Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Today has been a busy day with the police sources. Several phone call have reported that Probationary Hartford Police Officer Luis Feliciano, the subject of a recent posting on the blog, has now reported to the Springfield police department that his firearm issued to him by the City of Hartford has been stolen. Feliciano apparently reported to Springfield PD that the weapon was stolen during a burglary of his home.

This raises more questions as to how Officer Feliciano has secured his weapon, as is apparently required under the Departments Code of Conduct.  This will most likely not rest well with Chief Rovella and others who are working hard to get illegal guns off the street , not to add more.It would appear that the weapon was not secured in a gun safe or other means to prevent its theft.

A request for comment on the theft was made to HPD but no comment is available at this time.

UPDATE 4:11PM- HPD Spokeperson Nancy Mulroy confirmed the theft of Feliciano's firearm and that the Springfield police were investigating the burglary of Feliciano's home.

Here is the original posting regarding Officer Feliciano


  1. can we finally terminate this retard? the hell does someone like this even get hired?....good job super star detectives in background we finally know how you guys got hired too....retards..

  2. I understand your sentiment , but please try to refrain from phrases that are degrading or not "Politically correct


  3. Wow, kevin nancy mulroy actually confirmed something. Its quite interesting how she has picked up the pace since the roberts regime.......

  4. XL-Center empty seatsNovember 14, 2012 at 5:34 PM

    Wow, what a shock, another black eye. It should be interesting what happens to this turd.....

  5. Hey Will SMith, You should be good at chess, you play it all day in teleserve!!!!!!Stop trying to be some type of mauder. Can you honestly say you are not lazy, can you honestly say you never told a citizen to pound sand because you did not want to do a paper? what about you sitting on a pj at stop and shop in plain clothes? so dont try to make it seem like you Maned up!!!!!

  6. The plot thickens. This is almost as bad as physical fitness on c squad, or maybe a drunken bar fight down town, or even discharging rounds at a house party with the state police...etc etc.........

  7. 200 days is not enough for smith. he will be a casualty of the discipline system here.......

  8. Since when is it departmental policy to keep your weapon in a safe at all times? From what i heard, his weapon was secured and locked. So its his fault they broke in. It was in his home..... can happen to anyone. Relax people.....JETS!!!!!!!

  9. They said Sgt. Varkal went to his house that night to investigate. This kid has no luck. Actually feel bad for him. Here he writes good reports and gets slong with everyone.

  10. His FTO should give him a zero on his DOR for that day since he failed to maintain his DEPT issued equipment.......

  11. Sgt. Varkel will crack the caper.....

  12. What is the deal with the daredevil on midnights that comes to work intoxicated?? Workers comp should pay the skydiver a visit to make sure he has enough movement to jump out of a PLANE!!

  13. 15 years strong, not desk dutyNovember 15, 2012 at 11:20 AM

    I would love to see that police report, Kevin, Im sure you can pull that one from springfield. Hopefully the weapon is recovered, because that is serious. Aside from that, this kid had his chance and screwed it up. Is the city of htfd really ready to put up with him for 25 years? and all you other new guys, get a couple years on before running your mouths.

  14. 3 monthes on the job and already entrenched in drama. This usually ends badly for the city or in this case, the employee.........

  15. what is the deal with sgt tron and his athletic trainer class on midnights??? I give him credit for whippin the dept into smooth physical conditon, but he needs to ride a pedal bike instead of trying to be the second comin of mad max with that rice burner yellow crap on two wheels......

  16. So a fellow brother of ours has his home broken into and all you guys can do is talk bad about him? It was not his fault obviously. Instead of giving the kid a call to find out if he and family are ok or need anything your here talking s@/t. Unbelievable. You guys make me sick. Don't worry, I have more than 3 years on.

  17. Anonymous 1:08PM

    Since you have been on more than 3 years, how many times have you had your firearm stolen. You don't find this odd, and irresponsible at all?

    1. I don't find it odd or strange ...its a break in..Guess you guys think he planned for some junkie to break into his home and steal his personal items.
      Hope it doesn't happen to anyone. Nice unity guys ! Oh. And I have more than 3 years on ..guess I'm allowed an opinion.

  18. Lol...maybe an employee already under the spotlight for having ''criminal connections'', poor judgement and decision making, should try to fly under the radar atleast until he is off probation.....Maybe...just maybe you should think that if you live in the hood....and you are all over the internet for being a new police officer hired even though you have criminal connections and poor life decision making....that might lead you to believe that maybe you should not bring your dept issued equipment home with you because people are watching you....this kid needs to realize that the dept wants him terminated...he never should have been hired in the 1st every little thing he does wrong will thankfully lead to his short time here...

  19. hey valez,
    no you are not entitled an opinion. This kid should not have been hired. When it comes to police management, this kid will cost the city more in the long run. This is a business, not a soup kitchen for lobster thieves and transients from woodstock new york........

    1. On second thought. I think you really do need a hug ..come see me when you can..I give great ones ! Peace !!

    2. On second thought I think you need a big hug! Come see me and I'll give you one ...maybe you'll relax a bit ...! Peace !!

  20. Leave this kid alone, this is america, who are you and kevin to decide who becomes a cop. Everyone knows city hall is corrupt.
    So when the titanic goes down, I will not be playing a musical instrument, but raiding the fine china cabinet and silverwear........everyone else does, why not make a good situation for my family....

  21. clear vision for htfdNovember 17, 2012 at 1:49 PM

    Listen here little rabbits, no matter what you do, no matter how much effort is given to change, Mayor Segarra is still in charge of all of you....ha hah haha hahahh hahahahah hah ahh ahhahhaaah hhhhhhaaahahah hah hah ah ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
