Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I am sure that the debate over the second amendment will become heated over the next few months.

The 2nd amendment to our Constitution reads as follows: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

What did our founding fathers have in mind? Did they ever envision Bushmaster rifles with 30 round clips and ammunition that is so devastating to human tissue, it would cause almost certain death when used, especially when used against a 6 year old child?

Is it time to return to what our founding fathers had in mind for self protection and allow Americans to own single shot muskets and black powder pistols? There is no place in any American home for a Bushmaster Assault rifle and as with most laws it is about the "intent" of the legislation and typically not the convoluted extreme result that many times occurs when extremists push the wording to the limit.

It also comes down to personal responsibility. It is extremely troubling to hear about a mentally disturbed individual  who was able to essentially shoplift assault rifles from an East Windsor gun store this past weekend. Were these weapons left around with the same level of security as DVD's at Walmart?

Shouldn't a responsible gun shop have these weapons properly secured in locked cases or at least some sort of cable run through them so that a crazed individual can't walk out with ammunition and an assault rifle in hand to wreak havoc on another town?Severe penalties should be invoked for any person that carelessly allows weapons to get into the wrong hands.

Something needs to change, this wasn't what or forefathers intended.The weapon pictured above has no place in any home


  1. Kevin,

    Let me start off by saying that the shootings in Sandy Hook are a terrible act of depravity. As a father of two beautiful young children, it is my worst nightmare to imagine them in any type of situation such as this. I pray nightly that they will never have to experience what those victims and their families have had to experience.
    That said, I disagree that there is no place for weapons such as these in society. There were many failures that led to this event, the murder of the mother to obtain the weapons, the violation of the "gun free school zone", and the failure of law enforcement to act when the killer attempted to purchase a firearm earlier in the week from a department store. Had he been arrested at the time for using his brothers identification to purchase a firearm, he would have surely been off the streets.
    our forefathers wrote the constitution and trhe bill of rights to protect this nation from all enemies, foreign and from this land. At the time of the writing, the citizens had in some instances better firearms than the British soldiers they were fighting. (rifled barrels vs. smoothbores) The forefathers never imagined the technology we have today, did they ever fathom that we would have violent video games, where killing is rewarded, and graphic, did they imagine an internet where people could research how to mix fuel oil and fertilizer to make explosives, did they imagine social media where bullying causes young children to take their lives?
    Lets have a reasonable response to this event, and not rush to blame the tool used.

  2. sorry anonymous but the "tool used" should be banned as well as clips etc and the closing of the gun show loophole.Also there needs to be more money for mental health intervention.

  3. "Violation of the Gun Free School Zone"???? Are you for real with that? Do you for one second think that this animal was concerned about a gun free school zone? What is the matter with you?

  4. anonymous 5:03pm,

    are you saying that a man determined to execute at least 26 people wouldn't be worried about the possible penalties for violating the "gun free" zone?we can pass laws like the gunfree zone but apparently it is too difficult to ban assault weapons and 30 round clips

  5. We should ban the more deadly guns like we did the more deadly drugs. That's working wonders for drug control.

    How about we place blame where it belongs, on the gunman and his mother who knew he was unstable and allowed him access to the guns?

    If we could take ALL guns out of existence I would be all for that but to outlaw something only keeps it in the hands of the outlaws.

  6. Hey Kevin,

    For what its worth, Connecticut already has an Assault Weapons Ban in place, and the rifle the kid used was not an assault rifle as defined by the State's definition.

    This is like a fat person saying that their fork made them fat, and not their intent or determination.

    This is unfortunately an instance where the system actually worked. He was denied the sale of a sporting rifle, and therefore murdered his mother and stole her weapons. Illegally transported the weapons, then brought them onto school property, and then committed murder. Is murder outlawed in this state? Or should we have more restrictions on that too.....I don't see where any additional law or restrictions will make any difference whatsoever, since there were already laws in place to stop this person, yet he had no problem breaking them. Thats what we call a criminal....

    Drugs are banned, with serious repercussions in place. I don't see criminals following any of those laws or restrictions either.

    Yes lets ban the tool that was used. Lets ban automobiles and cars since drunk drivers kill people every year with them. Better yet, lets ban alcohol.....yep, remember prohibition from history class? How did that work out....

