Sunday, January 6, 2013


Another family that is dealing with the loss of a loved one at Christmas is the Foley family of Tolland.

John Foley a retired Connecticut State Trooper and the father of Hartford Police Lieutenant Brian Foley, passed away earlier in December.

John Foley was the recipient of a kidney transplant and from his daughter Karen, and the Foley's are featured in the video below.Please take a moment to consider becoming an organ donor and watch the video below


  1. so how does a superviosr get 3 js a week when others dont have one,,, must be so smart when those calls come in at 9 in the morning for a j that lasts and hour, nor does he go by the list and just hires himself....

  2. 160k a year for klank, thats awesome!!!!!!

  3. word is kevin, the fire dept will not put out a fire at your house because the fire chief needs to take out more loans for child care problems and gold club meetings.
    and your banned from the fire side of the new dept, but i will buzz you in, dont say anything......foley gotcha covered for tom, all good. dont let caesars stare you down either, his eyes red and his suit smelling of liquor........

  4. the fire cheif can donate some of that 150k a year, wait, hes broke, cause he has a little problem........kepp it low....

  5. it is true, city hall big wigs get free meals with a snazzy city credit card. I wish i could have 50 dollar plate meals. the public should know this because there is talk about laying off 100 cops to save money. so if 100 cops are being laid off to save money, why does the city continue to spend tax money on take home cars and free gas for cetain few??

  6. so if 100 cops are being cut, what about civilian paper weights, like mulroy, jaffee, and half of records? Jaffee is already collecting a fat pension on top of his 140k a year. mulroy only started to actually show up to work when rovella started. under roberts, she was missing in action like chuck norris...

  7. some of the high ups in this city should donate some of 100k + saleries to help preserve jobs here. But the fire chief will have to write an IOU....

  8. So what is the update with City Hall antics, more layoffs, while city hall lets employees eat and charge the city accounts. And the mayor now has an entourage to hang with. Life must be great to be a politician in Htfd.

  9. new pj office camera systemJanuary 21, 2013 at 4:28 PM

    klank is movin to his new gigs on thurs, so he will be able to hide and doctor the list in style now.... only two jobs this week, on pace for 150k this year still..........

  10. I already called several news media members, and pending the complete move in, dont cha worry, the city will look stupid when the media shows lack of safety for officers private vehicles, wait till the first burner is taken from a private vehicle, then maybe something will get done....but im betting they will just blame the ofc instead......

  11. If those turds really think im parking in a meadows type gravel lot, then they are smokin more 77 then bennie man on north for some, while others sip on dishwater......

  12. hey, Brockman, why is it that the mayor needs armed ofcs to go and drink with? that kinda a conflict of interest, and dont give me that bull about safety, its tax money spent for the mayor to do what he wants.

  13. I see the new gravel officer lot at the new police dept has plenty of frozen snow and ice covering it. Better get workers comp ready for a busy streak

  14. So as of this wed, unless you know people, u can't park in the rear of the new department. All personnel must park in the half assed gravel lot that only holds about fifty cars. But I am willing to bet a select few will do what they want and park inside the new compound, while the rest park in a UNSAFE, UNPROTECTED, MAJOR OFFICER SAFETY ISSUE.

  15. Can someone please expose the new complex as what it is......sorely underfunded with so many shortcuts, its amazing that Officers are forced to park in unsecured lots with a tiny fence most people can walk over, not to mention the gravel and the fact that all the criminal mopes who find out these vehicles are Officer vehicles. I can close my eyes and just see a mope walking by and tossing a softball sized rock over his shoulder into the lot,oopps.
    Or the even braver mope who enters the lot unseen of course and maybe keys a few vehicles, gouge some tires. AAAAHH great things to look forward to. And spare me the crap that those who are on the committe actually care about our safety and property but are getting stonewalled by City Hall. If the rats that are parking inside as well as City hall haters should know, if you don't care for our safety and property then why should I care for anyone elses in the City? Cause I took an oath and swore to be a part of a second rate Capital City.
    Thanks for showing you care Chief Rovella. Hey you inherited this joke but you do have the power to see it fixed dont you? Even you must have the most common of sense.
    I think a PJ cop should be hired round the clock to monitor the crappy lots for our piece of mind.
    What the hell, how bout a cadet sitting in a marked care and being visible. God, you idiots please think of something. Maybe Len Bestoff should get a REAL rundown of this crap rather than all the BS pomp and circumstance being displayed on the "grand opening" day for the media,as they were fed all that BS about state of the art blah,blah,blah.
    Those that do not agree, fine. Those that do, speak up and lets see SOMETHING,ANYTHING at all. Tell the media, send pictures, call attorneys, write an editorial in the Courant, take a video of a cop slipping on his rear in a snowy gravel, unable to be paved lot.

  16. Your weak Mr. Brookman. I wrote a comment yesterday, which was not obscene or abusive. I merely voiced my opinion about this forum. And you chose not to post it?
    You have beautiful, albeit "gilded" intentions.

    Haha, great "organ donor" article. Really has a lot to do with parking lots... Such selfish comments. I never had any negative feelings toward you. I always pegged you for who you are, journalist, politician...

    But for you to filter through comments that only play to your thread, well, I guess your true colors show.
    Not to worry though, I guess only I'll ever know, of course you could filter this one out again.

    So between you and me:
    The point of this article was about organ donors, not backstabbing and crying over parking lots.

    Shame on you, bloggers. & shame on you Mr. Brookman.
    My condolences to the Foleys on their loss.

  17. no comments were denied yesterday, please try resending it
