Friday, March 1, 2013

UH OH !!!

In what may be a worst case nightmare scenario for many, Hartford City Treasurer Adam Cloud    has just announced  his appointment to the City's internal Audit Commission.
Treasurer Cloud has appointed Hartford Attorney Bruce Rubenstein as his pick to act as the City's watchdog. Rubenstein, a frequent commenter here on the blog, has a reputation for getting his teeth into wrongdoing and shaking it viciously until the truth comes out.
Attorney Rubenstein  is a Hartford Attorney who graduated from the University of Bridgeport (now Quinnipiac College) in 1980 and has been in private practice ever since.Rubenstein has also been involved in both local and National politics, but seems to be able to separate politics from issues of right and wrong.
This will hopefully usher in a new era of accountability in Hartford Government as all questionable matters are looked into and investigated by the Commission and City Auditors. The current Commission has not been known for any aggressive pursuits of corruption or wrongdoing.

I have known Bruce personally for several years and I would be hard pressed to find someone more qualified or capable of protecting the best interests of the people of Hartford and question and expose wrong doing.


  1. Do you really think that city hall will allow the dirt to come out? I hope he does clean the sand box of misfit toys, but Luz will try, Yes I said TRY act with dignity...

  2. city hall water coolerMarch 1, 2013 at 4:37 PM

    Luz said she is in charge kevin, not u. I overheard her running her pie hole about how she shut down the information leaks, and that this blog will fade away.........

  3. Don't believe it, the calls and documents are coming in heavier than ever, it is one thing to be incompetent it is another to be malicious when it comes to a persons livelihood. I thinks she ha poked the hornets nest and she will find she is going to get stung Hartford style

  4. ALL RIGHT!! With Bruce in there maybe the Police and Firefighters that got pension off on a disability
    will get what they deserve.

  5. His first audit should be of that dictator/director of HR. the only way to show these dopes that they are serious is to give any misuse of funds to the states attorney and ask for prosecution. Public curropt ion at any leave can not be tolerated no matter how small it may seem. Apathy has no place when the city is crying they will be in a deficit this year and next year. Can I make a suggestion don't come back to the unions for concessions just ask for Val's p-card.
