Friday, February 10, 2012


According to arrest records from the Hartford Police Department, local attorney and politician John Kennelly was arrested last night on Asylum Avenue for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (DUI).

Kennelly was stopped shortly before midnight in the area of 1380 Asylum Avenue by Hartford Police and subsequently charged with DUI. Kennelly was also charged with multiple counts of failure to drive in the proper lane. According to police sources, Kennelly's blood alcohol content was nearly double the legal limit.

Kennelly recently represented Mayor Pedro Segarra in legal issues raised during the Mayoral election. Kennelly is also currently the spokesperson for the 1st District Democratic Town Committee and is running for re-election.


  1. John Kennelly has been a tragic,warped, and in my opinion depraved individual for years with a lot of personal and professional problems.Why Pedro Segarra has this individual around him is a mystery to us all.

    Mr Kennelly was arrested for TWICE the legal limit of alcohol/drugs,meaning he was reall y hammered at the time.

    This individual has no business being the 1st district spokesperson of anything,let alone the 1st district of the democratic party.His recnt suit against him for a paternity action,motion for child support payments,allegations of failure to pay child support,recent suits against him by the Ct Student Loan FOundation and The Hartford Club for non-payment of loans and ues and the grievance filing against him a few years ago means to me that he is unfit for leadership.

  2. Bruce Rubenstein's remarks are extremely harsh and cruel. He is an attorney and should know that alcoholism is an illness. His issues with John are personal as his issues are with most people who do not adhere to his thought process. He is still angry because he is not on the town committee and because he was not elected town chair. What he should be doing is asking himself why? He also should ask himself why he feels the need to trash John Kennelly every chance he gets. I think that this type of behavior is unprofessional. One thing he can't take away from John is the fact that he is a good lawyer. Pedro chose him because of that fact. Is there a possibility that he is jealous of John Kennelly? Is that why he feels the need to keep bringing up his personal business to this blog?

  3. What cunning webs we weave when we practice to deceive.

  4. Elaine sorry dear, but I am not angry about anything concerning Mr Kennelly,either personally or professionally. I merely stated the facts as they present themselves in the public court record.And,whether you like them or not Elaine,they are the facts and the sad truth.

    I do think however that Mr Kennelly should think about his priorities in life now that he is realatively newly married and with a child and perhaps as a condition of court supervised probation enroll in a real rehab facility for a period of time,somewhere out of the state and out of the public eye.But first, he will have to come to grips with himself and the drinking and really want to make an effort to change.Only then will rehab actually work.

  5. My Dear Bruce, yes, these facts are a matter of public record. Therefore, there is no need to keep bringing them up. You are not only hurting John with these cruel words but you are doing an injustice to his family? Do they deserve this from you? Why can't we all play nicely in the sandbox? We can agree to disagree but we don't have to be nasty to one another all the time. In the words of Don Cornelius "I wish you peace, love & soul"! Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Just curious, What does it mean to be a good lawyer?

    All the lawyers I have worked with have been corrupt and of low moral character and use the court to legitimize illegal behavior.

    Mr. Kennelly will most likely use his connections within the court to avoid penalties most of our citizens are subjected to when we violate the law.

    he needs help with his addiction and the only way he will get that help is by paying real consequences for his actions.

    I hope he finds that help before he ends up killing himself or another.

  7. It is very sad when someone who has had all advantages in life tumbles so far! There are many people who would love to live on Scarborough Road, but will never be able. This man has had his entire life handed to him on a silver platter, only to throw it all away for the bottle. He is a father and a husband now, it is finally time to grow up and give back, like the rest of his family has done. I only hope he seeks the help he desperately needs and realizes it before it is too late!

  8. Oh boy stinky politician stuff! I'm sure the cop who arrested him will be placed in a position where he will never see daylight again. Kevin correct me if I'm wrong, but you know that it's coming.

    Kudos to the Officer for doing his/her job.

  9. Bruce, I think you missed the point of Elaine Hatcher's comment, which seems to be WHY you feel the need to trash Mr. Kennelly every chance you get by airing his personal business, not whether what you say happens to be based in fact or truth.

