Sunday, November 11, 2012


Although no press releases or fanfare or promotion ceremonies have been obvious, a new Deputy Chief position has quietly been created in the Hartford Fire Department for the husband of Hartford's acting Chief Operating Officer Sandra Key Borges. The position was filled by her husband Terry Waller. Waller previously held the position of Captain with HFD according to Fire Department sources.

The position apparently is being used to cover for another Deputy Chief who sustained a paralyzing injury and is out on long term medical leave. The injured Chief's absence, from what I am told, had incurred no additional costs to cover his shifts since Captains are eligible to cover for Deputy Chief's at regular pay rather than overtime pay.

The timing of the position is interesting for a couple reasons. First is that recently Mayor Segarra has ordered lay-offs and furlough days for City employees because of budget payroll shortages. The furlough days included command positions in both the Fire and Police Departments.

More importantly is the court order hanging over the Fire Department to re-instate Deputy Chief Dan Nolan to his previous position of Deputy Chief after his wrongful termination by Mayor Eddie Perez and the City of Hartford.  Nolan , a respected Army veteran is currently finishing his military commitment after spending over a year serving in Afghanistan.

Nolan is expected to notify the City of his intent to return to work anytime between now and February 12, 2013. If I know Dan, it will be sooner than later as I am sure that he is anxious to get back to the career that he loves and was forced out of by a corrupt Mayor.

It should be interesting to see where the money is coming from for these positions


  1. Waller is not even qualified to carry Chief Nolan's turnout gear.

    Looking forward to Dan's return. Finally a Chief on the job we can respect and follow

  2. Can't wait to see Dan back on the job. I hope it is sooner rather than later.

  3. We are going to Political Influenced HELL Again, another 9 months of the Hartford Courant and WTP, w/all rights attacking the Mayor and his stupid people and their moves.

    Things will change in late Spring or early Summer of 2013, someone will go back to Corp Council or PERMANENTLY RETIRED.

  4. How did this turn into Dan Nolan, it's about THE C.O.O and a newly appointed Deputy who once again got something he should not have,in 1994 promoted to Lieutenant, with no Lieutenant openings, screwed Cornell Murray out of the Captains spot in Special Services. Now promoted to Deputy Chief with no opening. Terry how can you look at yourself and be proud of yourself.

    Interesting how this made up promotion follows the letter written from the Phenix Society complaining of being desciminated against and sent to the Mayor.

    So lets not loose site of what this is about, not Dan Nolan returning, but the unfair practices of the city, once again doing injustice to the good people working there.Taking care of people like Terry Waller who without his wife Sandra giving him a job would still be a Captain.

  5. It is not about Dan Nolan, it is about the craziness of a City that is broke, creating a frivolous position while they are under a court order to create another position for Nolan when he is ready to return to work.

  6. I am not sure how someone in the day and age can be so arrogant as to think that they can get their spouse promoted to a job like this without proper procedure.

    I appreciate that Key Borges is old school and old school means the type of politics that Perez played. That's not what the future of the city should be. I would expect the mayor to run a tighter ship. Certainly the former COO David Panagore wold never have tolerated such crap.

    Just when you think the city has its act together you realize it IS and act and nothing will change.

  7. Nepotism is alive and well in the City of Hartford. Really, could it be any more blatant? The Segarra administration is no different than the Perez administration.Same old. Same old.

  8. Don't think that Crooked Fire Chief Edward Casares doesnt have anything to do with this. He is not respected by anyone on the job anymore. 4 people have filed official complaints against him in the last few years that he has been chief.

  9. Casares was appointed by felon Perez. He testified in favor of Perez at his corruption trial. Competence has nothing to do with getting a promotion on HFD. It all has to do with who you know.

  10. Why don't you look into Borges current salary of $230,000! Why is she getting paid so much to do so little? Advance her own agenda and family. What a city.

  11. Well some people have all the luck in the world, newly appointed C.O.O Saundra Kee Borges(Waller),gets to double dip and also give out hand outs to her her Husband Deputy Chief Terry Waller. Chief Casares had no choice to promote him, he was order to do so.Sandra Kee Borges Waller gave Casares orders to do so. I'm sure she had a lot to do with being influential in getting rid of David Panagore, so that she can take over his position,she can not be trusted, otherwise he would never have been promoted. I do not understand, How Pedro allows her to continue to break every rules, double dipping, when there were so many employees laid off. Pedro should have never allow this to happen. Wake up Pedro as The C.O.O. will soon be sitting in your chair.While you are away, she's at play.And you think that you have your back cover. She is not your friend, She is looking out for her own best interest.May be when Dan Nolan returns, he could be appointed as the new C.O.O. The City Of Hartford gets more corrupted every day.

