Monday, July 29, 2013


Sources are confirming that Hartford's Chief Operating Officer has once again been rejected for a management position she was seeking.
Sources have confirmed that although Kee-Borges applied for the Town Manager position in Bloomfield, she did not make the cut for the final interviews. My sources said she was one of 12 candidates and she didn't make the final cut, although the Courant says there were 15 applicants. FOI laws exempt the disclosure of candidates for an "Executive search" until a final decision is made, and even then the actual names of the "losers" can be withheld.
Kee Borges was also rejected by the Hartford City Council in her quest for the permanent Chief Operating Officer's position. Kee-Borges withdrew her nomination when it became evident that she had only one vote, Councilman Aponte, for her approval for the position.
Kee-Borges management has been called into question, especially after her New Year's Eve soiree with Mayor Pedro Segarra and his former Chief of Staff where they dined on Caviar, Rack of Lamb and Champagne, funded by the taxpayers on a City Credit Card.
Kee- Borges decision making and leadership has been in question for some time, beginning back in the  early 1990's when she was embroiled in another taxpayer funded controversy.  More on that here


  1. At this point, who is gods name in Connecticut would even want to bother interviewing her????

  2. Kevin,
    I was just wondering if SKB was alone on New Years Eve or did she have a date that night?

  3. No,she was not alone she had her partner/fiancée/boyfriend Terry Waller with her

  4. No,she was not alone she had her partner/fiancée/boyfriend Terry Waller with her

  5. i am a follower of the blog and am appreciative of much of the news you break here, but i have to say this is mean spirited. what difference does it make? it seems like you are just poking sandy because you can with this post.

  6. how is it mean spirited? Is it not factual? The Harford City Council rejected here and now a town a quarter the size of Hartford has determined that she is not qualified to be considered to run it. It is factual, If Sandy doesn't like the criticism I think the solution is simple for her. To turn a blind eye to her incompetence would be mean spirited to the people of Hartford that are included in her management charade

  7. Tip of the Iceberg
    If all the department heads and assistants were to do the same and apply elsewhere they would all have a rude awakening most if not all are incompetent in their own right it would be glaring to other towns or cities and they would also be rejected. That's why they have migrated and found a home in the loving nest which is called City of Hartford government and this is where they will stay until the Mayor has the courage to get rid of his flock. And clean up all the crap/droppings they leave behind

  8. All what has happened is sad, but this Blog has been a very useful tool to bring to surface what is hiding. Any level of Corruption is not acceptable. I give credit to Kevin and all the people who took time to investigate and report through this blog all wrongdoing. People should have a voiced over the lack of integrity of their City Officials. This blog has given an opportunity to do so without the risk of retaliation. THE PEOPLE of Hartford got together in this blog to voice out injustice and corruption. SKB and her fiancée should be formally investigated and punish, as they seem to join efforts to violate City laws. For lesser crimes, others have been fire and that is not fair. People should be hold responsible for their actions no matter who they are or the title they have. Those who intend to cover up the wrongdoing of their co-workers are also passive participant of their crimes. It is an ethical principle. WE THE PEOPLE deserve respect and most of all the right to divulge real events that are affecting the taxpayer’s interests. I just will hope the objectivity of this blog could remain always the same, no matter the administration we get. It is important to defend integrity if we want justice to be served.

  9. I just hope that SKB boyfriend Terry wasn't sitting at that restaurant in his uniform, cause that means also that the Tax payers paid not only for his dinner but they paid for him to be working and so should be it, they should investigate the payroll to find out if Terry was being paid for work that night, while he was sitting in the rest. enjoying the meal along with the rest of them, including the Mayor, and if the Mayor saw Terry sitting there in a uniform....then shame on him also !

  10. Any one with any time on the fire department will tell you Terry Waller almost never goes ANYWHERE without wearing that dress uniform. On duty or off.
    Hes been seen all over the state, on personnel time etc....
    He knows a uniform (of any kind) brings attention to an individual.
    Typical narcissistic attitude. Being in the US military is one thing, that uniform should be honored and appreciated any time, ,anywhere. But Hartford Fire Dept? Leave it at the dry cleaners every so often huh? dude?! Its getting a little threadbare too.

  11. Yes, we are all aware of Terry wearing his uniform all over the place....reminds me of what Chief Teale use to do, the point here is that if he was working the New Years Eve PJ, and wearing the uniform, and if he was sitting around in a restaurant for a few house enjoying that dinner, then she shouldn't have been paid for that time in the restaurant, matter of fact, sitting there on tax payers monies, he shouldn't be paid at all .

