Saturday, April 7, 2012


I constantly wonder why the values and sense of morality are so different from the city where I live and other communities mere miles away from me. I ask this question in all seriousness.

This past week the ink was hardly even dry on the Florida arrest report for a member of the Windsor Board of Education. Almost immediately, actually within hours, the leadership of the Windsor Board of Education were calling a special meeting to discuss his removal. They eventually voted to request his resignation. I'm not sure the message has even been heard by the Board member since he is apparently still behind bars in Florida.

A Deputy Commissioner from the State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection made an inappropriate phone call caught on the recipients voice mail and within hours, Governor Malloy was accepting his resignation.

The bottom line though is that there was swift and decisive action against someone who clearly, according to the accusations, has shown poor judgement and has violated the trust placed in him by the people he is supposed to represent. It is not about "innocent until proven guilty", it is about violating the trust and confidence placed in them by their constituents.

West Hartford did the same thing last year when a Councilperson apparently violated the public trust by his actions. In no time public pressure was placed upon him to resign. isn't that the message that should be sent? Public positions have a higher level of responsibility to make the correct decisions when confronted with taking the right path or the wrong path.

Yet Hartford doesn't seem to get that. I had a long discussion with Councilwoman Cynthia Jennings this week about her resolution for "Abe Giles Way". She defended her actions by essentially telling me that the African American community needs their role models and they should be allowed to pick their own "role models". I asked her if Abe Giles was the best she could find? An individual who was convicted in a corruption scandal that cost the City of Hartford hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, when all is said and done.

I threw out a few more names that I thought might be more appropriate. If you are selecting role models,how about Thurman Milner, Frank Borges, Helen Nixon or even Trude Mero. Maybe even Clark King, Hyacinth Yennie, Daryl Roberts, Debbie Barrows, John Stewart, Henry Fuqua, Henry Brown... and I'm only touching the tip of the iceberg. But Abe Giles?

I'm getting a little off track from my original reason for this post, but here goes. Why does Windsor, West Hartford and so many others, including Governor Malloy, have such a different view of right and wrong and accepting responsibility for ones actions?

It became very evident during the Perez corruption investigation and only after his conviction and sentencing did he actually resign. One of his co-conspirators, Veronica Airey-Wilson actually eventually "retired" and collects her pension now from the City of Hartford and one of the other co-conspirators is now headed to having a city intersection named after him, even though he plead guilty. There was no outcry for their resignations, except maybe on this blog, and even when they were surrendering themselves to arrest on criminal charges, not a peep.

A Hartford Police officer, who happens to also be a member of the Connecticut legislature representing Hartford's 6th District, admits to stealing overtime payments from the City of Hartford during an Internal Affairs investigation. Hector Robles was eventually arrested and terminated from his job as a police officer, yet he still serves in the legislature. No demands for his resignation, no pressure placed on him for violating the public trust placed in him, ....nothing.

In fact Robles hasn't announced whether he will seek renomination for his position, but the odds seem pretty good. The convention to re-nominate him may even coincide with his next court date, May 23, 2012, where the felony charges against him are moving forward. This will prove interesting since the 6th District Town Committee which was recently elected proclaiming "change" will be the same group that may be the ones to endorse an alleged criminal.

Then we go to the recently appointed Charter Revision Commission. One individual appointed, and seeking the Chairmanship of the Commission is former Councilman John Kennelly. Kennelly is currently winding his way through Connecticut's court system on his own drunken driving charges. Kennelly was actually appointed to the commission by Councilman Alexander Aponte, someone else who has issues with public trust, as his handpicked choice. Kennelly, by his own admission apparently has alcohol issues he is dealing with. The question needs to be asked as to whether the people of Hartford are properly served while he deals with those issues and his criminal court appearances.

The list goes on and on. Individuals convicted of violations of the public trust and convicted of "selling" community service time and committing fraud through their position in the Hartford Court now serves, and has served for some time, on the Hartford Democratic Town Committee.

One of our local State Representatives was instrumental in filing allegations that a member of an opposing Town Committee slate wasn't a Hartford resident while at the same time it is pretty common knowledge that he hasn't lived in his district in some time.

An individual who has several well documented instances of being an alleged sexual predator until recently served on the Executive Committee of the Hartford Democratic Town Committee, yet it was one of the "dirty little secrets" that everyone talked about, but choose to ignore. The same individual was a paid "political operative", the filings call him a consultant, yet he is also a delegate to just about every upcoming political convention.