  12. James Brown ( good god)November 14, 2012 at 9:13 AM

    This is why the city of Hartford will never emerge for Perez's shadow. How does the Mayor allow this to happen is beyond me, I am sure this was never brought up before the PRC and approved. Pedro you can announce your running for a second term but you won't get Shawn Wooden to back out this time the Gov. Will not save your ass again especially after how you handled the Chief of Police appt. politics will always have a level of corruption or as some at call it favoritism it's just what level will the taxpayers accept? And right now it looks like they don't care what happens. I can't wait to see what happens when that dirty land deal by the new public safety complex unravels, their might not b enough handcuffs to go around, and maybe after a few years of jail time some crazy council member might propse to rename High St. " Seggara Way" .

  13. What's missing from all these comments is the third wheel... Whats the third wheel you ask? It's Jared Kupiec of course. He has been in the city for 15 mins and walks around like he owns the place and know what? He does! Pedro is so disconnected he can't see the absurd decisions this loser is making. He and Borges orchestrated panagores exit and Kupiec is calling all the piss poor shots. The city will eventually implode and Kupiec will exit the side door to a job with the State that he is greasing now. Taxpayers left holding the bag again... Only this the bag has no bottom!

  14. OMG, you have to be kidding about Terry Waller being Deputy Chief ! This guy does not get it ! And now he has his wife getting positions for him. Terry you should have left the department when you acted like a little Hitler many years ago, when good people like Lester McBride and Phil left SSU because of you, and Chief Teale did nothing to stop you, and when people like Marie Kolvage (God Bless her) left the job because of you, Terry you are out for yourself, your ego is dangerous, I wish that Teale got rid of you years ago, but you hid behind the Phoenix Society, now you hide behind your wife. Read between the lines Waller, you have never been welcome in the Fire Dept. family and you never will be !

  15. Kevin, The ceremony is 2:00 Friday at City Hall. Another perk of being married to the C.O.O. I hear there is also going to be a special non fire service related award presentation to another promotee who just happens to be the author of the letter that accussed the chief of being a racist. No wonder the chief is out of town. Can't say that I blame him.
    It is my understanding that there is a section in the city charter that states that an employee cannot be promoted to a temporary position. The same thing is stated in our contract. Can anyone guess why it is in both documents? I'll tell you why, it's because it is that important and it is meant to prevent promotions of this nature from occuring. It is easy enough to figure out why the city wanted this promotion, but can anyone explain why our union would allow this to happen when many of our members are being harmed by it.
    I will not get into bashing Terry. We are a small department. Anyone that has been around for awhile has probably worked with him. If you have worked with him I am glad you are safe and able to read this post. I know Terry doesn't have much of a conscience but I hope his wife can live with the guilt if firefighters or civilians get hurt under his watch. We all know it is possible. The D/C list should have expired with Terry on it, just like every other list he was on should have expired with out him being promoted. There is a reason he comes in last on these promotional lists. Good Luck C-Tour. Be Safe

  16. Kevin did you verified for sure that they are legally marry, because if they are, someone is committing adultery??

    Kevin, don't worry your friend Dan will get his position and his back paid too.

  17. another hand out and fat pension. More of kevin's tax dollars...

  18. wow, the chicago mob form the 30s could run this city better then what is going on. Kermit the frog would be a better mayor. Its sad that 1% of voters actually come out to vote.

  19. Well the fact is that when Charles got divorced, he lived with Terry Waller....So Charlie owed Terry for rooming fees.....and as for Teale turning his back on what Terry did in the SSU DIVISION why be surprised, thats how Charlie rolls...turned his back on the daily operations of the Department, the only thing Teale cared about was skipping the qaulified people and promoting the minority's taking care of his people....(Darren Hudson) (Terry Waller)....and many others.....
    The real facts about coward Terry Waller is he is afraid of fire, never once committed himself to a building fire, but now is the one responsible for odering the brave men and women into battle the fires....
    I feel sorry for C tour with Hudson screeming orders, and Waller not having a safe C tour watch out for yourself, it's in your best interest...

