Friday, August 3, 2012


A Hartford firefighter has been arrested on numerous drug charges. Police sources have also confirmed that the firefighter was also dealing drugs out of the Engine Eight Firehouse on Park Street. Apparently undercover officers were able to make several undercover buys from firefighter Rafael Diaz, 38 while he was working at Engine 8.

Police served search warrants on Diaz at his home at 124 Douglas Street in Hartford on Thursday, he was subsequently charged with numerous counts  including possession with intent to sell and operating a drug factory.

UPDATE 5:40PM: Although Hartford's Fire Chief Edward Casares stated to the media that no drugs were sold out of the Park St. Firehouse, I stand by what I posted and the arrest warrant and the search warrant will verify that drug sales  were made by Diaz while he was on duty at  the firehouse. The documents will be posted here as soon as they are available afrer his court date


  1. Mike Lupo - Candidate for State Rep - 6th DistrictAugust 3, 2012 at 1:36 PM

    Punishment should be swift and harsh to rid the Hartford Fire Department from scum like this. Let's hope this is an isolated case, which I'm sure it is. Fellow firefighters should also show no mercy to someone that tarnishes everyone's reputation by actions like this.

  2. Drug Dealing on Park Street ? What a shocker!! Don't let Minnie find out......

  3. The fire dept is catching up to the police dept. But the police just drink, they don't push drugs..

  4. Anonynous 2:59PM...I wouldnt be surprised if Minnie and Ramon's sons are franchising the 3rd district sales in the Park Street area.

    1. Maybe your kids are the ones franchising or who knows maybe your the master mind behind all of this.

  5. Nothing will happen, he'll be back to work after 89 days off. At a different fire station of course!

  6. Yeah, Casares said he wasn't selling drugs in the firehouse because he was probably in on it. Everyone on with HFD knows that he takes care of all of the drunks and druggies on the job because of his past and probably present. Especially if you are in his circle as one of his butt lickers. Come to work drunk or high, don't worry about it, you will be allowed to drive home or be driven home even after it reaches the Chief's office. Phony Fire Chief Edward Casares has to go!!

  7. i'm not a legal expert, but if the charges against Diaz are so serious, why was he released on WPTA?
    Charges like his seem to deserve a hefty bail, yet he is free on just a signature. Politics? Favoritism? More crooked Hartford dirty deals?
    By the way, WPTA means Written Promise To Appear.
    Something smells fishy!

  8. I wonder how many firefighters were customers if Diaz?
    How many knew what Diaz was doing out of the firehouse?
    By the way, anybody know who is the House Captain of Engine 8?

  9. Sounds like someone has a hard on about Casares, maybe that was how he was in the past, but be asure that is not how he is now..what and see ! To insult him this way, you need to get a life ! It is very clear to anyone who understands that Diaz needs help, and hopefully he will get it.

  10. Don't think that is just one lad who can't stand Casares on the job, it is PLENTY!!! Not because of his substance abuse but just off of the basis that he is just not a good person. He intimidates, bullies, and abuses his power as Fire Chief which is plain despicable. His immorality and unethical behavior will eventually catch up to him. Everyone knows it even leadership at city hall from what i've been told but what have they done about it? Nothing! We just want a FIRE CHIEF again who will be fair to all, not just his cronies and will bring righteousness back to that top spot. Right now, it isnt there boys!

  11. Oh you poor baby ! You have no idea what Casares is all about...too bad...can't take the heat! then transfer to another Fire Dept. Hartford doesn't need cry babies, and that is what you are doing ! Before you carry on and on about him, Look at the stats!!!!

  12. Cry baby my rosy red a~~! Everyone knows what Casares is about. Takes care of his cronies and screws people he doesn't like just because he can. His own people don't even respect him on the job!!!! He is a disgrace to the job and anyone who calls themselves a fire chief!!! And I'm not going anywhere! I've been at a busy house my entire career and crap out turds better than Casares. Stats? Really? That's how lame I know you are by thinking that numbers justify someone being a turd and incompetent mental basket case! The numbers are what they are because us Firefighters care about our community and do our job in spite of our unethical so called fire chief!!!!

