Thursday, August 9, 2012


When the public hearing was scheduled for the July 30, 2012 Council meeting, it was said that the full Council would vote on the appointment of James Rovella as Police Chief at their August 13, 2012 meeting. The Council agenda is out for Monday's meeting and there is no vote scheduled for Rovella's appointment.

Council Ptresident Shawn Wooden told me they have nothing to vote on since Mayor Segarra and his staff have not reached a contract agreement with Rovella yet. Wooden , who will be on vacation next week, had also told me he would have called for a special meeting on Friday for the approval if an agreement was reached in time.

That apparently has not happened. Once again it raises the question of how this Administration operates. Other than the Superintendent of Schools the selection and appointment of a Police Chief is probably the most important appointment by this Mayor. And he has botched this one big time.
Not by the person appointed but by his total lack of strategy and effectiveness  getting"his ducks in a row" before he moved forward. Who advises this guy?

The sad part is that much of this process has now come down to bruised egos and feelings of disrespect. Wouldn't it have made sense for the Mayor to call the Council President in before announcing Rovella's appointment and make him part  of the process and ask for his opinion. That apparently never happened from what I am told.

Segarra came into the Mayor's Office after an extended period of disrespect as City Council President under felon Eddie Perez, you would think that would have resulted in a new era of respect towards the Council since Segarra had essentially "been there, done that"  and would realize the importance of a good working relationship between the Office of the Mayor and the Council. Not in Hartford.

In the meantime, everyday that goes by, HPD is like a ship without a rudder with no clear cut leader as l0ong as the title"acting Chief" is in front of Rovella's name The Mayor needs to get all parties in the same room and not leave until the deal is done so Council President Wooden can call a special meeting and  finalize this vote once and for all.

This is a total lack of respect to Chief Rovella and the men and women of the Hartford Police Department who deserve some solid leadership. Leadership that Rovella as the "permanent" Chief will provide

The City Charter gives the Council 60 days from July 30, 2012 to take action on the appointment of Chief Rovella.


  1. As usual you exagerate when it suits your agenda. Everyone in the PD knows who the chief is. It's not a "ship without a rudder" with "no clear cut leader". Trust me, I am there every day.

  2. have you seen any personnel changes mad yet? His own command staff is making negative comments aqbout him in public, they know no changes will be made until he is confirmed.he is doing a great job managing the place but he needs to be able to make real changes once he is confirmed.

  3. Kevin.
    you are correct his own command staff -yes I mean Rovella's chiefs,
    are all making negative comments -very spitefull about Rovella behind his back. Trust me i heard it. I work there.

  4. I have to say I am not surprised, they were all lobbying the Mayor for the full time position after DKR announced he was leaving.

    I was very surprised though by the call I recieved from a Community memeber detailing remarks that were overheard at the Upper Albany Night out gathering. They should be more careful, you never know who is listening. Some of the comments though came from someone I didn't see as a backstabber,someone who shall remain nameless at this point, althought they described him perfectly. Exactly why they all need to go to move the organization forward. And I understand someone else was very upset that I made a mistake and went down a one-way street the wrong way. I apologize for my mistake.. I turned around as soon as I realized. He apparently doesn't carry a ticket book, because I understand he was "ordering" others to give me a ticket, no one complied which I guess begs the question how effective he is if no one followed his orders

  5. Once again the amature hour is in full effect. One would think that after running away to Florida upon his return Pedro whould of made this his first act but I guess not. He was at two press conferences with the guy and no discussion about the outstanding issue, stupid and rediculious.
    This Mayor has single handily destroyed Hartford and made it as well as himself at laughing stock of the state. He will never get that judgeship that was rumored about if he can't make an important decision such as this one. Yeah he named him but after what 7 months, this whole thing has been miss handled from the beginning by Pedro and his advisors. I sure the hell wouldn't ask those clowns for directions to the Wadsorth I'd end up in Farmington.

  6. Bring back Lester Mccoy!!!!!!!!!!!!At least he had style and could work his mojo on the records women at police headquaters.

  7. Panagore reminds me of "Pizza the hut" from the movie spaceballs.....

  8. It's a shame that with the success and leadership that James Rovella has provided for the City of Hartford, the the incumbent command staff continues to defy him with deceit and treachery.
    Men (albeit used loosely), get your act together, THINK of why you wear the uniform.
    But alas, I fear that it is too late... I guess you were too weak willed to withstand the power of the darkside

  9. After tomorrow the bell wil have rung. So, Heavren, Horvath, Samson and Paul " I can't go back to Springfield" Ceisinski accept your fate because you are the ones who have determined it by your actions. You don't get a do over or rewind to fix the backstabbing and manipulation you have done.Don't expect any tears or parties because it could be held in a phone booth just pack up your shit and disappear into the night like the rats you are.
    One thing I can say is that when the shoe drops were going to party like its 1999, bitches.

  10. Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong that's the sound of the end for a few assclowns who didnt know thier role. I guess we're all going to take the time machine back in tme cause it's 1999 bitches. Don't let the door knob hit ya where the good lord split ya. Hey Paul Springfield PD is eating for you at the border, maybe you can hide in the trunk when the Hulk goes back to school at UMASS take the job you Moran because your not getting what you want.