  20. Watch and see with Waller, said to say it's going to be a lost of life under his watch, it's going to happen, it's just a matter of time.
    Not only that, the last we've heard was that Waller or his so,called wife( he says) one of them still owns a house outside of Hartford. Any female who hooks up with Waller, well you can say I feel sorry for her, she has no idea what this guy is about. As for Teale, this was a guy who did nothing for the department but hide up in his office with the lights off at all times no matter what, just to make it look as if he were not in his office, Teale was and is a coward, this was also another man who never fought a fire before, and mislead so many people that he did, but people caught onto his game, so glad he finally too got the message and left the Fire Dept. Hopefully Waller will get the message .

  21. Well Sandy I am sure you will find a way to put on a big smile and be proud of your husband today at Terry's promotional ceremony, the one he did not earn or deserves, it's a shame it will cloud the others promotional ceremony the ones who earned it

  22. I agree with anonymous post 6:19 pm. Jared Kupiec will be the down fall of Pedro. We should call him Mayor Kupiec because he is making to many decisions and don't know a dam thing. Pedro believe in this young man too much. This guy doesn't even know his way around the city but yet he is allowed so much leaway. He is responsible for Comer, Mary Coiller, Panagore, and more to leave city hall. If Jared don't like you you will be gone. People thought Perez hit man Matt Henassy was bad this guy is worest. Atleast Henassy was smart eneough to take tax payers money and go to Harvard. Pedro wake up because your entire administration is about to be exposed. Now they can't talk to the press before coming through you oh sorry through Mayor Kupiec. lololo When are the local elections!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. This story just came out in the online version of the Hartford Courant. Based on the comments made by both Segarra and Borges, I would deduce that they are both avid readers of "We The People." They certainly addressed many of the comments made on the posting:-)

  24. Although they probably won't admit it, I am sure that there are many "policy makers" at City Hall that follow the blog on a regular basis, as well as many at the Capitol that get their "Hartford News" here, I thought the same thing when I read the story and it seemed as thought the rporter is a follower also . Did you really believe her commments that she did not have any influence on the decision? you can read Steve Goode's story here,0,3830831.story

  25. What a load of crap....first of all Terry Waller was not passed over twice,,,unless you go by Terry Waller standards and he did not get made out of turn,which is what usually what happens when he gets given a job not an earned promotion. The Mayor could be more full of crap than is right now,,,,what a glad I do not live in the city....Sandra, who do you think your had everything to do with your husband a (coward) ask him the last time he entered a building fire....ask him the last time he put water on a fire inside a building....the answer.....never.....
    What a disgrace to the real people,,, the men and women that earn their promotion,,,,,
    As for The savings totally not true,,,what was done by giving Waller the job is wrong and goes illegal,,,,read the charter....then the truth will be known......

    Liars, they are all liars......

  26. A terrible day for HFD. You can never replace a man like Benny Guzman with Terry Waller.

  27. We've had some "questionable" Deputy Chiefs promoted in the past few years. This however, is the one that is going to get one of us hurt or killed. Time to put in for a transfer, ANYWHERE EXCEPT C TOUR! Can we do a vote of no confidence for a Deputy Chief? What if firefighters are honestly afraid of this idiot on the fireground? I'll say a prayer for the crews who are stuck working a fire under Waller's command. Very scary.

  28. I have read a lot of the comments and I may agree with some of the comments but, the overall tone is definitely racially motivated, u have described these folks as being incompetent, crooks, liars, cowards, scary and on n on. As if they're the only ones with these under handed, back door methods or short comings, (no pund intended Chief Waller) to obtain success and provide a decent life for themselves n their family. This is no new phenomenon.
    Now it seems u have made it your business to police the HFD so,I'm sure u are well aware that The City of Hartford has a residency policy to fill entry level positions, (FIREFIGHTERS) ...u want to talk about incompetency. whether you're a Hartford resident or not u should be equally outraged at the city's incompetence. Every round of hiring for the fire dept. we see people in the academy n on the job that look like they never slept a night in the city before they got on the job. From where I'm sitting you are engaged in a high level of a double standard, seeing but not believing or believing but not seeing. The city can be incompetent as long as its benefiting you n your clonies.
    Whether u like his method or not
    Terry Waller has met the minimum requirements to climb the ladder of success, just like those lying about their residency. So if u can understand this, then what is the real issue here?? Have u also made it your business to find joy in making others miserable? Is it because some one has what u want? POWER, INFLUENCE n CONTROL.
    Again, I agree with some of the comments made, I just do not like the tone!!!!!!

