Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The City of Hartford has reached a tentative agreement with the estate of Jashon Bryant for a one time settlement payment of $1.625 million. Although the City of Hartford Corporation Counsel has refused to release any information pursuant to an FOI request, I was able to view documents today that detailed the proposed payment to the estate.

The claim results from the fatal shooting of Jashon Bryant in 2005 by Hartford Police Deytective Robert Lawlor. Lawler reported that as he approched the vehicle in which Bryant was a passsenger he sw a gun and fired his weapon as he feared for his life from the occupants and the moving vehicle. Although no weapon was found later when the vehicle crashed, the operator of the vehicle has been serving prison time for gun and armed robbery charges unrelated to the 2005 incident.

If the City ever releases the entire documents, it should be interesting to see why they chose to pay rather than fight the claim. Although the City claims that the settlement is "sealed" and confidential, a spokesperson at the FOI Commission has a different take on the legality of that.

The State of Connecticut also has a claim on a portion of the settlement apparently for close to $200,000 for money Brant owed to the State for support payments and other items.

Detective Lawlor, who was arrested for the shooting, was eventually acquitted of any criminal charges by a Superior Court jury in 2009.


  1. it is obvious that the City expected a larger jury result against them. I have had these types of cases before and got similiar reluts over 1 million,so the settlement number looks ok to me,baring anything funny appearing.

  2. Absolutely disgusting and totally ridiculous. I'm gonna be sick....

  3. Here's two questions that should be disclosed or investigated:

    How much of the actual settlement amount goes to the victims estate?

    How much of it is goes to lawyers for so called, "Fees and Expenses"

  4. It appears that 80% will go to the estate, I think the State of CT gets their money right off the top, I can't say for sure, but the lawyers wil probably eat up at least 25 to 30%.

  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but
    I thought Lawlor was found not, why is the City
    paying out so much money.?

    1. Cause he shud b in jail 4 killin ma bro hush money iz wht I call but the fight still iz on

  6. Anonymous 7:59pm,

    I agree that this doesn't make any sense, but there is a difference between criminal charges and civil liability. To pay anything on this is crazy, but you never know what will happen with a jury and I think the burden of proof for a judgement in civil cases is much lower than in a criminal case.

  7. In the grand scheme of things, Officer Lawlor shot an unarmed African American male. It is alarmingly evident that this has become acceptable in more than one instance. Just look at Sanford,FL just a few weeks ago. Its the very least the state can do is give these people something because they will never have their loved one back. No one is denying the fact that police officers have a very difficult job but conversely everyone seems to forget that a gun was never retrieved. Maybe that will help you guys see the "sense" in paying the family something for their loss, but is it enough? Lawlor got money and all he lost was time and yeah, he endured some stress but he didnt lose any of his kids. MESSAGE

  8. Megatron lord of the DecepticonsMarch 28, 2012 at 6:38 PM

    they should pay more i just have one question why is always whitemale cops that kill people of color you never hear of cops of color killing white citizens maybe they value life more or maybe they know society wont accept that how soon yall forget OJ Simpson was found not guilty but still had to pay civil fees i guess that wasnt an issue for you guys???

  9. Hopefully Mike Georgetti can attach this settlement to provide Lawlor with the means to treat his PTSD as a result of Bryants actions.

  10. Or add to the family's settlement for their PTSD for the loss of their loved one.

  11. Your boy was a filthy Criminal. Did you know that DCF had two open cases against him for sexually asaulting young family members. CONFIRMED. So dont make it seem that he was an angel. What school did he go to? What job did he work? where did he volunteer? exactly. One less for HPD to deal with.

  12. Hey Tarac, learn to spell. You seem extremely educated. What college degree do you have. Oh I forgot, they just started giving out X-box degrees and EBT mistake....
