Monday, September 10, 2012


The final report of the Livable  Sustainable Neighborhood Initiative (LSNI) Was released today and this is the scrubbed version, many details that were in the original report have been removed. The original report, referred to as "the draft", actually named several City employees who were referred to in the original report as being problems and contributing to the failure of the Mayor's program..

Here is the scrubbed version, I will post the "draft" version with the names tomorrow.
LSNI Report


  1. why is there a "scrubbed" version ? We vote these people in to be honest with us and we deserve truthful COMPLETE reports,not lies and whitewashed reports.The citizens are being treated like children here, who cannot understand the truth.What is becoming of honesty here in Hartford?

  2. Bruce,

    part of it might be that the Office of Corporation Counsel has a terrible loss record when it comes to employee matters, they are probably terrified of holding problem employees accountable, it is just easier to "white out" the names on a report and act like there are no problems.
