Friday, September 9, 2011


Some days it amazes me the number of people reading this blog. It also surprises me who is actually reading and the people that recognize me. I never planned on the numbers growing the way they have, and yesterday was actually a record with 2,679 page loads, or "hits", on the blog.

This weekend will most likely pass 400,000 hits, headed for half a million. This week also broke another blog record for me on the posting about the HPD advocate, over 120 comments were posted, and some more that were not posted and had no relevance to the actual topic.

As much as I look forward to gathering information and writing the new posts, I really enjoy the comments to see what you, my readers, are thinking. And from the feedback I get, my readers enjoy the comments also.

I would also like to thank my un-official media spokesperson, DKR, and his command staff for also drawing so much attention to WTP and contributing to its popularity. (Sorry Chief, but I really do appreciate your help)

Keep reading and keep letting me know what you think, and even more importantly, keep that information coming, we are making a change.

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