The upcoming nominations for Registrar of Voters should also be interesting. At least one name being floated is an individual who has a well documented case of being arrested for soliciting a prostitute, all done while he was also a City employee. The "prostitute" happened to be an undercover Hartford Police Officer and I am told the video of the solicitation used as evidence is still in existence. Another potential candidate has had a checkered past involving drug use and other criminal charges including shoplifting. Apparently these are also well documented.

Now I know anyone can claim they have changed and "turned their lives around", and some do and some don't. But at what point do they become accountable for their actions?

A local Superintendent of Schools was forced to resign a couple years ago after the outcry over his drunken driving arrest. Judge Curtissa Cofield, an extremely popular and compassionate judge at Hartford's Community Court was swiftly removed from that position after her arrest for drunken driving a couple years ago. If we went by the Hartford way of thinking, she would have been promoted to a Justice on the State Supreme Court.

If it is true that you are judged by the company you keep, Hartford's political establishment can't possibly be thought of too highly. Is it any wonder we continue to not be taken seriously when we can't even have the guts to hold ourselves accountable? Seriously, would this be acceptable in West Hartford or Manchester or most other places in our State?

When you make the decision to board a plane to fly to Florida like Mr. Watts with the thought of having sex with a minor or put the key in your ignition and drive drunk at twice the legal limit or participate in corruption pay offs or solicit a prostitute or shoplift or do the line of coke or concoct a scheme to steal thousands from the City of Hartford, don't you somehow forfeit the right to represent the public? At the very least, how do you expect to gain the public's confidence and trust, not to mention their respect?

Maybe we can have a meeting to discuss this on the corner of Abe Giles Way and ask Eddie Perez to chair the meeting.


  1. Kevin,

    like others said about the Rovella post, this one is also one of your best. Saying what needs to be said and shining the light on Hartford's corrupt activities. everythign you mentioned is well known by the powers to be, including Mayor Segarra. I understand he has first hand knowledge of the predators activities and yet continues to pay him and turn a blind eye to his activities.

    How can you even had the balls to throw your name out for registrar of Voters when it is common knowledge that the person is a coke head or a pig out soliciting prostitutes? Yeah, that's what i want in City Hall, although there are plenty of "prostitutes" there to associate with.

    Good to see the fire is back in your postings and this is all information that needs to be out there. It might not be liked , but it is the truth.

    And a note to Mr. Kennelly, take the time to clean up your act for the sake of your family, you are becoming a disgrace to the Bailey/Kennelly name, not to mention you owe it to your "new" family.

  2. Kevin The political elite being elected officials,political operatives and town committee types have a habit of looking the other way as to corruption,crime,immorality and unethical conduct.Pedro knowingly hired a felon and alleged predator on his campaign staff and the town chair of the Democratic Party hired and/or used the same felon and alleged predator in the 4th district primary.

    If the folks on the top of the political food chain consort and hirt felons,predators and other immoral types,then therein lies the problem.The rest of the politico's knowing that the leaders condone this culture feel free to do whatever they want to,as the laws and rules dont apply to them because Pedro and Marc are or will protect them.

  3. why the values and sense of morality are so different from the city where I live and other communities
    First, I don't know how different Hartford is. Check out the near rock star status accorded Monica Lewinski's boyfriend.
    Second, I have to think the fact that we are a one party town has something to do with it. Whether if we had a different party in control for decades on end there may be more concern for ethics is open to speculation, but my humble opinion is that the Democrat Party, like the labor unions to which it is closely linked, has an ends-justify-the-means streak.
    Third, as demonstrated by Councilperson Jennings, ethnic nationalism often trumps ethics. This is particularly true in the black community. I give you Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Marion Barry, Alcee Hastings, and Charlie Rangel. These scum-balls may be making out well for themselves, but they are acceptable because they are "sticking it to the man."

  4. Kevin - Thank you for this post. It is well written and raises important questions. For those of us who care about the city but who are not within the innner circles of the the town committees, etc. it would be helpful to include all the names of persons referred to if their names are already part of the public record because of arrrests or convictions. I recognize that you need to be careful not to slander or libel but the if the record is public why not expand the info you are providing.

