Friday, October 5, 2012


The 7th Assembly District of the Hartford Democratic Town committee will be hosting a "Meet and Greet" for US Senate candidate Congressman Chris Murphy tonight . The event will be held from 5 to 8 PM at the Russian Lady Cafe at 191 Ann Ucello Street in Hartford.

Governor Dannel Malloy as well as other Democratic leaders from across the State will be attending to show their support for Chris Murphy . There is no charge for admission and a complimentary happy hour buffet will be served. Donations to the Murphy Campaign will gladly be accepted but are not required.

Use this opportunity to speak one on one with Chris and actually get to hear what he has to say without the hype and misleading advertisements.. If you are undecided, this is a good opportunity to get a better feel for the Democratic candidate to represent us in the US Senate.

To read the Hartford Courant's take on the latest McMahon "substantially misleading" ads, click here


  1. Cool was the Mayor , There ?

  2. The happy Hour was great and I got to leve before Malloy and Murphy showed up

  3. Kevin,

    Did Minnie show up? I heard the rest of Hartford's reps were there, Vargas, Mcgee, Arce, McCrory
    everyone except for the traitor.
