Friday, August 9, 2013



In 2012, Hartford Police Department Major Crimes Detectives began a review of a cold case into the homicide of Mr. Trevon Mauldin. Detective Renee LaMark-Muir’s persistence paid off. On July 30, 2013, Major Crime’s detectives obtained an arrest warrant for Marcus White, 32 charging him with Murder sec. 53a-54a, having a $2,000,000 judge set bond. The HPD fugitive task force arranged for Mr. White’s capture in Cottondale Florida where he is being held, awaiting extradition proceedings. Below are the basic details of the homicide, based on what has been reported to investigators:


At 11:00am on December 16, 2007, Mr. Mark Brown went to 151 Martin Street and asked residents if they wanted their driveway shoveled (it had snowed heavily the night before). Shortly thereafter, Brown walked back to his truck. Meanwhile, Mr. Trevon Mauldin and a female were sitting in Mauldin’s truck, also parked in the driveway of 151 Martin Street. The suspect, Marcus White exited his apartment at 161 Martin Street and went to talk to Mauldin.  Mauldin and White then approached Brown.  White put a gun to Brown’s head and demanded his money.  Mauldin stood in front of Brown.  White and Mauldin then struggled with Brown.  White hit Brown on the head with the gun and Mauldin held Brown in a headlock.  White then fired two gunshots, hitting Mauldin in the chest. Mauldin was fatally struck in the chest and fell to the ground.  Brown was grazed on the head and sustained a ruptured right eardrum.  White again pointed the gun at Brown and robbed him of $290.  White was last seen running through the backyards and then south on Garden Street. 


  1. Another complete useless human being off the streets and added to the tax payers bill. Im sure his defense will be that he was selling bibles and collecting for the march of dimes, mistaken identity .....

  2. Dear Kevin, I am calling for the formal investigation of Officer Kamil Stachowicz. In his short tenure as an Officer he has been involved in 4 car crashes, two off duty an 2 on duty. 1 of the off duty crashes was in New Haven. He slammed into the back of another vehicle that was stopped with his green nissan. It is rumored he was intoxicated and was "taken care of" by New Haven P.D., a second was in Middletown where he was intoxicated to the point that he got into a verbal argument with a Middletown supervisor and a call was placed by said supervisor to H.P.D. In this situation he pulled his Chevy P/U directly into the path of another vehicle and was t-boned. In both instances Officer Stachowicz failed to notify H.P.D. in accordance with departmental policy. The two crashes that were both his fault caused thousands of dollars to the city. Both crashes involved just the city vehicle and his reckless use thereof. And than their is the fake back injury! Officer Stachowicz claimed to be injured and while off "injured" went to Texas and went sky diving "yes you read that right" while out on workers comp. Officer Stachowicz was attending the a wedding and than posted pictures of himself skydiving on facebook. This example is an extreme slap in the face to all city employees, and the state of Connecticut because as of late Officer Stachowicz has bragged about receiving a 15,000 dollar settlement through workers comp! I am calling for an investigation into insurance fraud. On several occasions Officer Stachowicz has caused serious injury due to his flagrant drinking and misuse of his official position while intoxicated in downtown Hartford. In one such instance he assaulted an on duty fully clothed Officer Steinmetz causing him to injury his elbow and miss work. This instance was covered up and I wish to know how the Officer Injury Report was written. In another instance Officer Stachowicz while intoxicated lifted the dress over a females head and humiliated her in front of the entire bar at pigs eye. Again when the female voiced her concern Officer Stachowicz voiced the fact that he was a "cop" and would have her arrested if she dared complain about the incident. In a third instance Middletown Police Department was involved with a response to Officer Stachowicz house for an alleged domestic incident involving a female. Again in violation of departmental policy he failed to notify a supervisor, several weeks later this same female was involved in a "walk in complaint" where she actually came to police headquarters to file a complaint on Officer Stachowicz. Kevin I am told that there is only two ways an I.A. investigation can be conducted by civilian complaint or by order of the Chief. I implore you to post this letter and act as the official complainant to the chief! These actions of one have undermined the trust that his fellow Police employees work so hard to maintain. He creates an air of reckless and flagrant disregard of the law by his actions and is protected by the very shield that he tarnishes when he does so. Again Kevin I beg of you, follow the tips I have written about and remove this foolish officer before he can further undermine the shaky foundation that our police department is built on. I am giving you 72 hours to post this letter or to furnish some type of reply. It will than be anonymously emailed to all of Connecticut's major news organizations. I thank you kevin because you have done more to improve things in Hartford than anyone in recent years and you are above reproach and as such can not be retaliated against.