  5. Kevin I agree that the political system in Hartford is bad and has been bad for quite some time.I believe that no one person is to blame,though when those at the top of the political system surround themselves with the corrupt,mmorally depraved and criminal elements it is exceedingly hard to get rid of these elements and they seem to linger within the system,bouncing from supporting/working for one elected official to another,or bouncing from one elected position to another.Those in authority set the tone and when they consort with bad elements it is telling the rest of the citizens that there is little to no moral compass within the body politic.For every rotten apple there are probably two who for one reason or another turn a blind eye to the goings on.

    Until such time as most or more people who are active within the political system start to clean house of these corrupt,immoral and illegal elements and/or shun them,there will be more names for you to post about and more scandels for you to write about,though we can expect to count on the legal/judicial system to get rid of the criminal element.

  6. why the values and sense of morality are so different from the city where I live and other communities
    First, I don't know how different Hartford is. Check out the near rockstar status accorded Monica Lewinski's boyfriend.
    Second, I have to think the fact that we are a one-party town has something to do with it. Whether, if we had a different party in control for decades on end, there may be more concern for ethics is open to speculation, but my humble opinion is that the Democrat Party, like the labor unions to which it is closely linked, has an ends-justify-the-means streak.
    Third, as demonstrated by Councilperson Jennings, ethnic nationalism often trumps ethics. This is particularly true in the black community. I give you Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Marion Barry, Alcee Hastings, and Charlie Rangel.

  7. Johnnie Walker BlackApril 8, 2012 at 11:06 PM

    Kennelly's liquor problem has been known for years.He has ruined the family name and shouldnt be in politics.

  8. The City of Hartford is Not so different!
    You're just spinning it that way.

  9. Kevin,

    You clearly have NO IDEA what ABE GILES, my grandfather has done for the North End of Hartford.

    He is not only my role model but he has impact the lives of several other people in the state of CT.

    Naming Windsor St Abe Giles Way, would be the best thing the City of Hartford could do for Abe.

    If the street name doesn't change, in honor of my grandfather, I will make sure this city knows who Abe Giles is.

    PS: Everything isn't about politics!

  10. Team Giles,

    you are right , it is not all about politics, so maybe you could give us a few examples of what Abe Giles did for Hartford that wasn't political

  11. Kevin, no posts about the raises for the mayor's inner circle? This goes beyond Kupiec + Pedro. Also, why hasn't council spoken up?

  12. "This is particularly true in the black community. I give you Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Marion Barry, Alcee Hastings, and Charlie Rangel." You're only saying this because the Black community is so small for every morally flawed black "leader" there's 100 flawed white politicians. Stop making this about color and focus on the facts. Political figures in Hartford are being excused for bad behavior. This is not unique to Hartford though and the only reason you know about all of these acts is because this is a small time playing field.

  13. Anonymous 2:24pm:

    The comment you referenced was not posted anonymously and that is why I allowed it to go through. If it had been posted "anonymous", I don't think I would have allowed it.

    I agree with you though that no one group or race can point the finger at another for being on the forefront of corruption, there is more than enough to go around. I think the names, Clinton, Rowland, Ganim, DiBella could be just a few added to Peter's list

  14. The question posed by Kevin B. implied that Hartford is "different." I suggested that the premise should probably be qualified; I don't know how unique Hartford is. It does have something of a problem with toleration of corruption or ethical boo-boos by the electorate. I speculate that this toleration is related to ethnic nationalism, and that this nationalism is particularly important in the Black "community." Not to pick on Blacks, I'd point out that the Irish pretty much invented urban political machinery in Tammany Hall, and in Boston there was tons of sympathy for its favorite machine boss.
    "After several campaigns at bribery, Curley finally faced felony indictment. Nonetheless, Curley's popularity with the Irish American community in Boston remained so high, that even in the face of this indictment he reelected on the slogan "Curley Gets Things Done" winning an unprecedented fourth term as mayor of Boston in 1945. A second indictment by a federal grand jury, for mail fraud, did not harm his campaign and Curley won the election with 45% of the vote." (wikipedia) If ethnic nationalism isn't the cause, please tell me how guys like Al Sharpton not only stay out of jail, but have their asses kissed by the likes of Atty. General Holder.

  15. Clinton, Rowland

    Actually, I did mention Klinton, and say what you want about Rowland, whatever ethnic nationalist support he may have had it wasn't enough to keep him out of jail or keep him office. Therefor, his treatment by the electorate doesn't seem a good example of the kind of lax ethical standards you attribute to the City of Hartford.