  29. I believe D/C Waller has a house in East Windsor. That is not a city address........

  30. White, Hispanic, Black, Male or Female. I don't believe it was brought up what Waller's race is. This blog always has a few people who bring up race to justify someone breaking the law (lobster gate), (stolen HPD weapon), or not being qualified to do your job, etc. Terry Waller is dangerous regardless of his race, sex, or residency. This is not a librarian job where a book can be misplaced if he screws up. If he messes up as Deputy Chief, he gets someone hurt or killed. You think he is so great, you go in a burning building under his command and see how you fare!

  31. well let's say this a resident is a person who arquire a leagal residency, in the city I know plenty of men and women who have done just that, only to be over looked in the bias process of hiring only minorties, this hiring practice has given the city peole like Ralf Diaz now there is a fine family his brother murdered his x girls friend then himself,And for Terry Waller meeting the minimum, maybe so but he never got far enough in the process to really be promoted, like stated prior, he was made an extra Lieutenant in 1994, they skipped Cornell Murray ( black but not connected) to make Terry Special Service Captain, ( Terry hosting Teale while he was being divorced form his wife, (pay back to terry) and now extra Deputy because no Deputies were leaving. So create a spot adn use the illness of D/C Benny Guzman to do it.. Truth these kinds of moves create the separation in the city because trust me this would not be done for a white Firefighter, just ask Training Chief Costello, who is being demoted to Captain with the return of Danny Nolan, if it is good for Terry Walller why not frank Costello??????????

    Wake up

  32. 1. Deputy Chief Waller can live wherever he wants, he's not applying for an entry level job. Been there, done that.

    2. The fact that every person u mentioned as being incompetent, stupid, a crook, etc...... Just happen to be people of color. Which in and of itself implies that too many commenters have a problem with minority leadership.
    3. Unfortunately firefighter die everyday, month and year in this country n world. Are u implying that all these deaths are the results of incompetent deputy chiefs as u claim D/C Waller would be?

    4. All the good people who was turned away thru the hiring process, probably couldn't hide the fact that they had firefighter I and II credentials and a volly in the town they really lived in, u can't win them all.
    How does one aquire legal residency? You either live in Hartford or u don't. U don't buy or barrow an address or a mailbox.
    5. Frank Costello would make a great deputy chief.

  33. To Anonymous 11/17/2012 at 09:14 PM,
    I am going to shoot right to #5. Frank Costello would make a great Deputy Chief. I have a question for you. Who's fault do you think it is that Frank Costello is being demoted?

  34. Waller is Mr. Clean-n-Dry. A high paid door chock. Everyone at a good fire comes out soaked, filthy, sweaty, and tired. How does Terry always reappear after the fire is out clean and dry? Because he is holding a door open showing everyone else where he thinks the fire is, while keeping a radio mike in his hand instead of a tool or hose line! This is the person you want running fires?

  35. It's unfortunate the city didnt take all this into consideration, maybe they did and they may have a plan but, If Costello is denoted, it would appear that all this back door wheeling and dealing to get D/C Waller his promotion did complicate things for all observers. But, we can expect that from those u describe as incompetent, cowards, idiots.

    But when u expect someone to "take one for the team" u usually don't ask your enemy/adversary to do so,u ask a close friends to do that. So, Danny Nolan should be willing to "take one for the team", take his $500k+ and ride off into the sunset in good standings so, his friend Costello can stay in his D/C position.

  36. Don't count on that, Dan deserves evrything he gets as the result of a corrupt Mayor and a corrupt administration. Stand by, the best is yet to come

  37. Terry Waller is the biggest piece of crap on this side of the Mississippi, whats worse he is a piece crap idea of a piece of crap. A fire on Albany Ave. when he was a Lt. on Ladder 4, “ Ladder 4 to Dist 2 small fire in the attic we can handle it with the can. Dist 2 says what do you mean there is fire coming out of the eves GET A LINE UP THERE”. Smoke in the building on Asylum Ave. Terry says” Chief we don’t see anything but we can smell a light haze”. He has no clue what he is doing just like the Deputy Chief in Hackensack, New Jersey that killed three firemen in a auto body shop fire in the early 90’s they promoted him because they need a black Deputy Chief and he knew nothing about truss roof construction .So God bless the Hartford Fire Dept, shine your shoes and press your uniforms your will need them.