  13. Wasn't Casares in the nuthouse a few times?

  14. Sure was! And gets made because his buddy was the Mayor not because he was the most qualified person for the job! Only in Hartford!!!!

  15. Kevin - Why else would Casares be so quick to give a statement saying that no drugs were sold out of the firehouse when obviously it was going on? Something stinks and it isn't the sewer! I don't care who you are, that is suspect.....

  16. Anonymous 8:40...If you think this firefighter needs help because he is a drug dealer and selling drugs on duty out of a firehouse then you my friend are high. He should be locked up with his pension gone.

  17. Chief Casares is and has been making the department work, and stats do make it work! Name me one Fire Chief over the years that has done better then what he is doing now. He is not in that position to be your buddy nor your friend, there has never been a Chief that has been, and if you say so, you are wrong. I retired from the FD, and I remember also who was there and did their job, and who didn't, and I also remember who took care of their friends and their circle of friends too, and I also remember numerous guys on the job who shouldn't have even been on the job, and I also remember the 3rd floor cronies who never even cared about the, this my friend only tells me that at one time or another you didn't get your wish with Casares, so now you and the others are going to bad mouth him, which usually happens when a line person has a run in with someone from the 3rd floor !
    Grow up ! You are so lucky to even have a job, and a job on the Fire Dept. Like I said from the beginning- A Fire Chief is there to do a job, many people will like him or not, it won't matter..because in the long run he
    (the Fire Chief) has done his job.
    And that is to keep the Fire Department running!

  18. Wait a minute....Hold up...Never mind, I thought I was going to shed a tear for a minute. Blah, blah blah, blah-blah, blah, blah, blah, blah-blah, blah blah! If you believe that horse manure that you just spewed out then good thing you are retired. I literally almost threw up in my mouth. Darn it, I just did. THE FACTS (& stats as you stated) NEVER LIE. CASARES ISN'T DOING ANYTHING BUT PULLING THE WOOL OVER THE EYES OVER EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR THE GUYS ON THE JOB! PERIOD. If you are retired what would you know about the "statistics" anyway? Its not always what you do, how you do it matters most importantly. and the way that he is so called running the department is pathetic. You're right. It has been a long time since we had a real fire chief. and it isn't casares.

  19. Stats. do count, and what is reported to outside of the department does count. You may not like the way Casares is doing the job, and that is your opinion, which you have the right to it, like may others, but one thing I do know is that many before him never kept track of the figures like he does. Numbers don't lie.
    Stats. are and always will be important! You sir are a very disgruntal person...could it be that you have a son or daughter that didn't make it on the F.D. so, now you are going to take it out on the Chief....hummmm maybe you should seek some help from EAP ! Working on the job like this is not good for the rest of the guys you work with . Have a nice day, and stay safe !

  20. How many firehouses have had drugs brought into them? Whatever happened to the bag of marijuana that was found inside Engine 7 on Clark St. in the north end? How much of this is going on under the leadership of Cesares and why is it allowed to continue? Caseres was so quick to deny that Diaz was selling drugs from Engine 8. He was already well aware that there was a problem within the department.

  21. Statistics don't mean shit. This has to do with a drug problem with HFD members, and the cover up/ lack of discipline of the people who get caught. What a liability keeping these people on the job. Unfortunately it's going to take someone getting hurt or killed before someone gets canned. Hopefully never happens, however if it does and some attorney starts digging and sees what's happened in the past, heads will roll.....

  22. It is common knowledge that Fire Chief Edward Casares allows people to get a pass when they show up to work drunk or high. People have been allowed to drive home or even driven home by a Deputy Chief. Casares never does anything about it unless you want to count transferring them to staff duty as a certain someone in the Secret Service Unit. What does that have to do with Stats?

  23. why is casares even still chief? wasnt he appointed by corrupt eddie perez and mayor segarra said he is anti-corruption and will always put the city first? if my memory serves me correctly casares is the last perez appointtee left. seems to be more of the same hog wash from segarra that we got from perez to me.