  12. SKB wasn't the only one that was rejected. Waller did not get the Act. A/C position. The only thing that would make this any better would be if the city followed its charter and demoted Waller back to Captain.

  13. Kev,
    On or about June 23 there was a race at Riverside Park. Terry Waller worked that PJ which had a report time of 0600. Not a big deal right? The issue is he worked his regular shift the day before which did not end until 0800 on the day of the race. How do you spell DOUBLE DIPPING. He must have learned that from SKB. To make it better they went and hired another D/C overtime to cover the rest of Waller's shift in the firehouse.

  14. It never ends, luckily the Mayor has zero tolerance for nonsense...yeah right

  15. Since they have the changing of the guards at the F.D. now, someone needs to be watching the payroll a little more carefully, this usually happens when you have the head of department retiring and an acting Chief coming in. Who's signing off on Terry's payroll ? Terry ! There needs to be more watchful eyes on him, it's not the first time he has done this.

  16. When he was the Captain at 16s he used to give himself 2 or 3 hours of overtime every shift to finish his reports. Every other officer in the city got their reports done during their shift. And they ALL had more calls then he did. Every time.

    Anyone else sensing a pattern here?

  17. It's too bad that when C/Teale had the chance to get rid of him he should have, but didn't, and now the Fire Dept. is stuck with his sorry ass ! and that is why if he was stealing time when he was at E16's , and who knows how much time he is stealing now, the F.D. needs to be watching him closely.

  18. Bow down to waller !!August 2, 2013 at 10:30 PM

    Dont worry ,
    Cause when Chief Waller takes command of this here dept , gonna be a lot of changes. First change will be dumpin off all the cry babies. Wah, terry had caviar... Wah. Terry has important friends..... Wah. Why is terry wearing a dress uniform ... What do you do?? Follow him around ????

  19. re:Aug.2 10:30 - No one has to follow Terry around to notice that he wears his uniform all the time, it's a known has been for years, his ego does that for him. The only important friends , if he has any is himself ! that's the only thing that matters to him. (me,myself, and I)attitude. Maybe if Terry, years ago cleaned up his act, people would have actually liked him, but he choose not too, and that my friend is the reason or one of the reasons people don't like him. As far as him making Chief one day and cleaning out the cry babies in the department, yeah right, cold day in hell that would happen, the one thing you don't understand about the F.D. the men and woman on the F.D have each others backs, they watch out for each other, and the thing Terry doesn't have is that they will not watch out for his back, so if one day he makes Chief , he won't last!

  20. Hey you Waller haters, I hope you are prepare for the soon to be Chief Waller, he is on the list to be the next Chief in town, he has a ego taller then himself, he has every certificates that the fire department has offered, and last he has his fiancee slippery nipple, double dipping SK Borges,and of course his friend Mayor Caviar on his side.

    Promotions come easy when you are part of the clique of the corrupted white collar crooks. He hit the jackpot when he hooked up with the no-brainer Queen bee Sandy, she has brought him up to the pedestal,and he swill soon be crown King of the Fire Dept. He fits right in their 'Elite" group.

    And,oh yes, he will then be wearing his uniform 24/7, and clocking in those dollars like the rest of them.

  21. All hale chief Waller... Even you kevin will answer to him

  22. It's time for Ms SK Bogus to get on the next midnight train to Georgia, once every employer in the State of CT, learns about how incompetent she really is, she will be rejected many more times. The sad side to her story is that with modern technology, all they have to do is Google her name and her whole life story pops up, pretty scary when you are out there in the public eye. And if SK Bogus continues with the "Elite" group of corrupted attorneys, she is bound to loose her attorneys license too. Sandy needs to rethink about her future status; its not looking too good for the COO or the Mayor.

  23. Queen SKB power also reaches DPW her son was exempt from taking a urine test when he became employed for the city fulltime, and he's not the only one from the special group of new hires. For the record every city work full are part time should be required to take a drug test.SKB can you adopt me I need a job also!!!! Only in the city♥

  24. TO: August 14, 2013 at 9:53 AM

    Why???? Why in hell would you want to be adopted by someone who is nothing but a corrupted attorney. I would be embarrassed, if she was my mother. (I'm quite sure that you are joking)

    Cause you know that's dishonest, unfair for her son to get special privileges, when there were many candidates that applied and who had to go threw the proper hiring processes and procedures with out help.

    That's call CHEATING and it's an unfair hiring practice. As an attorney she should know better. But since she is the COO, she can do what ever her heart desires.

    But like you stated "Only in the City"
