Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Sources tonight are confirming the arrest of another Hartford Firefighter by Law enforcement officials in Rhode Island. Firefighter Rory Wentworth of Engine 11 on Sisson Avenue was apparently arrested after assaulting another Hartford firefighter Patrick Phelan of Engine 8 on Park Street. Sources have confirmed that Wentworth was arrested on felony assault charges after causing serious injuries to Phelan during the assault. No further details are available at this point or on Wentworth's status with the Hartford Fire Department. Hartford Firefighter Rafael Diaz who was arrested on numerous drug charges on August 2, 2012, was also in Court yesterday and his case was continued to October 3, 2012. You can read more on Diaz here Unfortunately thi behavior is not limited to the Fire department. Sources have also confirmed that two Hartford Police officers are facing possible ciminal actiom related to their behavior. One for possible larceny Charges and another for mishandling of evidence. More on those two cases as information develops.


  1. One of the HPD officers involved is a classmate of mine. I have not spoken to him in years, but he is a good cop. He shows up and works in one of the worst areas of the city. He might have a little chip, but we all do, look where we work. This job is not easy, and sometimes you have bad days and good days. It is easy to point fingers. Every single, including myself, has violated policy once or twice, but this officer should be given a fair shake. At least he has not done a larceny or a bar fight in springfield, or even danced on a table to make a fool out of himself. Say what you want, but the fact is, people at this department love it when something happens to someone else, but feel they are singled out when they break the rules....The other officer is a nice person, but she should not have been hired. I blame backgrounds for that one. NO ONE should be a cop with such an extensive past history of domestic violence...

  2. Clean out backgrounds before they hire a Charlie Manson to patrol the streets..........

  3. Both Officers in question made mistakes, but a larceny is unforgiveable. We make a lot of money here. Temptation should not evene come into play. Calling EAP and the NAACP makes no difference. Det Knight used to say, The cream always rises to the top. The others will be casualties of the diciplinary system...ask Rashim...

  4. What in the hell is going on with the fire department?

  5. The Real Deal......August 30, 2012 at 5:15 PM

    The turds in the Hartford Fire Dept are just as bad as her in HPD...Flush'em all...

  6. Where does the Hartford Fire Dept. recruit from? The state prisons? This is not a joke.

  7. The Hartford Fire Department hires only bonafide residents of the City of Hartford. People who live out of town, regardless of their experience or level of training, can't even apply.

    Find me another employer in the city of Hartford that can do that.

    Or would.

  8. Look at who they have as the Fire Chief! Hello?! Eddie & Eddie are two peas in a pod. Look at where Perez is at now. You think Casares is any different? Perez appointed his longtime buddy for Gods sake! Now he is Pedro's problem.

  9. We seem to have some turncoats within the Hartford Democratic Party establishment,who are helping Linda McMahon behind the scenes.The "women of color" have been employed by McMahon for awhile now,then there is Carmen Sierra,the Deputy Treasurer who escorted MaMahon around the Mercado on Park Street in 2010 and recently was at the founding of "Latina's for MaMahon at the West Hartford home of Diane Alverio,the noted publicity and advertising person and then there is Minnie Gonzalez,3rd district State Rep who is enjoying herlself,with her husband in Tampa at the Republican National convention.While Minnie is the President/Chair of a national Latino group,and will try to justify her attendance there as bi-partisan,her husband who is also there is not part of the group nor an elected official.

  10. Anonymous...Carmen wouldnt go to the McMahon meeting without the knowledge,consent and approval of Treasurer Adam Cloud.

  11. Just another verbal warning from the fire chief caesars. watch the disiplinary system here is a joke. Its kinda like who ya know and bl.... Just look at Nolan. That guy has been through hell. All because of jelousy and deception.

  12. At anonymous 1:30:

    Nolan is just one example. Even the Casares wasnt the chief when Danny was going through all of his crap, it's the culture of the fire department that's the problem Eddie just picked up where Charlie left off because that is the way it has always been done. Jealously, deception, intimidation, favoritism is how the Hartford fire department operates and has always operated. Danny shouldn't have gone through all of that bs but the mayor has always backed its fire chief even when they are dead wrong and the same holds true for Segarra and Casares. The mayor will fill the effects of perez's last appointee unless he does something about him. Cut the rope or go down with the ship.

  13. there are several favorable comments from Democratic Deputy Treasurer Carmen Sierra about Linda McMahon the Republican candidate for Senator in The Ct News Junkie blog.Those comments predate Hartford Treasurer appointing her the Deputy Hartford Treasurer,so that means he either did a terrible job of vetting her or he agrees with her support of Linda McMahon.

  14. Plenty of us trying to get on the fire dpt and we are being turned away to hire those like the above or Diaz. I lead a morally accepted life style but it's seems like I should start being a criminal in order to get on. These guys obviously don't care about the true meaning of being a firefighter.

    1. Most of the guys on HFD would like to see the highest scoring, most qualified individual get the job. Unfortunately, they use the residency rule to fudge results. Also, they use a scoring process called "banding". No longer are the highest scores getting jobs. The city hires from a "band" of people, who could have gotten 55 on the test but are residents, or are connected somehow. The other alternative is being recruited by Special Services, that is an automatic way in.

  15. You guys can thank Casares for that. He is permitted to do what ever he wants as fire chief while the mayor looks the other way.