  38. Bohica.

    thanks for cleaning up the post, I couldn't let the first one go through the way it was, although I fully understand your sentiment

  39. On Friday, Deputy Chief Terry Waller's wife, Chief O.O. Saundra spoke on his behalf, she quoted He earned it, he deserves it," "I have not exerted any influence” (yeah right) he deserves the promotion. She knows her husband better then all his colleagues. She is not admitting to any wrong doing. Regardless of what she said at the Promotional Ceremony, She is the new Chief O.O., in City Hall and has the authority to do what ever she wants. So what is wrong with you bunch of haters and jealous firefighters. If you want to get promoted, maybe you should get some advice from either one of them, Chief Operating Officer, Deputy Chief, whatever they are doing, is most certainly bringing in a nice fat paycheck. This whole mess is not just about T. Waller, I am quite sure that, if it would have been Dan Nolan being promoted, you wouldn't be making a big deal or complaining so much. In regards to the comment that he has a house in East Windsor, so what, he is not the only firefighter or city employee that owns property outside of Hartford, so what’s the big deal. And, for the curious minds, he resides in Hartford, at his Terry Rd mansion, with his wife, Saundra K Borges.

  40. Answering the person who asked the question at 6:22 11/18---the answer to your question about Waller and Nolan, are you serious?Anyone on the Fire Dept. can answer that, and already have, but to repeat it, it's plain and simple, Dan Nolan has always known the job of fire fighting, Waller does not, and will not, all he cares about it the Gold ! and the Gold is to be head of the department no matter what gets in his way, and no matter what harm he causes, this guy is nuts, and anyone who has worked or works with him now, knows this and knows how he is, now he has only been with Borges a short time, the honey-mood is still new to both of them, I can not wait till the day she wakes up and figures out what an ass he really is, Terry is only out for himself. Period ! I hope that answers your question about him, it's very simple !

  41. Frank Costello should get the DC position that was given to Waller. He deserves it.

  42. Again Bohica and others keep making comments along racial lines. He states three firefighters in Hackensack NJ died as a result of an incompetent black D/C. Implying that if Hackensack had a white D/C those brave firefighters would still be with us. Taking it a step further, it implies that all the firefighter deaths over the years are the results of incompetent black D/C's or officers. Unfortunately F/F's die with the best of the best IC's and with the worst. Something to think about, if you're measuring the success of a D/C, by everyone going home each night and if D/C Waller retires one day with no major injuries or deaths on his watch, then he'll go down as one of the better Htfd D/C's.
    The underlying tone is if, any thing is being headed up or managed by people of color it is being overly scrutinized and held to a higher standard as proven by Bohica (many FF deaths but, only points out black D/C in Hackensack.
    It appears this site is set up for a group of like minded people mainly to vent, to speak some truths, a lot of mistruths and maybe some entertainment.
    Its My First time on site, I have read quite a bit, some accusation are disturbing, but I'm glad you know enough to filter these comments.

  43. Why does every comment have to be turned into something racial, since when does stating the facts evolve to racism. he merely stated the deputy chief was/is black, is that something you wish to deny or debate? it is factual. Are we racist if we admit our President is black or that our Governor is white or Irish? Get over it, face the facts and quit making excuses.

  44. He's dangerous bottom line we all where blue

  45. Nice research on you tube freeman. Put another check on your résumé and leave.

  46. Terry Waller could be green with little antennas sticking out of the top of his head; hes still a lousy f*&king fireman. I challenge anyone to come up with a single story of him deep inside a burning building standing shoulder to shoulder with them putting water on the seat of the fire. I'll put those against all the stories of him standing outside pointing and yelling at the real firemen, or carrying groceries inside a house while the one next door burns, or him telling a since-retired pump operator that "the first thing I do when I make chief is fire you..." But, good for him. With a city flush with cash like Hartford is, and the list he's on to actually earn his promotion fast running out, then by all means promote an extra deputy chief. Because when a deputy chief who actually earned their title retires I look forward to Ms. Bourgeois promoting a 9th deputy again. Even though there is no place for them to work. Just like she did for her boyfriend.

