Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I vote no deal. On Monday night the Hartford City Council will hold a public hearing to discuss a retirement incentive package for a Hatford Police Assistant Chief , two Deputy Chief's and an Assistants Fire Chief.

The lucrative deals are usually created to clear out deadwood and provide an incentive to avoid costly litigation. In most of these cases the beneficiaries are given some sort of health care incentive as well as bridging time if they haven't completed their 20 years of service for their pensions.

In the case of the Hartford Assistant Chief, John Horvath if the incentive package were the only way to get him out the door without a lawsuit, fine, approve it. But Horvath has just accepted a position as Police Chief at UMASS , at Amherst and will be starting there September with a reported starting salary of $140,000

Should a City that can hardly afford it, now provide an incentive package for someone that will be leaving anyway. I say no. The Hartford City Council has handed these packages out like candy for years and it is time to review the procedure and end it.


  1. Horvath is the head of the snake that has spewed his venom at HPD ,
    good riddance to you and your vindictive ways. Best of luck Umass.Foot massages for everyone

  2. Well, well, well this move has just emptied the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the two D/C's (Ding & Dong). There is no honor or loyalty amongst thieves, in the end the Hulk just left his two assclowns standing at know your Role Blvd. and Jabroni Drive and hear comes the new semi truck to run their candy asses over.
    Quick call 911 because here comes a world of hurt for these two pieces of road kill. Smart move on taking the job because there was no deal in the end, it was as dead as Ciesinski's personality if you smelllllllll what the Rock is Cookin.

  3. Horvath should be chief, but you know what, the gream always rises to the top. People can say what they want, but here is another smart cookie who now will be counting his bags of money. Umass im sure does not have any homicides to worry about. I will apply with the Hulk when I can retire.....

  4. Samson will make a fine East Hartford Patrolman. I have no issues with him. The other deputy will make a fine walmart greeter. The u haul trucks are lined up and ready to go. The good ole boys and the pj office are up next.....and by the way, the robles trial should be quite interesting when all the other violators are called to testify........

  5. Horvath will counting his bags of money just like my hero, lester mccoy. Say what you want, but a multiple six figure income solves a lot of problems, and can buy a lot of happiness ...just sayin...

  6. Brookman for head of civilian affairs at HPD!!!!

  7. PJ office hair clippersAugust 16, 2012 at 10:37 AM

    The robles trial should be quite the topic to follow. There are plenty more thinking that they survived, but when trial time comes around, a lot of nervous people will be running to the union office........

  8. More turds need to be flushed out of HPD. The hulk is still king!!!!

  9. The hulk is smart to jump into the last life boat of the titanic known as HPD. He has bags of money and will have a cushy chief job at amherst. He is smarter then people think.......

  10. I am applying right now to be with the hulk in umass.

  11. Maybe unit 230 (Gloryeano) should think about applying at Umass to be with his RAT buddy.

  12. Is it true that Deputy Chief "Doc" Ciesinski will be headed to UMass to teach a course on The Broken Window Theory as it relates to Springfield"s businesses?

  13. I heard that Horvaths first order of business is to fire the administrative assistant at Umass and hire the current beauty at HPD.

  14. Hope Horvath doesnt get the pension because I bet he sues the hell out of the city. Opening up Pandora's box will be very interesting! The fallon boys don't want that to happen...

  15. Pack your bags second floor, and several others will be geting plucked out of your cozzy office jobs to go do some real work on the streets. It will amazing how deep the sick list gets when certain individuals might have to do more then five minutes of wirk or give a one hour pj to your buddy......

  16. Why have the hours of start and end times for road jobs been altered to undermine the b squad officer's abitilites to work a sqaud road jobs...... i smell something fishy ... and it has long hair..........(cut that hair)

  17. The amount of money and retirement packages that have been given out recently is rediculous. I don't have exact numbers, but look at Roberts and the rest of the mousekateers. At least 120k a pop plus free medical for life. This is insane. The hulk will also get this package. Heavren too. wtf

  18. When is the party for the hulk? I wanna go. He can charge 50 bucks a head like roberts.

  19. Comment at 1145am

    First off, 230 was presured by the hulk. He is not the first to be pressured, dozens of incidents have happened where some power triping command staff felt the urge to throw their weight around. I bet, you youself has even used your rank to bully too. The fact is that commander of the unit failed to do his job, or even show up, thus no excuse. Thats right blame 230 for everything that went wrong in IA.

  20. Please get Lt.Sigersmith as the next asst Chief o/Police he along with Davb Polleta & Ed dailey are the few dudes that have any integrity on the job.

  21. Hey dopey he's resigning,so he can't sue anyone. He's not owed anything. Kennedy's resolution was a way to play politics and try and protect the guy who undermined the last and current Chief. The only thing that's owed to the Hulk is a slap in the back of his bald ass head as he walks out the door. Hulk-a-mania is dead just like Kennedy's resolution.
    We could only hope the rest of you tirds who think he so smart and was a great Chief grab onto his bumper as he travels north on 91 to Mass. and leave HPD to repair all of the damage his followers and that poor excuse of a former Chief DKR had done. Oh yeah one more thing hey Darly stop being cheap go buy a gym membship or maybe the Hulk can give you a gym pass at U- ass, opps, I Ment UMAss.

  22. Roberts has every right to work out in the gym. At least he tries to stay in shape unlike the 70 % of HPD that have a little weight issue. God have mercy if they ever instituted a yearly physcial fitness test here. It would be a mad dash to get on the sick list.......So what the HULK wants, the HULK gets. And hulkamania is not dead, it just needs a new leader...

    1. You've got to be kidding me just because he goes to the gym dosent mean the mans in shape. 5 minutes on the treadmill and a super size fries and a box of 20 McNuggets is not a good diet, or a bacon sandwich at DD's isn't good either.

  23. Horvath will need an armoured truck to protect all that loot from City hall. Umass is perfect, they play uconn this year in football. We can have a hulkamania section. The good ole boys are not invited........

  24. Horvath will own city hall after this nonsense. Im also so glad vargas knocked out robles from office. Minnie is up next.........

  25. Hey Doc, why don't you have your demotion party in springfield, since you have such a good working relationship with Springfield Police.....

  26. DIRTY HIRE 2 HR JOBAugust 17, 2012 at 4:46 PM



  27. I guess one D/C was busy this weekend with an unknown associate. Hey Paul next time stop in and say hi to the troops instead of snooping outside of someone's vehicle then running away. You were seen not too bright.
    Typical M/O do something then run. Now you have two choices ,run with the Hulk or runaway with the Bow tie or be put in charge of patrolling the Parking lot at the new facility.

  28. One turd too many. Lots of dead weight and ineffective supervisors left in HPD anyways. If he worked the years and did the time you gotta pay him. As to deserving it...dont know

  29. Hey Hulk, take Doc with you. And while you at it, get him to an eye doctor to get those lenses fixed...

    1. The city does have LASIK surgery to correct his eye sight but the only thing that can correct his attitude is a big dose of know your role and shut your hole pie. If you smelllllll what the Rock is Cookin.

  30. I heard that the next Fire Dept chief will be Sandra Borges fiance, Captain Waller...Look out chief Caseres!
