Wednesday, August 15, 2012


The above flyer is from Robles's 2010 campaign when he misled voters by telling the voters that the allegations against him were purely administrative. That was apparently a lie as Robles was eventually arrested after a probe by the Chief State's Attorney's Office

Voters in Hartford and across Connecticut spoke at the voting booths yesterday and it would seem that the message may have been that criminal behavior by our elected officials is  not acceptable. Specifically for Hartford a message was sent on two fronts. Hector Robles the current State Representative in the 6th District was rebuked by Hartford's voters. Robles is currently headed to trial after his arrest and subsequent termination as a Hartford Police Officer.

Although Robles misled his constituents throughout the campaign by claiming that the charges were going to be dropped and he was going to get his police job back, voters apparently saw through that and realized he was lying to them. Despite numerous Court dates, the charges have not been dismissed and Robles is headed for pre-trial activity and potentially jury selection for his trial on October 9, 2012.

 The second Hartford race was for Democratic Registrar of Voters. Hartford political operative Ramon Arroyo was able to obtain the endorsement of the Hartford Democratic Town Committee by calling in his political favors and leveraging positions of employment in the Registrars Office to garner the votes needed to get the endorsement. All of this in despite of Arroyo's previous arrest for soliciting prostitutes while he was a City employee.

One City Hall insider told me Monday that no one cared about the arrest because it was over twenty years ago. Apparently voters may have thought differently. Arroyo was supported by Mayor Segarra, New Haven Mayor John DeStefano 7th District State Representative Doug McCrory and former State Representative Ken Green.

Arroyo appeared on the top row of the ballot with Senate candidate Chris Murphy and the general consensus was that would have allowed Arroyo to ride Murphy's coat tails, but the voters had other ideas and instead chose the current Registrar Olga Vazquez to remain in office.

In the 5th Congressional District the voters chose not to endorse House Speaker Christopher Donovan . Although Donovan has not been charged  in the scandal that has encompassed his campaign, that might change at anytime as the investigation has proceeds.

And finally another vote that exposed the worst of Town Committee politics and the best of voters doing the right thing, Ernie New ton of Bridgeport was sent packing by the voters. Newton was arrested convicted and served jail time for using the senate position he was trying to reclaim to solicit bribes for his own gain His endorsement by the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee surprised many , but then again that's politics, it isn't about finding the best candidates.

And finally, now that the Hartford City Council has approved "Abe Giles Way" can I suggest that we name the street in front of the new Public Safety Complex "Hector Robles Way" so that we can memorialize his criminal activity also....allegedly. He actually did do some good things for the City before he scammed us....allegedly.


  1. I like Abe Giles Way. The only problem is the $100,000 toll to drive down the way.

  2. Kind of sad that Segarra's people have made such a joke out of him he can't even get a Registrar elected on the endorsed Democratic row. His word means nothing now as people look at his recent performances

  3. ?hector Robles Way, now there's an idea, all the cops can double bill while they construct it as a tribute to Robles's Thievery...allegedly

  4. Ramon should have worked harder on getting out his "working girls" vote, that might have put him over the top, would have been cheaper than all the people he paid $100.00 each to wear his t-shirts at the polls yesterday

  5. Segarra,

    is losing his MOJO big time, his endorsement is meaningless just like his COO Panagore, by Xmas his regime will be irrelevant. CC make a move,
    Pedro is going weak and an non issue, a political NOTHING/NADA.

  6. The real losers are Pedro and diBella who will have little or no influence with Olga and Vargas,

  7. I am glad to see that voters made the right choices form the band of misfits they had to choose from. Hector's days are numbered it's just a matter of time before he is cell mates with Eddie " the felon" Perez. Doesn't the city hall insider know that no matter how long ago something happened it will still come up in politics, that's politics 101. Thank god Ramon didnt get elected because Minie " the crook" Gonzalez would never lose a race. I can't wait to find out what happens with her court case on voter fraud, or should her name be Minie "let me fill out your absent t ballot" Gonzalez.

  8. I am glad to see that voters made the right choices form the band of misfits they had to choose from. Hector's days are numbered it's just a matter of time before he is cell mates with Eddie " the felon" Perez. Doesn't the city hall insider know that no matter how long ago something happened it will still come up in politics, that's politics 101. Thank god Ramon didnt get elected because Minie " the crook" Gonzalez would never lose a race. I can't wait to find out what happens with her court case on voter fraud, or should her name be Minie "let me fill out your absent t ballot" Gonzalez.

  9. The problem with Hartford's political system among other problem's, is the appearance over the last 10-15 years of alot of corrupt,criminals and parasites who are involved in the political process.The aforesaid often are either elected as in the case of Robles and Perez or find themselves working in the backround of the process, like Arroyo.The other day in the primary,the voters in Hartford got it right.The City's political reputation needed to be changed and its politics needed to be cleansed of the corrupt criminal element and the results of the primary is a good beginning.

    There still are several of these parasites,criminals and corrupt people around the process and they need to be gotten rid of, in order for Hartford to move forward.

  10. Minnie Gonzalez will have her day in court, and Jesus is not an excuse to commit voter fraud and fill out balots for yourself......your time will come. Robles is going to have the same fate as perez. Sooner or later both of them will be introduced to the intimate pleasures of prison...

  11. Voter fraud for Minnie Gonzalez, Im sure the witnesses in that case will be subject to hit and runs on park street by her band of minions.......

  12. Robles and minnie are nothing more then common criminals ......

  13. Ramon "WHORE MONGER" Arroyo, and Hector "STEAL ALL YOU CAN" Robles, Were shown the door this past Tuesday. Mayor Segarra , Democratic Chairman Dibella, State Senator Fonfara, State Rep. Matt Ritter, State Rep. Doug McCrory, Councilman Aponte,McDonald, DeJesus, all have some explaining to do as to why they would support this level of candidiate. The Democratic Party in Hartford has sunk to the lowest level it possibly can! Hopefully this sends a CLEAR Message that none of this will be tolerated anymore. Unfortunately for Mayor Segarra it is too late! he has shown no backbone or ability to lead the city. We can only hope that the rest of the Democratic party can pick up the pieces and begin a renewal for a better party and city. As far as Minnie Gonzalez is concerned, She will be the Dean of Hartford legislators next January! One can only imagine the laughter that is going on in the Capitol thinking about this!She has enriched herself and Ramon on the backs of the poorest people in Hartford and gotten away with it for years. WAKE UP THIRD DISTRICT VOTERS! I believe the crack in the present group will begin to appear very soon! Keep your eyes open for some great happenings in Hartford!

  14. Minnie should be in jail.. Voter fraud......CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Robles and Perez can share a cell, and wash each other in the showers...
