Wednesday, May 23, 2012


The wrangling over the budget may not actually be done yet. It seems that many still have something to say , one of them being Council Minority Leader Dr. Larry Deutsch.

The following statement was received from Dr. Deutsch today:

Letter to City employees, the public, and the press:

Many of us appreciate the Mayor's message to Council and the Public regarding approval of a budget, which for review I quote as follows: "I am pleased that, working with City Council
members and the City Treasurer, we were able to reach a budget agreement that
does exactly what residents and business owners have asked of their elected
officials: reduced spending,... I do, however, have a concern with the
resolutions that require progressive furlough days based on salary. While I
understand and appreciate the sentiment, I am troubled by the adverse impact
that this type of policy would have on our city management systems. Instead, I
intend to focus on payroll direct deposit and limit the impact of any and all
furlough days."We MUST note sharp difference with his final comment.
City Council passed by a good margin, very consciously and deliberately, the
resolution that any furlough days and savings for taxpayers be FAIRLY designed,
with smallest sacrifice from workers and families least able to afford
it.Council was well aware of calculations and consequences of this new
money-saving furlough policy, including how it impacts city management as well
as vital front-line workers and services. Like the public, Council is also aware
of out-of-proportion raises already given to top management, as in big
corporations, but now at taxpayers’ expense. In the past, Mr. Segarra
condemned a previous Chief of Staff for minimizing Council resolutions as only
"advisory". How do we now read a similar remark that "...instead, I intend to focus on..." that is
different from what Council
So, since the
Mayor raised such concern, probably all workers, Hartford families, the press, and City website
should continue attention to these issues of fairness and

Larry Deutsch,
Minority Leader, Hartford City

1 comment:

  1. structured furlows are reasonable and necessary so that everyone shares the pain.Those making more as departments heads,etc can certainly give back more then a janitor making 30k a year.
