases on criminals with drugs and guns than most and made this city a safer place. Can't say Brooks ever did that...he's just a state police reject who couldnt make it. He's been using smoke and mirrors for years and finally his true colors show. Talk about immature. He's been bad mouthing Laureano and to subordinates for months! Thats just a loser mentality. He needs to grow up. As for Laureano getting the NE conditions position it was earned with hard work, honor and integrity. say silence is cowardly? That would have been cowardly if Laureano said nothing...but he is no coward...he stood up. For those who truely know Laureano they will agree. For those who don't make your own judgement on a lack of information. The most upsetting part about this report is that it lacked information that would have painted the issue even worse than it did. The city used it's ability to limit the information it released in order to try and limit it's liability. I hope it all come out eventually and the city takes a huge hit. For a city that is claiming it wants full transparency I was truly disappointed with the end result being watered down. Shame on segarra and corporation council for not taking the higher road and doing what is right. And shame on Rudawitz for allowing that to happen.

  18. If some people actually paid attention they would know that when Laureano was complaining of headaches it was the winter months when no supervisors where getting jobs. So the excuse that he didn't sleep from working 20 hour days goes out the window. I wonder what the next phantom fact that the Brooks followers will bring up will be. Check Laureano's time cards. Youll never find an issue. Check his work. Always well done. And he was not a top earner so check those facts as well.

  19. Nat Turner Rebelious SlaveSeptember 27, 2011 at 8:19 AM

    J. Stan Mcauley you have my vote brother your the only honest person I met in politics and why is everyone messing with Gabe Laureano??? Can we please bring back the lockerroom days when two officers had a problem they settle it in the lockeroom??? Guess not because there are more sissys and punks with badges in this department. Not to mention there are alot of so called men in this PD that have the characteristics and demeanor of a woman. Im talking J. Edgar Hoover tough out in public but behind closed doors dresses like a woman bra and panties and sleeps with little boys this place is scary time for a whole new command staff lead by example

  20. Isn't it interesting how some people were named in the report and others were not. The former officer who took IAD reports was not named,yet through the blog we now know it was the Dryfe's.Could it be that the Dryfe's political connections might hurt Segarra if they were named in the report. And what were the clarifications and changes that the Mayor asked for?

    Rudewicz really hurt his credibility and integrity on this one.

  21. I guess i will be winning my dinner at ruth chris steak house when i bet that hector robles will be comin back. The mayor makes me sick. I will never vote in an election again. Politics are so corrupt. I will work my regular shift and work my pjs. Ignore everything and make six figurs like lester did. Laureano has my full support. He is my classmate. You try raising three kids under the age of 6 and see how stressed u are. I also am preparing for the day a wwe ring is built in the rear lot. It sounds dumb but all these tough guys that hide behind rank will run for the hills. Im directly talking to the headquarters captain ...Major crimes commander too. Sorry no karaoke ...

  22. Is anyone else concerned that the person who compiled this report is also former HPD?? How about a real third-party investigation from someone WITHOUT ties to HPD ... I'd like to hear the unbiased facts, nothing else, before I make any decision on sides.

  23. Im watching...Pedro will hire Hector Robles as the new Chief because he knows about using PD jobs and knows how to work those timecards.

  24. Hector Robles worked on Ed Vargas's campaign for Mayor ! Where is the money Hector stole from the city?

  25. Non para military hpdSeptember 27, 2011 at 2:12 PM

    Its funny how neil dryfe made it seem like he was sooo smart. So i guess he just keeps and takes sensative reports when he pleases. In the military if he did that he would branded a spy and sent to room with bubba in fort levenworth fl. I guess different rules apply. The mayor should be honest and say who removed sensative reports. By the way i tend to speed through chesire all the time. ...

  26. Have the missing reports been returned by neil dryfe yet ?? Sounds like larceny 6th to me. But i guess you lead by example around here .....

  27. Who's bringing the Chief up on Code of Conduct charges for initiating I-files against department policy?

  28. The way I see it, Laureano was stuck in the middle. He puts in for a transfer to get out of IAD quietly when the storm is brewing, then the Chiefs call him in to ask him why he wants to transfer. I would have love to have been in on that conversation, I can guarantee you that he didn't just start rattling off all his issues with Neville.

