Saturday, April 20, 2013


A picture is worth a thousand words. The operator of this vehicle has become HPD's latest DUI arrest tonight on Ann Ucello Street near the Russian Lady. The parking speaks for itself, I am not sure how the DUI tests went


  1. I thought John Kennelly stopped drinking!

  2. I just hope that this is not one of the Mayor's staff. Parking downtown is a little scarce. Why not stack them up.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm sure if Sgt. Spell and others wanted to make this investigation go a certain way and have the restaurant owner not arrested, that certainly would have happened, but it didn't. Once again, more slander and lies. Just like two "other" accidents that were "covered up"? Accidents that never occurred. Yes, please ask the investigating Officer (Murtha) if he was ever "harassed" by anyone. Obviously, the restaurant owner has friends that are officers that I'm sure were concerned for him. I'm sure your friends with him Kevin just as if something ever happened to you, I'm sure your officer friends would check on you. For someone to twist it into lies and use the blog to lie and slander others is a problem. Grow up.

  5. I don't even know who the driver is, just had the pic sent with no details as to the drivers info, other than that he was charged with DUI

  6. Before this silliness escalates any further, I feel the need to make my first contribution to this blog. I am the "investigating officer" being mentioned here, and I want to set the record straight. I was contacted by several individuals who happen to know one of the citizens involved in the motor vehicle accident pictured here. Each of them inquired as to that party's well-being, which isn't surprising considering pictures of this incident went viral while I was still at the scene. But at no time did ANY of those individuals "harass" me in any way. And as someone who has personally been the victim of false accusations that altered my life and career forever, I will not stand by and allow anyone to be accused (anonymously, no less) of something that absolutely did not happen.
    This should END the discussion of this matter. If anyone feels the need to continue this dialogue, contact me directly and I'll be happy to discuss it with you like an adult.

  7. Kevin please don't publish this, wouldn't be fair to him. It was Dave, the manager at the Tavern. He was sleeping in the car and car somehow knocked into reverse. He's very embarassed and upset.

  8. Rob,

    Thanks for your explanation. I have always known you to have the highest integrity and to be a man of your word.

    If you say this didn't happen I trust your word.

    Based on your explanation, I have removed the comment.

  9. 10-4. Thank you, Kevin.

  10. Hey loser at 2:31pm.....I bet you are the same guy that will sit in that same bar, smile in the owners face, expect a discount, and then when you leave after drinking expect a break if you crash. Your a straight up loser, along with being a liar, get a life.

  11. Hey loser at 2:31pm;
    What's your motive? I bet your the same guy that will sit in that same bar, eating and drinking, while smiling in the owners face and expect a discount. Your the same guy that will leave inebriated and drive, but will expect a break just because your a loser cop. I'm sure you've never ever drove your car while inebriated because your so perfect. Get a life you zero.

  12. Officer Martha, what do you know about mr kupiec,s 2 accidents and sgt spell.

  13. The fact is, phone calls were made in a fruitless attempt to facilitate this academy award of stupidity . But to no avail downtown hartford during a busy bar nite with dozens of witnesses, including channel 3 reporters is not a perfect cover up scenerio like a poorly lit area of route 2 south on teo prior occassions . No excuse for this, but im sure spell will give him the proper eduaction on how to nolle or dismiss this incident ...

  14. The fact is, phone calls were made in a fruitless attempt to facilitate this academy award of stupidity . But to no avail downtown hartford during a busy bar nite with dozens of witnesses, including channel 3 reporters is not a perfect cover up scenerio like a poorly lit area of route 2 south on two prior occassions . No excuse for this, but im sure ***** will give him the proper eduaction on how to nolle or dismiss this incident ...
