Friday, August 16, 2013


After every homicide, Rev. Henry Brown conducts a vigil to console the families of the homicide victims.  I support Henry and he definitely serves a purpose.

I think it is time we start holding vigils for the living. Our elected officials in Hartford need to be held accountable. I am calling for vigils on the front lawns of our elected officials ,Council President Shawn Wooden, Councilman Ken Kennedy, the chair of Public Safety on the Council, Councilman Kyle Anderson.

It is time to start drawing attention to Hartford's problems and make sure our elected officials are answering our questions. Showing up on their front lawns in their home turf might just make a difference as well as make them aware that accountability is coming. If they won't go to the homicide scenes and face the tough questions , we will come to them.

Please let me know your thoughts and if you would be willing to be involved.

Let's stop reacting and become proactive with our elected officials


  1. I want to be there when you show up on Ken Kennedy's lawn, as they say...priceless. Hopefully you can get HPD to assist with a couple of Tahoe's from Traffic. Kennedy needs to be held accountable for his anti-cop agenda. The blood is on his hands and people need to realize it

  2. Glad to see you are including Kyle Anderson, he flunked out of the FBI Academy but apparently learned enough to think he can manage an urban Police department. What a joke. .. At least he is taking care of Hartford's number one poverty pimp, Andrew Wood and trying to get him the money and Control of the Faith Based initiative. Another program doomed to failure if that happens.

  3. Just be careful when you are on Anderson's lawn on Tower Avenue that you avoid Terry Waller's and SKB's toxic waste dump at 3311 Main Street.

  4. If you show up on someone's lawn uninvited it is trespassing. And who are you by the way to make comments about Pedro excersing. You are three times his weight.

  5. Anonymous 10:49am

    Sorry Ken, we will stay off the lawn. Sidewalk is fair game though, and I think 2x's is closer, no Chris Christie yet
