Friday, November 30, 2012


On Monday , Hartford Fire Department Deputy Chief of Training Dan Nolan returned to his job with the city as a result of a court order after his wrongful termination. Nolan has also filed a lawsuit against the city for damages as a result of his termination.

The lawsuit filing is below, although it is somewhat short on specifics in the suit, I gues that is the way these things work. It should prove to be an interesting trial as witnesses are put under oath and questioned. Among them will most likely be the Hartford Fire Union President Vincent Fusco as he will have to divulge his involvement in the termination and what he did and when.

Tickets should be sold for the questioning of  Former Fire Chief Charles Teale as he states under oath the tale of Springfield Strip clubs and payments he took from an opthamologist to cover penalties for misusing the Hartford Fire Academy for his personal gain. (These things are already on the record from the Labor board hearings). Luckily for Teale the statute of limitations has expired on the payoff.

Somehow I think the City will be scrambling to settle this one for a large amount rather than have more dirty laundry from a corrupt City hall aired in public..

This is a story that still isn't done yet and promises to get even worse before it is done. Stay tuned.

Nolan (1)

1 comment:

  1. I like the fact that Teale has to hire an attorney and that will be just a portion of his expenses on this case. I suspect that the city will try to settle before Vincent Fusco is deposed.
