Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This is what is running our City.

I posted a comment earlier that I wish I had Adobe Photoshop when someone came up with the caped crusader and his "boy blunder" to describe Hartford's Chief Operating Officer David Panagore and his loyal sidekick, Chief of Staff Jared Kupiec.

 Within minutes this picture appeared in my e-mail.

Thank you to my faithful readers


  1. I wounder if the costumes were rented on the City's credit card, holy batman.

  2. Can Pedro Segarra as the Joker be far off?

    The only normal one in the group would be Commissioner Gordon, maybe they can get Chief Rovella to play the part of the normal guy.

  3. That is just wrong, but then again it is so right. It's about time people start figuring out the damage those two have done to Hartford

  4. I am going to have nightmares now, thanks

  5. This team of imbiciles couldnt sharpen a pencil.Pedro is a joke and frankly worse then Perez,at least Perez was competant and focused.All Pedrito wants to do is cut ribbons.

  6. Oliver,

    I am not sure I agree with your evaluation of Perez , but one thing that is true is that at least Eddie Perez made decisions,whether right or wtrong he at least took a stand and you knew where he stood. Segarra seems incapable of making the tough decisions his position requires.

  7. Kevin as long as Pedro continues to enjoy the company of "yes men" close advisors,who depend on him for salaries,money,political support or other favors,expect more of the same.Many other elected officials have the intestinal fortitude to invite those folks that oppose them or folks that are free enough within themselves to take an opposite view or position,which to my mind doesnt necessarilly make one a mortal enemy, and listen to them.Pedro doesnt seem to want to discuss the important city and state issues with people not looking for something other then to give him good objective neutral advice,so you and I shouldnt expect any Mayoral invite soon.

  8. I actually think the batman looks too slim to be Boe tie flunkie. But its a good start, maybe we should get a pic of him drunk at hot tomatoes...

  9. Simply word to describe these two..... L O S E R S !!!!!!

  10. The Tres Amigos, Ill Trio.


    get w/the program, Papi,

    your Admin is sinking faster that the Greek economy/The Euro -
    Varon,"Mitigating" $1/2 Million reduction on summer jobs to the Hartford Urban Youth is a CRIME,

    Especialmente that u approved $400K for a failed sandwich join at H21. Pedrito, Ooop, Sorry The Main Man Panagore, UR wrong.