    One might say that only a "tragic, warped, and in my opinion depraved individual" gets enjoyment and pleasure out of exploiting another's person's shortcomings in the way you do. One might even say such a person is equally as unfit for the leadership you have apparently sought before.

    "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

  10. Dear Mr Pot,Meet The Kettle;

    The facts are that you dont have the intestinal fortitude to print your name to your comment.Perhaps you are in hiding because you are another "tragic,warped and depraved " active in Hartford Politics? One thing is for sure,you have no balls.

    Hartford will only advance politically,and maybe will once again be the strongest town committee and local party in the state if the felons,depraved,morally bankrupt,corrupt and the incompetant are shown the door by politically aware citizens that have had enough of the scum.

  11. Enough already. This bashing back and forth deflects from the real issue. This arrest should not be a surprise to anyone and for those so quick to "kill the messenger" ask yourselves what you did to avoid this inevitable event? There are plenty of people that have taken advantage of John's goodwill and hospitality with total disregard to an obvious problem that led to this point. And John is not the only one that has issues with DUI. So maybe it is time to be real friends and do something for the others that are the subject of the backroom "drunk" jokes and intervene before they are on the HPD arrest logs next. There should be no real secrets as to who I am referring to, the list is endless.

    Luckily Mr. Kennelly's actions didn't resullt in a deadly head on accident as he headed home, repeatedly crossing the center line and risking hitting oncoming traffic. Would he still have been referred to as a "good attorney" if he killed a young family heading the other way after his night on the town?

    And not taking sides here, but the fact that John has two newborn children is a big issue, that should be his priority and not stumbling home at 5:00am after being released from the Police lock-up. We are all responsible for this, sometimes the weaker among us need to have some "tough love" to straighten out.

    Unfortunately John's "tough love" is coming at the hands of a brand new police officer, fresh out of the academy. doing his job, and most likely had no idea and doesn't care who John Kenelly is or who he knows. It should have come by his friends stepping in first.

    The opportunity to step up was there for years.

  12. Bruce, please don't try to play Diogenes. It doesn't become you.

    You claim to be a good judge of political "scum"? Did you somehow acquire that talent representing Christine Miller in her attempt to fleece the taxpayers of our city out of a $60,000 so that she could open a "massage parlor" next to a strip club and an adult toy store?

    Or have you acquired it more recently, perhaps as a result of your new relationship with Sean Arena and Kelvin Roldan. When you were campaigning to be DTC chair you attacked the character of those two men mercilessly because of their close relationship with Eddie Perez (and you even supported a slate against them), but now you want to put them back on the DTC?

    John Kennelly is many things and some of them are bad. He is not, however, a hypocrite, which is more than can be said for you.

  13. Kevin, please don't presume to judge anyone's relationship with John or what has or has not passed between them. Besides, John has to take responsibility for his choices and his acts are his sole responsibility, not that of anyone on this blog. He should not, however, be subject to the horsewhipping that Bruce is dishing out.

  14. Rich I see that you didnt bother to check the facts.

    That matter of almost 20 years ago for representation never happened.I encourage you Attorney Wearing, to go look at the records,I never filed an appearnce nor appeared before any city agency on her behalf.What did happen Attorney Wearing, is that she called me about representation and I told her that I would think about it. When the Courant called her for comment ( and before I declined to represent her)she told the Courant to contact her lawyer,me..even though I didnt represent her.That is how my name got in the story.

    Nice try Rich

  15. mMr. Kennelly;
    I hope you will do find the way out of this issue that so affects millions of us world wide. It is hard but possible, please seek some tratment but only yourself can make that call.
    Be strong and learn from it...there is a tomorow and the day after ready to embrace you and your famaly.
    One day at the time.

  16. I think it is more telling that someone would choose this moment to launch personal attacks than it is that Mr. Kennelly was arrested. The fact that he was arrested means he may, or may not, have violated the law. Mr. Rubenstein should know this. The fact that Mr. Rubenstein decided to take advantage of this circumstance, on the other hand, leaves no doubt about his motives, or his conduct. Like a vulture, he sees an easy opportunity to further a personal vendetta and swoops in.

