Wednesday, July 25, 2012


When it rains it pours, many of you have asked why blog posts have slowed down so I hope you are getting your fill today.

But anyways, an e-mail was sent out to all of the members of the Hartford Redevelopment Authority today advising them that "Please be advised that the August HRA meeting has been cancelled due to the lack of actionable items. "The e-mail was sent by Mayra Ghaffar, the
Administrative Assistantin the Economic Development Division of the Department of Development Services

A lack of actionable items,? We just hired a new economic development Director and we have an office full of staff in the redevelopment Department and several of them have recently been given bonuses.  How can there be nothing actionable if people are actually doing their jobs?

What about the project at Albany Avenue and Woodland Street that was supposed to be voted on months ago , after the neighborhood made it clear what they wanted there. Word is that there may be a behind the scenes deal in the offing to benefit another Hartford politico. That property was already part of a Grand Jury corruption investigation, should we try for twice?

Someone, ,hopefully, someone on the Council needs to start asking questions as to why there is nothing "actionable" in a City that is starving for Economic Development. Maybe the paychecks for staff that aren't able create anything "actionable" should be looked at.

And on the topic of development, I am being told that the COO"s Anti Blight Initiative is on life support as the staff continue to jump from the sinking ship. Anyone that could provide more insight on this feel free to call me with info.


  1. The bag of cash must have not been there when Roger went to pick it up at the Albany Ave and Woodland St drop point, otherwise the pharmacy would be well under way by now,

    I took care of Noel, the rest is up to you guys.

  2. hearing that the Anti Blight boy toy is out the door as well as a couple of the COO Assistants

    keep digging on this one

  3. What's even worse is that the Mayor is endorsing Ramoan Arroyo for reg. of voters, now Minnie can live the rest of her criminal days out at the Capitol. Another example of why Hartford s the laughing stock of the state, they can't even get a police chiefs appointment right.

  4. RE: Anti-blight effort: Don't know about the other neighborhoods, but Gabe Engeland, the anti-blight captain for the northend, has been doing a super job helping residents in the northeast neighborhood address a # of problematic properties. The concept is great - Gus Espinoza in L&I was stretched way too thin by himself.

  5. Natalie, the smartest of the 4 assistant COO's is leaving. She is the only one that was worth the money they are paying them.

  6. Natalie, who worked 3 out of 5 days and called in sick the other two each week, and wouldn't move into the city, a condition of her employment? Yeah, she sounds like a real gem indeed...

  7. Re: Rex said...

    Gabe E,
    was the Coo Ass... who tried to tell city directors and elected officials what to do, and go his A burned-, big time.

    Panagore, Please Go Away !!!!!
