Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Apparently James Spallone from the Secretary of the States Office sent an e-mail to every election official in the State with information regarding an audit of election results to be conducted in the Secretary's Office tomorrow. The e-mail appeared to have probably well over a thousand e-mail addresses that it was sent to.The text of that e-mail is below

:Dear Election Administrators,

I wrote last week to inform you that we have scheduled the post-election audit for Thursday, August 30, 2012 at 11 a.m. in our Capitol office.  Unfortunately, we just discovered that due to a technological glitch, many of you did not receive that message.  I apologize for that.

Some of you may have heard that one of the candidates from the 5th Assembly District (including parts of Hartford and Windsor) has filed a complaint in Superior Court regarding the results of that district's Democratic primary.  Below is a link to an article from the Hartford Courant about the case, and attached is a copy of the complaint and summons.>

If you are unable to open the attachment, please contact my assistant, Tina, at> or 860.509.6212.  She will be happy to fax a copy of the attachment to your office.

James F. Spallone

Well, apparently Hartford's Democratic Registrar Olga Vazquez was not happy that her incompetence was once again being highlighted to her peers and she took offense to the e-mail. Vazquez's reply to Spallone is below :

Mr. Spallone,

Please, explain; what is the OBJECTIVE to your email addressed to all Election Officials in reference to McGee lawsuit. I can clearly see
Your objective and explaining due to a technological glitch I get, but I do not get it when you forward such email to all Election Administrators and only reference McGee vs. Vazquez.

I do not agree with your objective however; I also believe that because I am not the only Registrar named in this Summons.

I do not agree that the two matters should have not been combined.


Olga Iris Vazquez,

Democratic Election Administrator/Registrar of Voters

Olga, this is what is known in the real world as transparency. If the e-mail keeps another city or town from having to incur the legal expenses that your incompetence will cost the taxpayers of Hartford, I strongly approve of Mr. Spallone's actions. And I think the reason he only mentioned McGee vs Vazquez is because no other district is being sued for losing ballots the Hartford/Windosr lawsuit is uinique to this primary cycle. The Bridgeport people must have taken some training for this election to keep themselves out of the news. Maybe Hartford should try that.


  1. I would be willing to contribute to a fund that would send Olga to a grammar and punctuation class. Not only is she completely incompetent as a Registrar, but she clearly has no idea what a semi colon is for (hint, it's not the same as a comma) and most of her written communications are completely incomprehensible. Chances are, if you can't write properly, your reading isn't very good, which may explain why she keeps breaking the law at every turn.

  2. She can barely read, yet she continues to cost the city thousands of dollars to fix problems caused by her actions. Send her packing with the bow tie flunkie!!!!

  3. She is as dumb as a stump. But she will most defimately use the race card to protect her cozy job in there. Seems lately the voters registry has some issues that maybe the feds should look into. I also speaking of Minnie. Who like s to fill out

  4. She should be in charge of the pencil sharpeners at city hall. That is all her mental capacity can handle right now.....Let alone in a hight profie job like this.

  5. Wow, she wrote that all by herself..Surprised it was not done with crayons.....Im proud of you olga, to be able to function at the level you currrently do!!!!!

  6. Her and Minnie can share a cell together. It can be called the Voter Fraud Unit.....V.F.U.


  7. hey olga,

    the objective is that you can't even do your simple job correctly and spell. Soon you will transferred to a cubicle in charge of regulating the city of hartford recycling bins......SO BRING A CALCULATOR!!!!!

  8. How can you mess up and election when only about one percent of the city residents actually care to vote?

    Very sad. I would be embarrassed if I was this Olga lady.

    Olga please avail yourself of the educational incentives that the city provides employees and go back to school!!

  9. Olga,

    If you thought that a lot of people new about your screw up with the election because of a limited email you have no idea how many people read this blog!!

    Now every time you walk into work, go to lunch or go out to get your mail you should take a look around. Notice the looks you will get and then realize that they ALL know you for the fool you really are.

    Mr. Brookma's Blog reaches every nook and cranny in this city. I don't read the current anymore. I get the real scoop on Hartford right here. If they charged for this blog I would gladly pay. Why? Because it is important to know the facts about where you live work and play.

    Keep up the good work Mr. Brookman.

  10. She needs a basic writing class. She should be dishing out fries in a fast food restaurant.

  11. Too bad they screwed the Northland Group or we would have a nice new McDonalds for Olga to work at!

  12. Kevin please take a poll as to who is the most incompetant city official

  13. I cannot believe that an elected official in the State of Connecticut would compose an e-mail with such tremendously horrible grammar. Can this elected official write a complete English sentence in such a manner that the intent of what she wishes to communicate is done so clearly?

    I attempted to vote in the Democratic presidential primary election yesterday, and could not believe the hoops I had to jump through to do so, nor the more than five hours it took for me to cast my vote. Most people would have given up, but exercising my right to vote is something I take quite seriously and I refuse to allow either benign incompetence or intentional efforts to suppress voters from casting my ballot.

    As a new resident to the city of Hartford, I am appalled at the level of apathy not only of the electorate, in terms of the corruption taking place in our local governments here, but of the elected officials, as well. It seems as though everyone is so used to the system being corrupt and not being able to do anything about it that no one is taking a stand and saying this is not how things have to be. Let's band together and change this broken system to one that works for all of us!

    Why is no one doing that?
