Wednesday, July 24, 2013


As hard as it is to believe in this day and age, it has been confirmed, the recording exist, and yes on Monday night a Dispatcher in the Public Safety Dispatch Center did use the "N' word over a police radio channel.

Mayor Segarra issued the following comment through his spokesperson this morning:

Mayor Segarra has a zero tolerance policy for usage of the "N" word or any other words that can be associated with hate speech for that matter. He has demanded a full investigation into the incident in order to determine an appropriate course of action.

Could his response be any more vanilla. Where is the outrage that a public servant can even have that word floating around in their mind and freely use it over the radio. I have said repeated ly that the dispatch Center under Mr. Jaffee is out of control. The main complaint at community meetings when the 911 Dispatch Center is mentioned is that Jaffe''s dispatchers are rude and seem not interested in resident's.

Now there are some good dispatchers that are great and committed to their jobs, but this incident can not be tolerated. At this point the Mayor's Office is not willing to share Mr.Jaffee's written response to the incident or the actual recording, even though they are technically public documents at this point.

I am told that Jaffee's response is lukewarm also. This can not be tolerated, the tone needs to be set right from the top, both from Segarra and Jaffe.

With Mayor Segarra, I am not sure zero tolerance means zero tolerance. Previously I had written about an employee who had made a sexual harassment complaint against a Department Head. The Department head came to work everyday for over a month, making the harassed employee have to deal with him everyday.

Only after the information and the complaint was posted here was the MHIS Director suspended. At the time Segarra said the department head was suspended due to the City's "Zero Tolerance" policy for sexual harassment. If zero tolerance means anything why wasn't he suspended the day the employee filed her complaint, not a month later?

Where is the dispatcher that used the "N"word. Still sitting behind a console in the dispatch Center ?

In a racially charged climate that recent court events have created, both the community as well as City employees need swift and decisive action from our "leaders" to send a strong message that racism or discrimination of any type will not and can not be tolerated


  1. Zero tollerance my ass. If it was "whitey" saying that, they'd be crucified & fired in that order. As long as it was a "someone of color, a city resident" saying something like that, then its OK!

  2. wow thats a racist comment right there!!!!!

  3. For the people thar are Monday morning quarter-Backs, leave the poor dispatcher alone. If he is gonna get in trouble for this then lets also get rid if Sgt. Kessler, who referred to african americans "Gorillas in the Mist" . This was also said over a radio transmition. Where are those tapes? For mayor Segarra and police chief Rovella to put Kessler, yes Kessler. He doesnt deserve the title of Seargeant!!!!!! He is a racist person. Like a slap in the face they only gave him a 10 day susoension! Incredible!! Zero tolerance my ass!!! He should be fired. Its not the first time Kessler has made racial comments in and out of the police department and it sure wont be his last. Getting back to dispatch, Andrew Jaffee is a horrible director just like he was a horrible officer and Seargeant!! Lets get the dispatch centet back to the police department.
    It ran better than with civilian supervision. They are underpayed, overworked and understaffed. Also get rid of the crappy training coordinator that has created a pisition for herself making $$$$85,000 PER YEAR. Yes. She is a major factor as why is the center in disarray. Kat O'Dwyer creates a TOXIC workplace for the dispstchers. I bet mayor Segarra doesnt know about this!!!!!!! Kat O'Dwyer is THE reasons that the dispatch is out of control. There is no training for the new ones. Mr. Mayor, please, clean up dispatch!!!!!!! Get rid of management. Give it back to the police depsrtment. You would not only save a ton of money but also a much better operated centet.

    Thank you"

  4. For the people thar are Monday morning quarter-Backs, leave the poor dispatcher alone. If he is gonna get in trouble for this then lets also get rid if Sgt. Kessler, who referred to african americans "Gorillas in the Mist" . This was also said over a radio transmition. Where are those tapes? For mayor Segarra and police chief Rovella to put Kessler, yes Kessler. He doesnt deserve the title of Seargeant!!!!!! He is a racist person. Like a slap in the face they only gave him a 10 day susoension! Incredible!! Zero tolerance my ass!!! He should be fired. Its not the first time Kessler has made racial comments in and out of the police department and it sure wont be his last. Getting back to dispatch, Andrew Jaffee is a horrible director just like he was a horrible officer and Seargeant!! Lets get the dispatch centet back to the police department.
    It ran better than with civilian supervision. They are underpayed, overworked and understaffed. Also get rid of the crappy training coordinator that has created a pisition for herself making $$$$85,000 PER YEAR. Yes. She is a major factor as why is the center in disarray. Kat O'Dwyer creates a TOXIC workplace for the dispstchers. I bet mayor Segarra doesnt know about this!!!!!!! Kat O'Dwyer is THE reasons that the dispatch is out of control. There is no training for the new ones. Mr. Mayor, please, clean up dispatch!!!!!!! Get rid of management. Give it back to the police depsrtment. You would not only save a ton of money but also a much better operated centet.

    Thank you"

  5. O a, sick and tired of peole like Mr. Anonymous saying thats a racist comment right there. The problem with the world is these liberal politically correct clowns who have to disect everything a person says. LOOK AT YOURSELF! For everyone who has never said N*GG$R throw the first stone. All the rest shove it. What a bunch of hypocracy I am seeing here. So basically blacks can say it...whites cant. I suppose we should hang the man ?? When blacks stop saying N&GGE^ so will the rest of humanity. Till then. Stop whining and put the race card down. Play a new hand

  6. long time disgusted HPDJuly 27, 2013 at 11:52 AM

    I really wish the people who post here could spell. How the hell does O'Dwyer get caught up in this mess? Sergeant is the correct spelling for those of you who failed 9th grade English. I guess being called a N#### or cracker on the street by residents doen't count. Kesler is an idiot but at least he took and passed the tests. More than I can say for a lot of his detractors.