  47. Im sorry Mr. Brookman but, its obvious your followers get to said whatever they want as long as it lines up with how you think and believe.
    Why does Bohica thinks its important to bring up the FACT that the D/C was black, if its not important to his story, he's trying to make the point that D/C Waller is black and incompetent just like the Hackensack D/C is. His point could have been made without knowing the D/C's race. You could have told him, the person's race have nothing to do with iT!!!!! U just thanked him for cleaning up his comments.
    Hmmm....Let me think......There haven't been a single fire service death as a result of an incompetent white D/C since the early 90's, which Bohica could have referred to, c'mon man . I'm just reminding your followers, that firefighters die under the leadership of competent white, black and Latino IC's as well as incompetent white, black and latino ones.

  48. Why is Carlos Huertas still on the 3rd floor?? WTF he is the biggest laughing stock on the job! He can't ever make his mind up when a decision is to be made and kisses everyones butt so that he is liked. He sends out emails with grammatical errors every single day!! And he is paid $130k for that. Only in Hartford

  49. OK, let's not knock the balls off of Huertas, at least he worked his way up thru the FD, and went into building fires over the years that he has been there ! Waller hasn't ! and if you want to get into typo errors from the Men upstairs...I've seen them all from Booker, to Stewart, Millner, Kehoe,Carter, Vendetta, Endee, Epps, and so on, none of them could make corrections on there spelling, that's why they had others to check their work, look at Stewart, he couldn't stand and make his speaches, so Jeff Knotner and Faye Solytas use to write all his speeaches for him, because he didn't know how to talk infront of people. So, if Huertas forgets to check his stuff without doing a spell check, maybe he was busy or something, it happens, but to say he doesn't derserve being in his position, you, I must say are wrong ! He is a very smart person.

  50. Anonymous 11/18 @9:20pm
    Because of that Hackensack fire and no one knew what was going on the Incident Command system was implemented nationwide paid and volunteer dept.

  51. Now that all the HATERS have vented out on our newly promoted Deputy Chief Waller, I hope that you are all going to let him do his job as required. Remember that the " Mission Statement" clearly states that the "HFD is committed to prevent and minimize the loss of life and property through incident stabilization an mitigation with the delivery of professionalism, high quality, efficient emergency fire, rescue and emergency medical service, fire prevention, public education and hazardous maerials response as a regional partner for the protection of the residents, business commnity and visitors to the City of Hartford and its region."
    With this said, hope everyone can GET ALONG and WORK TOGETHER as a TEAM.
    Thanks to all of our hard working womens and mens that are doing an excellant job. May God Bless all of you. and May you all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY! and don't forget to give thanks for the great job that you have. May be peace be amongest all.

  52. Mission Statement & Core Values=BULLSH*T !!
    These are posted in every firehouse, when going for promotion the oral board likes us to recite this garbage to get a job. Do you think anyone on the 3rd floor reads, much less honors this crap we have to memorize? Think City Hall honors this?
    This means as much as the WorkPlace Violence & Sexual Harassment policy we are forced to sign and return. Were these "values" considered before firing Dan Nolan? Promoting Terry Waller? Demoting Frank Costello? Demoting Bill Kerr? Ralph Diaz dealing drugs? Rory Wentworth brutally beating another firefighter? Yeah, some core values, great enforcement of workplace violence, and mission statement is always followed.

  53. Is Terry Waller a fool when it comes to firefighting? Is he the most incompetent person on the fire ground? Has he always been a coward and never entered a burning building? Will he end up hurting/killing some one? All answers are yes.
    An earlier post mentioned Waller at a fire on Albany Ave., and not realizing he had a working fire. I remember him one time on the roof of a school radioing to the Commander the small fire there was caused by "sunspots!" Unbelievable!!
    I guess all residents of Hartford should be thankful every roof in the city didn't burn up that day Huh? Around the equator there must be an awful lot of spontaneous,and uncontrolled fires. What a colossal idiot!
    I just hope I never have to work under this guy, and can get off this job in one piece.

