Monday, August 27, 2012


Numerous sources are telling me that lawsuit will be filed tomorrow in Hartford Superior Court challenging the results in the race for the open seat in the re-aligned 5th District legislative seat. Candidate Brandon McGee will be filing the suit in an attempt to overturn the results.McGee's suit is based upon two missing ballots that apparently were not counted.

At least one ballot was missing from the JFK School polling place in Windsor and one missing absentee ballot in Hartford. The Hartford ballot was an absentee ballot and although there are 79 envelopes counted from the submitted ballots, only 78 ballots can be accounted for.

The race was determined after a recount and gave a one vote advantage to Leo Canty, who was determined the winner by the single vote..

Once the suit is filed I will post it here.

This will be interesting as it moves forward, but even more importantly it raises the question of how the Democratic  Registrar of voters will attempt to justify a missing absentee ballot. Once again the taxpayers of Hartford will have to foot the legal bills for defending an office that appears to be the epitome of incompetence. Actually, let me rephrase that question, should the taxpayers have to pay when this appears to be beyond negligent or should the Registrar be on their own for the defense

1 comment:

  1. I am sick of my hard earned tax dollars being wasted to continually represent negligent and incompetant's within the Democratic ROV office.
