Thursday, August 15, 2013


Five shootings have taken place in the last three days in Hartford. Three of those shootings resulted in homicides.

Mayor Segarra's response , a press release and jumping jacks on the lawn of the Old Statehouse. Does he not understand leadership and the responsibilities that go along with that obligation to the people of Hartford?

A press release crafted by a secretary with the usual quotes "one shooting is too many" is hardly leader quality. Being unavailable for the media is even more cowardly. Mayor , you are the leader of this City, now tell us what you plan to do to deal with this violence. And not to be crude, but save the usual crap, we are tired of it.

And if that relationship with Governor Malloy is so wonderful, as you claim, why isn't the Shooting Task Force being revitalized? If you are really paying attention, I am sure you are aware that the one initiative that actually had a huge impact on gun violence last year has been decimated and is less than half of what it was last year.

I guess that is the Hartford way though, things that really work, we find a way to destroy

And I don't intend to leave the City Council out of this rant . Isn't it interesting how no one answers their phones when they know the tough questions are coming from the media. Those that spearheaded the budget  cuts for HPD and are more than willing to go on camera to chase the low hanging fruit now won't pick up the phone to explain if reducing HPD spending for overtime was the brightest move.

Leadership isn't easy, but it might be nice to experience it for a change. At all of the recent shootings, the only politician I saw stop and speak to residents  has been 7th District State Rep. Doug McCrory at Harrison Place. Where are all the Council members, still burying their heads in the sand? Or maybe just ashamed to face the questions and accept responsibility for their budget actions.

In the meantime Pedro, keep jumping, it is making a huge difference in improving our City

Here is Segarra's "Official" Statement:





(August 15, 2013) In response to the recent increase in shootings and homicides Mayor Segarra and Police Chief Rovella met this morning and released the following statement:

“The recent shootings have been tragic for the families and for our entire community.   One shooting is one too many.   The Hartford Police Department will immediately deploy additional officers in our neighborhoods and that presence will continue for the foreseeable future. The safety of our residents is our number one priority. We are working with our community partners and will use every single resource necessary to keep our neighborhoods safe.”




  1. As a grandmother, it pisses me the hell off when the grandchildren are afraid to go outside and play because of the fear of being shot. What does all the violence do the minds of small children? It pisses me the hell off even more when I see all the attention always focused on developing downtown Hartford and none to the issues of the other areas of the city. But what pisses me off the most is that the Mayor is always available for ribbon cuttings and photo opportunties. The city is going to hell and what is he doing smiling for the camera and exercising?? I'm looking forward to the next election cause it's time for this mayor to go, enoug is enough.

  2. He needs to stay in shape for his next visit to ITALY to invite the Italian politicians on our dime to OUR "Wonderful City". Maybe so he can jog down Franklin Ave. With his cheezie smile

  3. He can smile all he wants now cuz come next election it gonna b "close, but no Segarra." LOL

  4. He can smile all he wants now cuz come next election it gonna b "close, but no Segarra." LOL


  5. Really!!! Alcade Pedrito, Cuando!!! WHEN are you going to listen, you are making yourself look like a complete fool. You are making the Hispanic's and our City look bad.

    The people of Hartford are very disappointed in your leadership, It appears that this crown is way too big for you to wear. Is the crown too tight that it is diminishing blood flow to your brain?? Or was it the overdose on caviar and champagne?? You are getting more ridiculous everyday. Every time a picture of you is publish, you are doing something out of the norm.

    First of all, While you are out there jumping, eating, playing cricket, roller skating, parading in every parade at the taxpayers expense. Our City is in total chaos, starting with your office staff, to the HPD/Dispatch HFD, DPW, BOE, all this mess is repairable if you sit in your office and put your thinking cap on.

    Your biggest flaw was hiring a bunch of incompetent friends, spending way too much money, cutting way too many ribbons, taking way too many photos. If that was not enough, now you are out there jumping around like a fool. Do you realize how ridiculous you look out there jumping, while the City of Hartford is being terrorized by gun violence, and all you can said is "one shooting is too many", yes one is too many, none would be better. We want are streets back, we want to walk out door without having fear of being shot by a stray bullet. I would think that you whom lost your own dad to gun violence would step up to the plate and try to put together resolution to help fight this deadly cause. Where are the crime stoppers.

    This is absurd that in one given week we've had a bash of gunfire through out the City of Hartford. Something has to be done soon. All these shootings needs to stop before it hits more innocent children. Since the criminals have become bolder and are out there shooting in broad daylight. The bullets have no name on them, they are out there shooting like if its a new trend, too many guns in the wrong hands. Why are we letting these young man walk around with guns, most of them stolen from homes.

    Keep on jumping, cause you are going to jump right into a pot of hot water and get burnt. Come on enough is enough, if you can not do the job, then jump out and let someone else take over.

    (If you can't cook get out of the kitchen)
