Thursday, August 29, 2013


I just can't figure out what the message is supposed to be that our Courts are sending to those accused of criminal activity.

On Sunday August 25, a contingent of Hartford Police officers were assigned to the Toby Keith Concert at the Comcast Theater. Two of those officers, Sergeant Edward Yergeau and Officer Holly Donahue were assigned to patrol the parking lots and enforce underage drinking laws and keep order.

They observed a few individuals drinking that didn't appear to be of legal age. They approached the individuals to check their ID's and as is many times the case with intoxicated unerage drinkers, they didn't exhibit the best behavior.

The incident turned into a melee and the two officers ended up rolling on the ground with the underage drinkers. The underage drinkers were scratching and clawing at the officers as others in the crowd jumped on the officers backs. Both officers sustained scratches cuts and abrasions while arresting the individuals

The individuals were eventually arrested and transported to HPD where they were booked .

Maya Kumar, 19 of Fairfield CT was charged with Inciting to Riot, Assault on Police, and Interfering with Police.. Joseph Muratori , 19 also of Fairfield was also charged with the same charges. Samantha Mc Daniel  , 19 ofStartford Ct was charged with Public Drinking, Interfering with Police, and Possession of Alcohol by a minor.

Now the confusing part. All three were released by the Bail Commissioner from GA 14 on a Promise to Appear. I understand Bond is not supposed to be punitive, but they just assaulted Police Officers. They were back on the streets before the Officer's report was probably even written. And most likely still intoxicated. Maybe if they had to come up with even as little as  $1000.00 bond to get their release, the incident might be taken a little more seriously in the future.

A WPTA doesn't show a lot of support for our law enforcement officers who had just been assaulted.


  1. Thank you. Greg and his PTAs have to go this is ridiculous. What kind of message does this send to the offenders?

  2. Ed Yergeau North Sgt.August 29, 2013 at 7:20 PM

    Holly and were leaving the station after writing our report to go back to the Meadows and these people were walking into the station after being PTA'd by tha Bail commissioner (aka PTA Greg). It was disheartening, and makes me wonder what it takes to keep a felon in for at least a night. Teleserve personnel told me the families were upset in the lobby over their "children" being assault by the Hartford Police and demanding to see their proginy before they were even booked.

  3. Absolutely a slap in the face to all law enforcment ...I'm sick.n tired of this shit . Makes me either want to arrest everyone or do absolutely nothing ...shame on that fking bail commissioner .

  4. Need to change the entire system!

  5. Come on now, the bail commish probably looked up the perps parents and found one to be a lawyer and to prevent embarrassing the families or worse yet having his cushy ass sued gave them a free pass. Mommy and Daddy didn't have to drive to Hartford to bail their darlings out of jail. This is where it starts and by the time all is said and done it will be 50 hours of community service written off at Uncle Irving's non profit......

  6. Kevin can you investigate how the city shuts down Up or On the Rocks but the West Indian club is still open? Half the incidents in the north end start at the West Indian club?

  7. If the city is serious about stopping "weekend club violence" then they need to do one of two things, one stutter the doors of these neighborhood armpits for good or lay the smack down on their candy asses.

    Rovella has saved a lot of money by not staffing the downtown detail but now it's time to shift part of that 200k plus OT budget from the STF to revive the DT special but expand it from what use to be.

    Two homicides in the heart of downtown and in the entertainment district is not good. Sounds like the old club BLU all over gain. Get rid of the hotdog vendors and theses little food shops after 12 pm. And light up those parking lots.

    The Chief of Police , The City Council as well as the Mayor have failed to protect the heart of downtown, if he heat is not protected the death of the city is eminent.

    No more words time for action.

  8. The bail commissioner has been doing this type of action for many years and it shouldn't surprise anyone that it happened. it clears Lafayette Street. My question is if anyone assaulted a police officer why were they able to walk out of booking.

    Years ago am I know that this is not a PC statement when an offender assaulted an officer Hartford Hospital was the first stop for that person before booking. And that was direction from the top,

    Cops are not punching bags and a person who assaults an officer should be treated accordingly. It's not a bad thing to use physical force especially when you are being assaulted.

  9. It is interesting that there have been several shootings including deaths associated with the west Indian social club ..they are allowed to stay open but up on the rocks ...which by the way Jerry was closing ANYWAY was asked to close up ...Hmmmmm...why won't they shut the other down ? Because they would say its because of race ? You betcha!

  10. Why hasnt that incident with the Sgt. and officer made it to the news ? Does the newspapers only want to print what makes the police look bad ? Is it because the incident involved only bratty white kids from the suburbs n not inner city youth attending a rap concert? Kevin. That incident needs to be in the courant. Make it happen my friend !

  11. Kevin, Al and Tony Terzi from Fox 61 do a radio show every other saturday on WDRC FM 1360. A caller mentioned your site to them after they defended the way local media treats Mayor Segarra ( the caller stated local media is too soft on the Mayor) They actually read from and seemed interested in your some of your topics. Dont want to tell you how to run your operation ,but if i were you, i would contact them and see if you could shine a bigger/brighter light on all this bullshit! Maybe you could be a regular contributer on their radio gig?

  12. In the neighboring agency I work for, we place once car in front of every bar/club in our downtown. We want to send a message that the if you visit this place there is a good chance your getting stopped. Hartford should do the same if you guys got the bodies.

  13. Let the Bodies hit the FloorSeptember 1, 2013 at 12:31 AM

    We have the bodies dead or alive but the Chief and the Mayor are to F@&%ing cheap to spend the $$$. Pedro is still paying his buddies 60 k plus for 6 months worth of work and Rovella is still fattening the pocket of a spoiled rich kid that transferd from Bloomfield PD who has been on the tit since he's been here.
