Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Even though Dan Nolan is currently serving our country in Afghanistan, his wrongful termination case is still winding through the courts, and at the very least I think we owe it to him to keep it in the public eye while he is away.

At a hearing on the wrongful termination matter, the parties met in a hearing at Hartford Superior Court. The complete transcripts of that hearing are below. The reason I ask if the City is grasping at straws to sustain their reasons for Nolan's termination should be clear after you read the transcripts.

The interesting argument is over the whole issue of the "quid-pro-quo" and the allegations that Nolan used his position for personal gain by encouraging Fire Department recruits to raise items and participate in charity events. Although the City seems to agree that there was no financial gain for Nolan, they apparently claim that the boost he received to his reputation in the community was enough reason to terminate him.

That is an interesting argument since City Treasurer Adam Cloud has apparently just done the same thing. Will Cloud now face the same fate as Nolan? To read more about Clouds actions, click here

The other interesting argument that seemed to pique the Judge's interest was the City's comparison of Nolan to criminals and felons.Read the transcripts and feel free to comment

Nolan Transcript 9 7 11


  1. Wow....they are jealous of him! It's unbelievable that it has been allowed to go on this long. Keep pushing this Kevin. See if you can get your other journalist friends to report on it too.

  2. How exactly was Nolan's reputation in the community enhanced? Did he take out a personal ad or pay for a billboard that said "Hey, I encouraged people to participate in charitable events, look at me, pat me on the back???". Was the community even aware that the recruits were encouraged to donate their time or items? Wouldn't that enhance THEIR reputations??

    So how were all the firefighters that put out boots for fill the boot drives punished? Have they all been terminated?

    Doesn't quid pro quo indicate more or less equal exchange of goods or service?

    Seems like a stretch to me. There's a first for the City of Hartford.

  3. Well, I'd say that Teale's picture plastered all over the United Way posters made him look good, but 1. Quite frankly, he didn't look so good and 2. His taking the Fichman payoff really negated any chance of him looking like he's all for the community.

  4. Kevin- I would not be in the least bit surprised if this case ends up being settled by the Supreme court. The city of Hartford just does not know when to cut its losses. Prayers for the safe return of Dan Nolan and his unit.

  5. Patriot,

    I would hope someone with common sense steps in long befroe that and ends this disgrace, I'm not holding my breath though

  6. This is a typical city miscue. Fight a case they can't win it's like pushing water up hill. The city's arguments were weak if not redundant. It must be embarrassing for an attorney, especially one who has a sense of right vs wrong, to argue a case such as this. I understand that they have to defend the city's position but how can you defend a position that is indefensible. It seems like this case was brought forward because a female recruit who couldn't "cut the muster" ( named by the city in the arguments) was going to and eventually was fired, but brought back by city politics (R Jo Whinch).
    The interesting thing after reading the transcript is the city's attorney comment at the very end "Welcome to Hartford" that says it all. That one statement let's you know how screwed up city hall really is.

  7. Keven what role does Debbie Collins in Hartford's HR department play in these hearings? How has she kept her job when she has proven she's a complete fraud? An HR representative who witnesses, in front of an entire recruit class, the complete inability and incompetence of Recruit Felicia Graves. Collins was THERE and saw first hand that Graves could not perform a roof ladder operation, too numerous to mention academic and physical failures, not to mention extreme insubordination. Yet not only does she NOT take appropriate action against Graves, she actually SUPPORTS her in getting a firefighter position KNOWING FULL well she does not have the REQUIRED skills. She ASSISTED her in getting into the next class after Nolan was removed completely jeopardizing not only the safety of fellow firefighters, but more importantly the citizens of Hartford. Now I understand that firefighters that work on her shift have to perform not only their own duties but hers as well. This a dangerous way to operate.

    Everyone knows Collins is a puppet for the corrupt union leaders Fusco and Brady, and the three of them are acting together to deceive the city. How does the City of Hartford allow employees to encourage hiring of completely inadequate staff like Graves and Edsel Rodriguez? Was there another bribe payment here like Teale received from Fichman??

    I find it hilarious that this complete phony Collins actually has the gall to question the integrity of an honest man, Chief Nolan, trying to do what's right for it's firefighters?? She belongs in jail right along with Eddie Perez.

  8. I agree with the last person who commented about Debbie Collins or Carabillo whatever this frauds name is. I was actually there when this so called HR Manager for the city stood and watched Graves complete incompetence of several fire ground evolutions.

    What city in their right mind keeps a HR manager who willingly supports the endangering of the safety of firefighters and residents? You guessed right the corrupt city of Hartford!

    Collins/Carrabillo why haven't you pursued the termination of Greg Simons who has committed several felonies by stealing from his tenants and then 6 months later beats the crap out of a female?

    Let me guess you’re too busy trying to pin more false allegations against Nolan. Or maybe you’re too busy trying to help more useless firefighters onto the department.

    Just because you’re in bed with the corrupt union leaders doesn’t mean you are fooling the rest of us who know what you are all about. How are you able to sleep at night? Thanks for trying your best to ruin the fire department... you should be so proud of yourself for putting firefighter’s safety at risk. You need to leave Hartford… you bought and paid for looser!

  9. thialIt sure seems that in the City of Hartford you get promoted just for being a certain color, for example the useless fire chief, John Stewart. They gave him tests that only he was allowed to take, he failed them and they still promoted him. Billy Smith is another example, the minority recruits are just yet another example of how screwed up the city is and its only getting worse. The city deserves every bit of negative publicity it gets and then some

  10. Kevin;
    Do you know if any of the information posted in your blog has ever been used in a lawsuit against the city? I wonder if that is why the "powers that be" try to discredit you. It seems clear that Chief Nolan attempted to clearly document his concerns about the questionable recruits. I would guess that the HR person may have been at the training academy by request. Not only should the city wise up and settle with Nolan, including putting him back in charge at the training academy, or better yet as Chief of the whole department. If they were smart they would terminate Graves, seems as they could easily make cause for that. It would be a whole lot cheaper to settle with her now than with the family survivors of whomever's death she may well cause.

  11. When it's all said and done, poor judgement was used by Nolan.
    Yes, Nolan is a great guy, soldier, etc.
    Does the long term forced employee contributions raise themselves to the level of termination. Probaby not. As the union might say, "it's past practice".

  12. To anonymous at 4:11pm,
    When all is said and done, it is obvious that you did not read the transcripts. Dan Nolan did not force anyone to contribute to anything. No matter how often you say it, it is not going to make it so.