  54. Was that the same fire where his tool was thrown off the roof and was then told he was next if he opened his mouth again because he was a complete embarassment? For all you "outsiders" who aren't on the job here's some history of the Fire Department.
    1) Terry is not the 1st person to be promoted out of order on a promotional list.
    2) He is not the 1st person on the job to have "special positions" created for them or their family members.
    3) He is not the only one on the job who has done some favorable service for city residence in order to get promoted or make themselfs look better for promotion such as: Christmas Presents purchased by Drill School Probies who are in fear of getting booted out and loosing their jobs if they don't participate or smoke detectors handed out by a individual on the Deputy Chief's promotional list who then requests that a letter be written to the Chief of Department stating how wonderful they are!
    4) FYI, the firefighters / union members every year purchase toys for a different elementary school and hand them out, their only demand is a simple "Thank-You".
    Getting back to Terry,
    5) Then Lieutenant Waller had a secret meeting with then Chief of Department Robert Dobson, where he cried like a school-girl stating he needed the promotion to Captain of the Special Service Division, reason: personnel financial difficulties. Even though Lieutenant Cornell Murry "Scottie" was previously told the position was his!
    6) The hypocrite, who always boasted what a great place Hartford was and how much he cared for the city and it's residence, (he lived and was stationed in the Northend at that time), then Private Waller was ALWAYS the last one thru the door on the change-over to relieve the previous shift. When asked why the last one at work he stated "It's not that I don't want to be here, it's just there are better places I'd rather be"!
    7) What can you say about a individual who consistantly goes out of his way to be confrontational with every and all firefighters he comes in contact with? He is referred to as the "most hated person on the job" and actually takes great pride in this!
    Terry will most likely not be one of the better Deputy Chief's on the job where firefighters look foward to working with and for. Will he get someone killed? Well, if anyone actually follows his orders to the letter then the answer is yes, and if your that dumb to follow his orders to the letter without realizing he is not looking out for your safety, knows what he's talking about regarding fighting fires, lets just say your a total moron and probably do deserve to die!
    But hey, I'm on D-Tour, Terry's on C-Tour so the odds of getting stuck working with him are slim. Personally, I know myself and my fellow brother & sister firefighters are safe and looked out for by competent Deputy Chiefs (Sammy-G and Serpie) who are totally worthy of their positions and not politically appointed rubes.

  55. To Anonymous 2:35, it's obvious that you hate the new Chief, it appears that you know way too much, you should have written your name. I am sure that his Wife is not to please with all you have said, at the end of the shift and on pay day they are both laughing at all you fools.They are both the winners at taxpayers expense. She appointed him and now you have to live with it. Remember God does not like ugly. Never ever wish others bad. Cause what goes around comes around. There is not a perfect man on earth. So be careful. Don't Blame him, Blame Mayor Pedro and Chief O.O. Sandra.They had the last word. Chief Casares had nothing to do with this promotion.

  56. He's going to work on D Tour every time he works overtime.
    Good luck with that.

  57. Anonymous it is obvious that you know this guy very well. And this is very serious. An incompetent Deputy Chief could do so much harm by giving wrong instructions in a fire situation. I don't blame you for going anonymously as with his "wife" you could get in trouble for saying the truth.
    What a scandal!!! the City Fire Department is on fire. Who do we call to put out this fire? Where is the Hartford Courant now? What does Mr. Sgoode has to say now in defense of these unafair practices!
    Fire! Fire! Fire!
    Corruption! Corruption! Corruption!

  58. Responding to Bohica , although untimely deaths are always unfortunate in the fire service but, r deaths r never in vain. On that tragic day, we all became better firefighters. New policies and procedures follow r deaths in an attempt to perfect r trade. So, we r left to believe, All things work together for the good for those who believe.

    Your point still had the wrong tone, what comes to my mind for tragedies is Worcester Ma. I never thought of the white commanders as being incompetent, it was just an unfortunate tragedy.

  59. Listen here little mice. There is absolutely nothing you can do. Cry a river, play a violin, but Chief Waller will lay the smack down if you mess with him...........FACT

  60. Chief Waller will be here for a while, so get used to it. If you don't want to work for him, go to Newington or Avon and sit around... He is better then you anyways.

  61. wah wah wah, please. He gots it fair and square. If you wanna play games with the new deputy, then bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!You will lose like when MR. T beat up rocky.

  62. someone is busy typing, all of the preceding "pro-Waller" comments were posted within 3 minutes of each oither. The Public Relations spin has begun I guess if you choose to believe it

  63. THE TRUTH and Rusty Fire Hose are obviously the same person. His side is loosing significantly in the Brookman poll. Does Saundra Key Borges really think she is fooling anyone? Wise up,Lady!!