    Not to knock the balls of you Kevin since I am usually a supporter of your findings, but that picture you have on your page is an AK47 type rifle, which is banned in Connecticut because of its AWB. It is not a Bushmaster, like you described it as....

    Rant off

  7. Kevin, there are more people killed by drunk drivers than guns. Using your rationale I would think you would be for banning cars. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Furthermore, the framers envisioned that there could be a day when the citizens would have to take up arms against an errant government. I would assume that they envisioned that the citizens would have access to guns that are equal to that which are used by the government to protect themselves.

  8. That is a bushmaster and the picture comes directly from their website, click the link below the picture and it will take you to their site

  9. Obviously laws do not prevent illegal acts from occurring. Why hinder law abiding citizens from protecting their families. The reason to own an assault type rifle is because of body armor. Yes it is illegal to own body armor but more and more you hear about these gunman wearing bullet proof vests. So if someone was to envade your home to harm your family and they were wearing a bullet proof vest and all you had to protect yourself was a hand gun, you and your family would be dead.
    The problem is the mental condition of the killers. The first documented school shooting in the U.S. was in 1764. There have been 59 school shootings prior to 1960. All prior to assault weapons. Are you saying that tighter restrictions on guns will prevent these incidents? Innability to get a gun did not prevent the Vernon kid from killing two people in Wyoming with a bow and arrow.
    I cant rely on the goverment to protect my family 24-7 especially since they sold hundreds of illegal assault weapons to drug lords (Fast and Furious) and your beloved governer passed legislation for early release of violent offenders from prisons. WHERE WAS YOUR OUTRAGE DURING THESE EVENTS?

  10. If a civilian legally licensed to carry a firearm saw this felon/criminal/emotionally disturbed person at the time of this shooting, stopped him by shooting him, he/she would have been prosecuted for a felony under the C.G.S.. However, if this was a couple of years ago, this same licensed person was able to carry a firearm on school grounds as per the C. G. S. Mr. Brookman, the gun control laws left the meekest among us defenseless, and the gunman knew it. Our governors, senators, mayors, congressmen, all competent adults are protected by guns. For the most part, they are able bodied people, but our children are given locked doors, a camera to show ID, and a greeter. CT is the fifth stictest "gun control" state. Obviously it doesn't work. Any and all responsible "ADULTS" would gladly volunteer like a lunch monitor to guard over our children. This is a reasonable alternative to the gun control that only protects criminals. Imagine my surprise when I learned that CT has made the top 20 of dangerous cities in the US. Last I checked there were 5 cities listed in CT. It may have changed in the last year, but it is the way we react to criminals and the consequences that the elected officials detract fom the law abiding.

    Aurora Colorado: "Firearm Free Zone" was prominently displayed in the lobby of the theater in which several people were killed watching the Dark Knight rises. This may be why the gunman passed up the other three closer theatres. The last mall shooting in Oregon disappeared fom the press. Could it be the fact that he was stopped by a licensed gun owner? An off duty officer just recently shot and killed another movie going gunman a couple of days ago. No coverage again. 320 million people exponentially increases the number of criminals and emotionally disturbed people. It is the responsible citizen that protects this nation 10x more with a firearm than a criminal causes injury with one. I truly believe that Mr. Lanza would have went to that school in the morning, lunch time, or at dismissal and would have tried to run those innocents over with a car if he did not kill his mother and steal her guns. Much the same way 19 terrorists with edged weapons took over planes and killed three thousand Americans. Kevin, can you really say that this is the same free country you grew up in? I don't feel that way. I fear my government, and so do millions of others like me. I don't like it, and it makes me understand why you mainly see anonymous on postings. So much for freedom of speech. Last note, the British confiscated colonists' guns before the revolution. Most colonists' and early Americans kept their guns loaded and their powder dry and if they could afford it had numerous firearms about their homes. They also had delivery systems to increase the potenial for casualties. Double barrels, blunderbusses, grenades, etc. In CT today you can LEGALLY own a machine gun, silencer, and in some cases artillary. As long as you love your country, are law abiding, are there for your friends or neighbors, or just mind your own business. It is this freedom that makes our nation the greatest, and keeps our enemies from invading our soil. The Japanese wouldn't even contemplate invading the mainland. Nor do the terrorists contemplate a frontal assault. As the Constitution states: The right to protect yourself and keep our nation free is given to us by the Creator. It is inalienable and it is written as such, as law, as a reminder to all, and no person can take our rights away as long as we are a law-abiding people.