  24. It is really a shame that no one at City Hall is taking control of their appointed department head who obviously has some serious issues. In April the Spanish firefighters had their Gala and Chief Casares got physical with a firefighter after he put his arm around his shoulders. The firefighter is someone that everyone knows that doesn't get along with Casares. What makes it worse is that the firefighter walked away and Casares pursued him with another altercation occurring before a group of people broke it up. If you are a Fire Chief aren't you suppose to walk away instead of engaging. This made it to City Hall and they did nothing. The whole thing was witnessed by dozens of firefighters. How much more erratic behavior does the Mayor and David Panagore want to see before someone gets hurt or worse? He is obviously unstable and needs some help. Again.

  25. no, Panagore is also a Perez appointment

  26. Ok...... now Ive been reading this stuff for almost 2 weeks. I have refrained from commenting until now. I happen to be a Hartford Fighter.
    I don't agree w/ everything Casares does (far from it) However, I want to say this.
    There are drug/ abuse problems in every occupation it is rampant! Some are handled properly , others not. The final word now is up to The City and the courts.
    But now you brought up the "2 Ramos boys" ...... that was a mistake!...... That has nothing to do with the alleged drug problems here. The 2 skank brothers have been pestering Casares for almost 24 months. He has tolerated them better than I would have. (If you doubt me check out face book. ) It was slanderous!
    Casares has every right to attend an off duty function with out being harassed incessantly. We all do!
    The D-Bag Ramos boys have always been a problem. They both are immature, confrontational, arrogant, and dysfunctional.
    So much so ,that the Latin Society has renounced them both.

  27. Aug.8 6:28
    Thankyou, I couldn't have said it any better ! I agree with you!
    Well done !

    And the rest of you cry babies need to grow up or leave the job and find another, the Fire Dept. needs grown men and women, not babies.

  28. Ahhh, the Ramos sisters. They should be fired too. What's their job status now? Suspended, getting awards for being idiots, etc? I heard they both got transferred yet again.

  29. Why do the firefighters at the Ne Britain Ave station get to sunbath and grill hotdogs and hamburgers whenever theyy want... must be nice.......
    The ramos sisters are filthy and need to be fired...

  30. Mike Lupo, you have no chance, because you don't have the corrupt support of several minority candidates in your back pocket......You need a hefty slush fund like minnie in order to buy a seat in the city.....

  31. Hey kevin,
    What ever happened to minnie and her illegal voting issues. She can't blame the act of god for riging voting in an election. I hope she gets hers. She is an example why hartford is a joke at the capitol.........At least robles has some brains....

  32. Diaz will get his job back, and probably get an award for giving out free smoke detectors at walmart........

  33. Park street is extremely safe and each citizen, especailly the ones that like to commit hit and runs are extremely freindly and curtious.......

  34. Wasn't Diaz also arrested a couple of years back downtown for interfering with a police officer. How many arrests do you get!

  35. the reason we grill food is because its summer and we have to eat too!! and in the summer the sun stays out later so when we cook guess what its sunny! idiot

  36. Here is our boy

  37. It's funny how out spoken some of you can be, but not man or woman enough to place your name behind your allegations! First of all your a bunch of assholes who have no concept of what Chief Casares is really about! You throw out comment thinking that this will make the Chief look bad to the public, but what it shows is that in every bunch there is always an ungrateful cry baby, who post but won't put a name or face to their comments, grow some balls buddy! If you have such a problem with the chief then find the door and find your way out!! Your comments just show how Jealous You are of the Chief! Suck it up, he is not going anywhere until HE is ready!

  38. Well said to this bunch of people without a conscience. It is all about destroying someone's image especially if the person is Hispanic and in a top position. That seems to be the subjective game here. I have read all what has been posted in this page and it is truly sad how people haven't grown a bit. It is all about dirty gossip to diminish a particular group and all because others are so envious of their accomplishments, or in line to get the job. There has been always racial tension in the City and that doesn't seem to change over the years. Some are after others like snakes, attacking them if from a different racial group. The truth is that in every group, there are good and bad apples. There are many things some know about others who are doing so wrong and from different ethnic groups, but well covered inside a net of the corrupt elite.
