Thursday, February 23, 2012


I guess we should be used to it by now, but when will Hartford's voters wake up and start holding our elected officials accountable.

Does anyone else besides me find it interesting that last year before Hartford's elections for City Council, the incumbents let everyone know what a fine job they were doing with Hartford's budget. They were doing so well in fact that not only did the incumbents authorize not just one tax cut, but two tax cuts totalling a full one mill cut.

That amounted to next to nothing for most taxpayers in the city since they are already burdened with the highest mill rate in the State. A "mill" equals one dollar of taxes for every $1,000 taxed, so with a mill rate of 71.79 mills, Hartford's taxpayers are paying $71.79 dollars per every thousand of assessed value. ( A vehicle assessed at $10,000 would be taxed at $717.90 per year)

Well the incumbents were able to sell themselves as doing a great job with the budget, but as a candidate I was pretty comfortable saying it was election year posturing. Well, here we are 3 months after the election and it now seems that the incumbents were not doing the wonderful job they sold to the voters to get their votes.

Our projected deficit for this year keeps growing and will probably be much great than the $3.5 million dollars they are now projecting, the projected deficit for next year has already grown from $54 million to $56 million in about a week and I'm sure it will get much worse.

It might be nice to see elected officials that are willing to tell the truth and actually address the problems, no matter how unpleasant the truth is. The first step in that direction is to actually control and reduce spending. Hartford can not sustain its current budget and the taxpayers can not be asked to shoulder anymore of the burden. We already pay double what most other municipalities in the State pay.

But I am sure that by the time the next election cycle comes around, most voters will listen to the empty promises and not look back at the historical facts.


  1. Time to let some of the high priced "talent" go. They can start with a few "administrators" at the BOE.

  2. Kevin you expect miracles.

    Mark my words here, The 50+ million deficit will be "cured" on the backs of the taxpayers and with less budget cuts then most of us would want, in order to keep some political favorites with a job.Without the right of taxpayers to a budget referendum in this City,it means that the powers that be understand that they will have 4 years or so to be in office and many if not most of the voting taxpayers will have long forgotten that they were bled dry of their money.

  3. On another topic;

    At fist blush I happen to agree with Robert Cotto and others that taking over the school in Manchester doesnt appear to be a good idea.Especially when our own kids have less then a 50% graduation rate.I have heard that Mayor Segarra is cautious in the takeover and I agree with him that it is an issue to be cautious about.

    I have heard that Ms Kishimoto's salary is tied to test scores and that she wants this takeover because these kids as a rule test higher,therby making the ability of bonuses for her a better reality.If Hartford does take the school over,perhaps as an acceptible compromise there can be a BOE resolution that the test scores from that school will not be a factor in anyone receiving a salary bonus at the BOE.

  4. I agree with Bruce there is no reason for Hartford Public Schools to take over the Manchester's Great Path HS. Dr. Kishimoto needs to focus on the existing schools especially the schools that were redesigned under her leadership.

  5. control and reduce spending. Hartford can not sustain its current budget
    Bruce R. is probably right about what our pols will do about the problem; tax increases with cuts in the rate of increase in spending, at best. But, hope springs eternal. It may be people will wake up at some point to the fact that tax increases tend to drive folks/businesses out of town.
    On the other hand, the Democratic Party, and, even more the Greens/WorkerFamily-types, are dedicated as a matter of principle to more government, more programs, more spending. To use Pedro Segarra's words, "More benefits, opportunities, and social services." Our Governor has done what our local guys would like to do; raise taxes and increase spending. But, if you think Malloy's budgeting is honest you're in for an unpleasant surprise. It could be that the State will be forced to realize in the near future that it has a big spending problem not remediable in the long run by revenue enhancements. Our local guys depend on the State for half of their $550million annual spending. Perhaps they should plan for the possibility that the State won't be there forever at that level, regardless of Malloy's assurances that everything is dandy.

  6. Maybe the mayor is too busy giving speeches, getting on TV, and appointing himself to boards. Wait, is Eddie back???

  7. I haven't lived in Hartford in over 20 years. There is no budget referendum, now explains ALOT!!
    My first vote cast in my current town was an absentee ballot for the budget referendum because back in '99 the polls for the referendum didn't open until noon and I was working out of town that day. Budget referendums impact my life more than presidential elections.

  8. impending city hall scandal coming soon.

  9. Its pretty simple just register your vehicle in Rhode Island with a post office box. SImple
    I will not pay one cent to the city of Hartford...

  10. It seems that quite a few vehicles in the rear of Police Headquarters have no parking permits on them ...hmmmmmmm ANd Brodie still has his when he is not even a city employee. things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm

  11. The word at Police Headquarters is that a large broom and dust pan is coming very soon.........The apple polishing days are coming to an end......

  12. For anybody that cares, The Mayor and several high ranking state legislature members will be at the Flower Street area of the Hartford Courant on 2-27 at 1045 in the mourning. I have no idea what it is for, but im sure there will be a lots of shoulder pats and some tax free hugs to go around...

  13. So let me get this straight. We are now funding a school not even located in the City Limits? Wow that makes sense. Just like that incoherent nonsense city council member Duetch is always talking about.. Im sooooo glad im moving out of this place.

  14. Im sure City Council Member Duetch has some brain surgeon ideas about where the city should spend money.. Why dont we build a giant escalator in downtown to go along an empty supermarket.

  15. Mr. King is right, what needs to be done to cut some of this over priced fat away ?
    Is there anyone that does not make six figures in a city hall ? Or receive a large pension with free medical.

  16. Buttered Dispatch PopcornFebruary 27, 2012 at 3:50 PM

    I hear that popcorn issue in dispatch might be the cherry on Jaffee's cake!!!!!!

  17. Once again, why are dispatchers allowed to eat at their work stations. One hand on the microphone and the other on a snack bag.....Great Officer Safety

  18. So a dispatcher said that she was too busy eating popcorn to answer an officer? if that is confirmed, then that employee should be fired by the mayor himself. Like trump.

  19. News travels quick .

    The radio recordings have been requested through an FOI request to Emergency Telecommunications Director Andrew Jaffee and COO David Panagore. As soon as they are received there will be more here on the blog.
