Friday, October 12, 2012


The Murphy campaign may actually be listening to what the average person is saying. Enough of the nasty, and in manty cases, false ads being used by his opponent to discredit him. Who in this day and age, considering the economy, hasn't missed a mortgage or car payment or been late in paying bills. Except for the millionaires amongst us attempting to buy Senate seats, I think everyone is feeling the pain to a certain degree. Maybe the McMahon's have had to cut back on fuel for their private jet.

I was pleasantly surprised by the latest Murphy television ad that doesn't even mention Linda McMahon, doesn't sling any allegations but instead highlights the jobs Chris Murphy has helped create  and the positive things he has done.

I hope that Murphy is listening to his constituents and will rise above the fray and forget the nastiness of his opponent and instead continue to let people see the real Chris Murphy. And yes, I am supporting Murphy for Senate and I approve this message.

Here is the latest ad below.

1 comment:

  1. Linda McMahon has been attempting to buy a political spot for years. How can the people elect someone involved in less then honorable operations of her company. WWE. I hope Murphy wins, but McMahon will be back in a couple of years with a plump check book to discredit another politician. And also, what does the political resume of Linda McMahon say??? Nothing!!!!!!!!!!She reminds me of a well spoken and wealthy minnie. Im sure she will be the embarassment just like minnie is.
