Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The link below is a story that aired last night on WFSB, Channel 3. To view the story click here, The story is about Hartford Fire Deputy Chief Dan Nolan who was terminated from Hartford's Fire Department by our felonious former Mayor Eddie Perez, The move was supported at the time by Hartford's former Fire Chief and Springfield Mardi Gras regular, Charles Teale.

The termination has since been overturned by a Superior Court Judge and the City is under orders to bring Nolan back/ Dan just finished a tour with the Army in Afghanistan and it seems as though his charitable acts continued even while he was out of the country.

Nolan may be exactly what the Hartford Fire Department needs right now to straighten out its ranks and restore some dignity to Hartford's Firefighting community


  1. This is truly a heartwarming story! The HFD is very lucky that this man is returning to their ranks. They could use more like him.

  2. City of Hartford fires this man, and yet they keep on all the drug dealers, drug users, assaulters, etc. I'm so glad he won his job back. All those who were party to his wrongful termination should hang their heads in shame.

  3. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Glad Danny got his job back.

  4. I am so glad Danny will be getting his job back, he did not deserve this kind of treatment.
    And yes people who did this to him
    should hang their heads in shame,
    especially Teale, who was worthless
    as a Chief for the department, especially for a guy who never fought a fire in his life...useless,
    useless piece of crap !

  5. Yes, Teale did definitely lie, and that all came out in the transcripts, but he also had a few of his puppets (no, no, I'm not making a play on words referring to his fondness for strippers!) but there were quite a few bad apples. It's nice to see some of them gone and cleaned up (Teale, Perez)....but there is more housecleaning to do. Wasn't one of them Deb Collins Carabillo? I do believe in Karma and what goes around comes around, I know she has her own personal issues now that she knows her husband has been cheating on her, but that's not enough, the City needs to get rid of her, too. Perhaps if she put as much effort into her marriage as she did in trying to protect a FF candidate who couldn't cut it, Graves, than he wouldn't have strayed ... so much ... and so often! Now I don't condone this behavior, but in her case, can anyone blame him???

  6. Yes, Teale did definitely lie, and that all came out in the transcripts, but he also had a few of his puppets (no, no, I'm not making a play on words referring to his fondness for strippers!) but there were quite a few bad apples. It's nice to see some of them gone and cleaned up (Teale, Perez)....but there is more housecleaning to do. Wasn't one of them Deb Collins Carabillo? I do believe in Karma and what goes around comes around, I know she has her own personal issues now that she knows her husband has been cheating on her, but that's not enough, the City needs to get rid of her, too. Perhaps if she put as much effort into her marriage as she did in trying to protect a FF candidate who couldn't cut it, Graves, than he wouldn't have strayed ... so much ... and so often! Now I don't condone this behavior, but in her case, can anyone blame him???