    Mr. Rubenstein talks about arrests and allegations as if they were proven facts. This is what those with a little knowledge do to try to influence those with even less. Shame on him because he should know better.

    Likewise, "tragic," "warped" and "depraved" are not facts, no matter how strenuously Mr. Rubenstein may claim that they are. They are insults. Slurs, hurled at an individual during a moment of crisis. Do not, Mr. Rubenstein, claim to be only a purveyor of fact when what you are really doing borders on slander. Name calling of this sort really is pathetic.

    And do not presume to suggest what Mr. Kennelly should care about, or how he should deal with this problem, or that he should engage in rehab. You don't know him and, more importantly, you don't care. You simply see an opportunity to pounce on a political nemesis. You are what is wrong with politics, and what is wrong with Hartford. I am sure there are plenty of problems in your own life that you could busy yourself with solving. Go do that.

  17. You are what is wrong with politics, and what is wrong with Hartford.
    Surely an exaggeration, at best. Bruce B.'s reaction to this marginally newsworthy episode is a lot less than charitable. On the other hand, whether this scion of one Connecticut's most prominent establishment liberal Dem families is convicted of a crime or not, he's lucky he didn't kill someone while driving drunk on his ass. He's innocent of a crime until proven guilty, but responsible for his actions in any case.

  18. Kevin: The downside of being a public figure is that your life becomes an open book. That being said, I wish John good luck in dealing with the case and the issue. He will be eligible for the alcohol education program just as any other person arrested for DUI for the first time. As to what appears to be personal banter, can we move on?

  19. Bruce: Can we finally bury the myth that "real name" authored posts have any more validity than anonymous posts? Anyone can use anyone else's name or an anonymous label attached to their posts on this blog, which is the major factor leading to it being nothing more substantive than Hartford's own New York Post.

    Kevin obviously knows the true identity of every "anonymous" poster, though he must steadfastly deny this. Unless you are so tight with Kevin that he's feeding you this info, get over it and deal with the blog as it is structured.

  20. Just like the violent dispatchers. I smell a cover up and nothing more then a slap on the wrist. Any politician hould be held to a higher standard then regular citizens. I cant wait to read the report. Hopefully kevin will get it. I also cant wait to read the next chapter in the hpd "touching" incident between a capt and a lt. Oh my. Oh my. Its gonna get hot at police headquarters

  21. Hey kevin. The word is that capt reathis is being sent to that fbi prep school just like ford. Why dont they send sigersmith or buyak ? More wasted money .....

  22. That drunk could have hit kevin on farmington ave. weaving in and out of traffic. What if someone was injured ?

  23. I believe that Lt Sigersmith was sent last year to the training you are referring to

  24. Rich,

    I'm not sure where those last comments are comning from, but you know very well that the reason this blog came about was to protect my sources that were providing information regarding corruption at City hall during the Perez scandal from exposure. I never have and I never will identify anyone posting nor their ip addresses.

    But I know that I can almost tell immediately some of the posters whether they identify themselves or not just by their writing style or by keywords they use that may have already been relayed to me during previous conversations. I am sure we could all identify Bruce or your comments just by the message most times.

  25. rich i wouldnt equate this blog to the new york post.However I do understand your arguement and concur in part.Hope you enjoyed a fine dinner at Cavey's and an expensive bottle of wine,though I trust you either took a cab home or someone else drove.

  26. The $54.4 million deficit for the next fiscal year stems from a projected revenue shortage coupled with increases in pensions, insurance and departmental payroll, or raises for city employees, city officials said.
    I hadn't noticed this item from the current regarding next year's budget. By my math the shortfall is about %10 of the budget. Raises? Increases in departmental payroll?

  27. Last post "by me" at February 10, 2012 4:25 PM is not mine.

  28. Good meal, excellant (but very $$$) bottle of wine. No, we didn't drive!
