Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The sign above says it all. but today was a proud day for the City of Hartford as James C. Rovella was officially sworn in as Hartford's permanent Police Chief. With Rovellas energy and vison for the Hartford Police Department, great things seem to be on the horizon to benefit the City and its residents. It has been a long day and I will post more on this, especially regarding the Faith based initiative that is one of Chief Rovella's priorities in the near future.


  1. The Ass Kissing Olympics have begun! Ciesinski and Samson, the two deputies, in a struggle for their jobs, have begun the most transparent ass-kissing campaign of their lives (and they have kissed a lot of ass).

    They bashed our new chief around every corner. And yes, they still bash him today (behind his back of course). The tried to sink him at city hall several times, they ignored his shooting team, and never recognized his abilities to get things done and be a true leader. And now they are waving Rovella banners and pom-poms from the front row.

    Rovella may forgive them, but when somebody attacks your leader and fails, the rank and file will never forget or forgive. Nobody respects Ciesinki and Samson, NOBODY. They are the kiss-ass laughing stock. Turncoat front-runners. Everybody knows how they went after Rovella, but you have to wonder why? Did they do it because they thought he was bad for the City of Hartford? Or, did they do it because they wanted his spot? Everybody saw and heard what they did to try and stop Rovella. And everybody has Rovella’s back now. These two suckasses need to stop kissing his ass and start kissing patrol’s ass. They need to gain the forgiveness of the rank and file, and that will never happen.

    I bet if you ask the deputies, they would tell you they have been Rovella supporters all along. They were fawning all over him at his after party, taking pictures with him, toasting champagne and shaking his hand congratulating him. Disgusting and disgraceful. I wonder what they say behind closed doors? What a joke.

  2. they are not alone, better reinforce the tables at the new dept........Amazon is having a big sale on knee pads...

  3. springfield bar fightSeptember 27, 2012 at 4:29 PM

    There are several olympic candidates in several events. The mozacato franklin ave cookie routine has gotten old, but there are still several places to buy/ shake down business owners for a pawn for the chief. I prey the chief sees through these clowns and tells them to shut up and go to work...

  4. Why not have a no confidence vote on the 4 deputies --Ciesinski,Sansom, Horvath & Heavren. Then Rovella can make a determination and replace all 4.