    And trying to go at him as anything less than a hard worker is just wrong. There are plenty of guys who work a PJ a day and do dittly on their regularly scheduled shifts. Laureano earned and deserves anything that he gets, he isn't one of the regular whiny crybabies who have done nothing and expect everything. He knows the job, does it, and treats everyone with respect and integrity. If only we had more like him. It isn't his fault that he got caught up in the middle of a pissing contest between grown men that act like junior high girls.

  29. This report has proven to not only divide the department wholeheartedly, but it is a joke.  While it does unmask Lt. Brook's incompetency and immaturity, it clearly has it's biases as it seems to focus predominately on Sgt. Laureanno's statements. I would love to see the statements of other IAD Sergeants and individuals interviewed.   Sergeant Laureano's statements could not be corroborated? How many individuals were interviewed and where are  their statements in this report. Interesting enough for you N. Brook supporters, Sgt. Laureano respected and was often observed having a positive working relationship with his commander. You know this because I'm sure you too shared a dig or two at the command staff.  
    Lt. Brooks was visibly irate at the fact that he was not promoted to D/C and attempted to lure Sgt. Laureano in to a web of dishonesty that was clearly morally and ethically wrong. A reasonable person would pause, think, and quickly react by requesting a transfer to get out of that mess!  This is exactly what Sgt. Laureano attempted to do... Flee silently... Until ordered to write the damming memo that launched this ordeal. For most of us that have integrity, proudly serve to protect, and respect our commanders,  a case such as this one, would  indeed cause duress.  It's easy to Monday quarterback on this blog, until your name, your integrity is being questioned.  

    Sgt. Laureano, you were honest and because of it you were the scapegoat for many. You now are a moving target as Lt. Brooks has publicly expressed. Lt. Peterson was among his victims once upon a time. Ironically, your IAD counterparts are not on his punching bag.  Oh... Ohhh... perhaps they could not face the music and lack the integrity you have. When will the command staff shield all of us from  predators of such nature. You were honest and brave to take on this burden.  Something, most of our selfish HPD lacks. Chief Roberts... you brought this demise by wearing blinders and letting Brooks and his gang run a muck. I hope this sting has woken you up!   

  30. Laureano is not the first time you rat someone out remember Raymundis case, your classmate.

  31. Truth is Laureano is nothing but a whining baby. His complaint most likely went something like this. He walked in to Lt Brooks office and asked to be transferred because he wasnt making enough money. Lt Brooks politely said no you have SEVERAL open cases and you took the job knowing you had to do one year, this what is required by ALL Sgts who go to IAD. Sgt Laureano (who prior to this had a great working relationship with Lt Brooks just ask anyone who worked there) then went over Brooks head to a Chief. At this point Sgt Laureano was most likely coached by theis Chief in what to write in his complaint and promised that he could have what he wanted... Where is he assigned now?

  32. Wow "just my opinion." Sounds like you really know what you are talking about! Oh wait...sounds like your just making stuff up actually? Where you there? Doubt it...but glad you could share your opinion...make you feel better? Actually you are probably one of Brooks close friends so I can see what your doing. Just trying to protect him making things up. Good for you. Seems like birds of a feather flock together. By that I means liars and people with no integrity.

  33. Let's face it... The fact that Laureano works every job under the sun to include 10 hr crappy jobs and DTS proves he is not a whiner as stated. Do your homework, there are silent moneymakers here that get away with working gravy jobs and somehow manage to escape this blog. Oh, that's because they can make 6 figures without having to sign up for patrol or the blood money assignments like downtown. Unlike other supervisors who barely show their face downtown and leave their crew hanging, Laureano is always there along side his troops! Oh and he  can't even blink  because Brooks and his crew are watching. This is a circus.  Pathetic that integrity no longer exists. Especially that of a commander that should be leading by example. Enough said.

  34. When is neil dryfe being arrested. Maybe the courant needs to run an article. Removing iad files and keeping them. Really. What a joke. Get some balls segarra. Dryfe is sitting in his high chair in his office. Saying. They will do nothing to me.