  11. Dear Kevin let me start by saying that what happened is a gut wrenching tragedy. I’m saddened by the fact that someone as unstable as this man had not properly been medicated, or secured… say at the bottom of a well where he was unable to kill children and rob others of their innocence.

    That being said there is over a billion firearms in the United States and banning the purchase of Semi-automatic firearms like the AR type platform would not stop crimes like this from happening. It may postpone the crime for an individual that does not yet own this type of rifle but I don’t believe it will prevent it. There is simply to many guns out there all ready. There are literally hundreds of firearms that could inflict as much damage if not more than that type of weapon in a school.

    A shotgun with a removable magazine could have been much more devastating in a structure such as a school especially if every trigger pull sent 9 .32 caliber bullets down range with your average 00 buck load. Its not the weapon it’s the person. Any sick individual that has made up their mind that they want to comment a mass atrocity is going to find a way too. We as a nation freed ourselves from the tyranny of England with firearms. Vinnie was right when he talked about being invaded by a foreign country.
    "You cannot invade mainland America There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass"
    This Quote was spoken by admiral Isoroku Yamamoto to the Japanese war cabinet when talks of a invasion of American soil were discussed. The gun has, and will, continue to keep Americans safe and sound because where are the police when you need one?

  12. Mr Brookman. Kids have commited suicide because they have been bullied over comments made on websites. Are you for the goverment restricting freedom of speech from the internet. If people could not post comments so freely this kids would still be alive?
    You keep your blog and let me be free to defend myself and family as a law abiding citizen feels he needs to.

  13. a very unhappy supervisor.....December 25, 2012 at 4:07 PM

    They should put a ban on blog sites like this, who hide behind fredom of information acts and other stupid laws. All this blog does is start trouble.......( and Im glad the shooting task force got their 50,000 bonus) I would put my name here, but you will run and tell your pals...

  14. All these idiots trying to ban legal guns are hilarious. Only thing that would do is force people to find guns illegally. I mean seriously, of all the homicides that have taken place here in Hartford I can't recall hearing anything about registered LEGAL guns being responsile. Another thing I've found hilarious about this Newtown bs is that initial reports said the shooter was found with 2 handguns and the bushmaster in a car outside. I love how the gov't decided to switch the story and create all this controversy.

  15. Anonymous 3:11Pm 12/28/2012,

    Just so you don't wonder why your comment isn't here, the allegations you made in your posting are quite serious. Rather than post it here at this time, it has been forwarded to Chief Rovella as you addressed it. I think it is only fair and proper for the Chief to be made aware of your charges and allow him to take the time to have it investigated properly. To post the information here, would probably mean that an investigation would be next to impossible, evidence would disappear and tracks would be covered.

    I hope you can appreciate that and if your claims are true, they definitely deserve a proper investigation and appropriate action to be taken.

    Thank you for bringing the info to my attention

  16. I hope that the pj sgt and all his dirty hire tricks are revealed like a new movie opening.......

  17. New 10-2 garbage canDecember 31, 2012 at 7:23 AM

    even if this new drama does get exposed, honestly kevin what will happen, same with the Rudawitz report, Nothing, complete cover up by city hall. Docking time cards and manipulation of hours worked is still going on here. The auditmated time card system would have exposed a lot, but now its just the same old song and dance. I hope the pj sgt makes another 154k this year. Must be nice to get 2hr js, mine always go the full 8hrs............

  18. I do hope that rovella does take a closer look at some of the nonsense that is still going on. I hope he tells the new chiefs toput an end to this child like behavior and extreme laziness. There are certain officers that come to work and do their job, others think of this place as highschool with a paycheck. Im here to do my job, and provide for my wife and kids. Some think its a big joke, but when your staring down the barrel of a gun, thats what I fear the most, who is my backup going to be????????????

  19. blog follower for life!!!!!!!death too...December 31, 2012 at 7:29 AM

    Kevin, please let the gift out of the box, this is not paid per view? actually if you did charge to view this blog, I would pay. Im sure its one of the usual suspects that thinks his shit does not stink......you need to put more more polls on here, I enjoy them. Not just htfd stuff, but national opinion polls.

  20. So when is the posting for ERT driver going to be posted in the dept????