  64. Yea ................about that claim that Waller was about to get thrown off the "sunspot inflamed" school roof. That was only because he was and is an ignorant, self absorbed, dope who loves and likes to listen to himself talk on the radio.
    Let me tell you, What did Waller do after that fire? Did he confront the officer (you still should have followed through with that "airborne mission", Mike) who said that to him like a MAN?..... Like all of us would have done?............... ....Ah, no just like the pussy he has always been He "WRITES THAT PERSON UP..."
    The only arrow in Waller's quiver for his entire career has been to report to the third floor his complaints. That's all he ever does, he has never "talked" to any subordinates. He has always been a pig headed, Napoleon complex challenged, loud mouth.
    I have been an officer on HFD for an awful long time...
    I have yet in all these years to "write someone up" I handle the problem in the firehouse, in my office. It has never gone any further!
    The F/F has always seen the proper path and amended the attitude to serve,protect be safe and contribute to the people of Hartford. I've been pretty successful.
    My first obligation is to solve the problem, my last resort is to go outside the firehouse.
    Only officers who are scared, and insecure will write someone up as a first option. They need help and support in their own minds to back up their unjustified claims.
    I ask, how many firefighters, lieutenants, Captains, ANY BODY .... FMO, Special Services ..... have been "written up" by Waller?
    As I said, been around a long time. And I'm gonna say at least 40!!! That's nuts,!!!
    So Terry, All these guys have a problem, not you? You are not A FIRE OFFICER! Learn that!

    Here's a quick poem:

    Just like little Napoleon had to do , why don't you go into exile too!

  65. It's true that all Waller does is yell and write people up, when he was working in SSU, that is why the rest of the people left, they were tired of being treated like kids, constantly having to check in with him all day long, he forgot the men that were there before him..already knew the job, and did it well ! As far as writting people up, he wrote up Marie Kolovage up for not having the right amount of petty cash on hand, everyone who knows that when the money comes in for petty cash, Marie would call you and let you know that she had money for you from the petty cash, but this day she didn't and Waller stood there screaming at her, then he marched into Teal's office complaining about her and he wrote her up ! That was the last straw with Marie, following that incident she left the Fire Dept. Who does things like that, only Terry Waller, that's has to tell you also what type of person he really is .

  66. Advice to all you Firefighters, it is time to get up from your behinds, don’t settle for just being a firefighter; start opening up your eyes for the blue promotional flyers, start applying for those top positions. The opportunities are offer to all. Get your names on those lists, eventually you will be promoted.

  67. Funny how Rory Wentworth is dragged into the conversation about being violent when only one side of the story was reported, Those were false allegations he was never arrested on Felony charges it was Phelan a kid he knew his whole life who was the one who pressed charges and gave his side of the story to this blog, the facts are it was a drunk scuffle and fight and Phelan tried to save face by saying he was sleeping which is total bullshit except no one got Wentworths side of the story, unbiased journalism my ass.

  68. Well this response is either from Rory, or Rory's Daddy who continues to bail out his son, who by the way is a jackass and has proven this time after time..Just ask the guys wife in Grants restaurant in West Hartford when Rory grabbed her ass,,,,it's on tape and the husband and Rory got into a fight over it...and poor Rory was arrested and Daddy once again bailed him out and paid the 50k repair bills to the bar....Bottom line Rory's story is bs Phelan is a good kid and did not provoke Rory returning from the bar and beat him while he slept.....

  69. Obviously Phelans camp posted that, I know both these guys and their both good guys you gotta remember there are 2 sides to every story. As for the Grants thing that's simply not true, I guess facts don't have to be checked to be posted.

  70. Really just have Kevin Brookman FOI the tape Daddy and you will see your jackass drunk Son grabbing the ass of the guys wife...wake up you failed at parenting and now we have to pay for it..or should I say you once again have to pay for your eyes

  71. When did these post start commenting about Phelan and Wentworth?
    This story is about Waller and his continued incompetent,fire ground, buffoonery!
    Firefighters lives are at stake!

  72. Kevin, maybe someone should make copies of these posts and concerns regarding the issue of Terry Waller and post them to the Hartford Courant, and watch what happens !

  73. Hey how about our "fellow firefighters" on A injuries while they are in jail? Having multiple AWOL 's. loosing there gear and drinking mouth wash in the parking lot. These guys fly below the radar because the administration has never taken care of these fire turds. Instead of taken care of the problem they consolidate them at 7's . Don't believe this get the roster and do some back ground checks or around 9pm go drive in parking lot
