Thursday, May 10, 2012


The Maple Avenue Revitilization Group, MARG, will meet tonight at 6:00PM in the basement of St. Augustine Church at 10 Campfield Avenue.

Tonight's special guest will be Hartford Police Chief James Rovella. If you haven't had the opportunity to meet Chief Rovella or if you would like to hear his plans for the Hartford Police Department, feel free to stop by. The meeting is open to the public


  1. If Ms Yennie is voting to abstain regarding the Fonfara/Philips matter then maybe she is getting some rug cleaning work.She certainly is no reformer that she bills herself and I think someone should sue her for false advertising.

  2. Out of curiosity, why were seven hpd officers made detective today, when other officers had no chance to submit a package or have an oppertunity to apply?
    It was very hush hush ....

  3. Where were the job postings for detective posted. I would have applied, but I guess Im not a choosen one. oh well patrol gets the raw deal every time....

  4. No postings for Detective equals grievances through the union. I also am going to call the equal rights federal board. First slip up by Rovella. I thought morale was important. But more back door deals and kick backs....

  5. If you took the time to ask around instead of just making assumptions you would if found out that these 7 were put in place by DKR and were all beyond or near the contractual obligation to be made detectives. So if anyone had a grievance it certainly would of been them and not you.

  6. That is true, what Rovella did was absolutely necessary. All those officers were put in Detective positions as officers. This was done while DKR was in place, although he had little to do with those placements. After one year, the officers may file a grievance, from which they would then be given a detective rank, as well as back pay. These promotions were a case of the Chief doing what is needed and overdue. Also, it was a diverse group. Nice try. Also, writing three comments in a row, within minutes of each other makes it pretty obvious all three comments are from the same person. Please use your head before posting, maybe call the union first, and get some facts,- just a suggestion. Your posting isn’t exactly a ringing endorsement of your detective ability.

  7. 1041, 1043, & 1045, You are an idiot!!! Stay in Patrol because you can barely hack it there. Your lucky to have a job, meatball...Same old cry babies in the locker room. Boo hoooo, I don't get anything. You got a job dummy...
