Friday, May 17, 2013


If nothing else, you have to give Mayor Segarra's Chief of Staff   Jared Kupiec credit, he is a survivor. Most people would be on the unemployment line by now with this many stunts to their credit. The big question on the minds of many is why.
Most people would be gone after one or two questionable incidents, but with Kupiec the hits keep coming and he still has a job. For someone as Segarra once told me "has his back" he sure seems to be drawing much attention to.Segarra.
The  caviar, the p-card abuse, the HPD gym power grab, and the list goes on.
Now one of the regions best investigative reporters, Jeff Cohen of WNPR seems to be digging his teeth into something that has been buzzing around City Hall for months.It seems that the Mayor's Chief of Staff  was involved in an accident that resulted in personal injury at the intersection of High and Allyn Street on January 20, 2013.
Many questions had arisen as to how the accident was handled, who was actually driving, Kupiec or the operator listed on the accident report and was alcohol involved. Now Cohen has verified at least one item  that was in question, was the right person found responsible for the accident.
.  It seems that after reviewing the accident report, HPD has reversed itself and found Kupiec's passenger, I mean operator number 2 at fault for causing the accident pictured above.
Even more interesting is the company Mr. Kupiec keeps. Apparently the person listed as operator 2 may have actually been a fugitive from justice at the time. Records indicate that there was a warrant for Nicole M. Pattavina for failure to appear related to charges from a DUI Accident in Palm Beach County Florida. It is unclear whether that warrant was still in effect at the time of the crash or if it had already been served
The DUI accident the charges related to had also caused personal injury as a result of Pattavina allegedly driving drunk.
The HPD Accident Report


  1. I guess Jared threw Nina Musamechi under the bus for this drunken fugitive.

  2. High Society WannabeeMay 17, 2013 at 5:50 PM

    Probably on their way to a late night caviar tasting at Max Downtown

  3. Dear John, not only is Ms Pattavina a drunken fugitvie,she was the "guest" of Jared at the famous News Years Eve Caviar fest involving the Mayor and Sandy ( triple dipper) Borges.

  4. Good to see he has a fugitive for the off hours when he isn't with the criminals at City Hall. I doubt he took her into the HPD Gym

  5. Beluga,

    Not sure about that, I think most sources have named Ms. Musumecci as the dinner guest.

    Although Pattavina might explain the high bar tab

  6. Funny, in the Spanish media,

    Pedrito, is playing the ultra abused minority mega disadvantaged low income FKed Minoria.

    Papa a pig is a pig in any culture.

  7. Omg! Just read Jeff Cohen's article. Can Ken Kennedy look any more foolish! Call it like it is! Are you in or are out! Commit yourself to justice not political winds! What a joke. God help our City with such baffoons on the council! Help us State Oversite Committee! Taxpayers need to shed these albatross Councill members! Jettison them! Jettison all of these hacks portraying such political "poise" yet as we all read are such ignorant fools. what happened to Our Capitol City? Will these Council members be the laughing stock of the country? Seems that way. What an embaressment. We already have Enuff black eyes. Council members dont need to make it any worse!

  8. Kennedy is a total idiot just like the rest of the council, who puff their chest and bark really loud, but have no bite, disgusting and embarrassing.

    Kevin, all you have to do is do wat you do best, FOI the police radio tapes of that night to see if this fugitive, who the Chief of Staff was hanging out with, was run for warrants and or a lisence check. I think Florida has a reciprocal agreement, so she might of had a suspended one. Also, FOI the cruiser's video cameras you might just get a peak as to who arrived on scene.

  9. Totally disgusting, not quite sure which one gets more preference Jared or Sandy, they are both full of crap, along with the Mayor and the Council. Only in Hartford you see these bunch of money hungry greedy educated thiefs. Never have seen employees get rewarded for bad behavior. Pedro just don't seem to get it, he himself needs to get his head check out. He thinks that the Hartford Taxpayers are all dumb. Who does Pedro think he's fooling, he has more tricks then a magician. Its time to make them all disappear.

  10. This just the tip of the iceberg, l had heard that JK was all over the radio on the nite of the blizzard barking out orders while the DPW director hid in a corner with his staff whoever made the calls for action that nite were obviously way over their collective heads this is a result of incompetent people in positions they have no right be in.

  11. I want to mention the DPW mafia and how JK covers their incompetence. The roads are horrible in Hartford, they don't know how to plow and the only time anything gets done is when the mayor threatens them

  12. Cowards, all of them from the Council to the auditors. Unless Kevin brings this to the attention of the states attorneys office it will business as usual.

    This city is screwed, you have a runaway Mayor who is scared of his own shadow, a punk ego maniac as a a chief of staff who thinks the cops are his personal police force, an "acting" COO who can't rub two novels together to make a dime, a director of communications who doesn't even live in the city and is double dipping like the rest of them, a director of youth programs who loves the high end hotel in LA. We could go on and on with this it won't stop until someone has the courage to spit in their eye and draw the line in the sand, someone please call Chuck Norris, so he can bring the pain, jack.

  13. Didn't know they served Caviar in that section of town

  14. Kevin are reports reviewed by a supervisor? Why did hpd have to amend the report to reflect the right information? Political interfence or possibly supervisor misconduct? Hmmmmm... Something's fishy and for once it's not the caviar.

  15. Special Treatment! has been something happening in Hartford City Hall for many years. I don't know why people are so surprised all of the sudden. Who ever gets in, brings their favorite people ...That is the game. People should not bother to apply certain jobs anymore, they are already taken before they get to be post it.

  16. Downtown Judy BrownJune 13, 2013 at 11:24 AM

    To:June 10, 2013 at 1:57 AM

    You are so right, this is a practice that's been going on for years, the only different is, that this time around, we ended up with a group made up of mostly self center greedy attorneys that are trying to make their pay equivalent to what they would make in their office practice.