  3. Good job Renee! You are a true assest !

  4. Wow. Someone call eap quick !!!!

  5. Hey fellas, leave stack alone. I though we were on the kessler express. Fact clearly is stack has not been caught. Far worse has been done since the alcohol domestics by others... And about crashing a city cruiser. Every real working patrol cop here has wrecked or damaged a cruiser. I have wrecked one, it is what it is. And to finish on the comp stuff, really , i can fill a separate blog of workers comp abusers and magical disney fake injuries. Until the queen lazy tracey herself is sent packing, there will be no fear of that ever happening . Im actually more concerned about the serious board of ed stuff. Thats some federal entertainment. Our police dept is not perfect, but is controlled chaos compared to federal investigations being launched. So what. Every officer at one time or another has called in sick. Big deal look where we work, again, this job is stressfull. So give stack a break, he works dumpy c squad. I give him credit for dealing with the rising star city of bible salesmen and future college educated fine youth of hartford.

  6. "Good job Renee"?? Are you kidding!!!??? Spend some time on the street before you pay yourself on the back for this one... By the way, that BOLO for the turds involved in the Union Place shoot left a lot to be desired....

  7. Soccer mom mur is just another fragile individual that has bern taken care of here. Keep her behind a desk, its better and safer for everyone......

  8. 40 lbs added since the academyAugust 12, 2013 at 2:54 AM

    Stack is a hard worker, who really gives a rats ass if he went sky diving. Thats the problem here, worry about your own issues soccer mom. People need to concentrate on their own problems instead of tracking and following what car or vacation a fellow employer endevers upon. Until there are three stars on your shoulders mur, keep your pie trap shut. That will never happen, by the way .....

  9. Never mind all that, the point here is Stach is a no good rat. He's in no position to cause anyone else any in-needed grief such as the Detective he wrote a 4 page report on a minor traffic offense if that. Stach hasn't written one 4 page report since he's been here!!!

  10. We all wear the same patch here. That's what is forgotten here. The detective in question does a good job and doesn't bother anyone. Stach can't not expect any backlash for being a cheese eater.
    He who lives in glass house shouldn't throw rocks.

  11. Why was stack sucking the rear bumper of an unmarked suv anyways? He thinks he is above the law. But his drinking is out of control. Everyone knows it, but no one cares.
    Go ahead stack, cry to the news media about all this. Then we can interview all the enployees at the pigs eye pub who should have made a complaint about your mutiple incidents there. Intoxicated touching of females... Plus demanding free alcohol or threatening to call the liquor commission. Thats just the tip of the ice berg.

  12. I predict give back day training for alcoholism and playing nice with your co workers .

  13. Sammy supporter.....

    Kevin, ask Jerry about Stach's multiple drunken episodes and stalking incidents at up on rocks. Jerry was afraid to make a complaint because Stach threatened he would raid the bar.

  14. Hey brockman... Why don't you post any info on Tedeschi's work comp fraud?? That's taxpayer $$ too. Is it because hes in your circle? The whole Dept know he's nowhere to be found. Scramble scramble...Feds are coming.

  15. Where is the green report? I heard its the report of the decade. A case number was pulled, why has no one pulled it ? Its public records now. Go pull it brockman.

  16. Hpd needs a fight club. First rule of fight club is you dont speak about fight club. .....

  17. Renee is a good detective. I'm the one congratulating her on a job well done . Obviously you can't fking read or lack reading comprehension because you wrote that she should stop patting herself on the back for a compliment I gave . Idiot . You're probably a JID detective.

  18. Anonymous 4:56,

    I requested the report through an FOI request several weeks, no report yet though

  19. Anonymous 4:36pm,

    I know the blog is a good way to vent, but please try to get your facts correct. Lt. Tedeschi has retired. I would not wish his injuries on anyone. He was actually hit by a truck while on a road job, causing a disabling injury to his shoulder. If you want to talk Workers Comp fraud, lets look at the officer that tapped bumpers in the rear lot of Jennings Road and went out for months "injured". I am sure, given the choice, Lt . Tedeschi would prefer full use of his arm and shoulder and still be working

  20. who the hell is stachowitz

  21. Tedeschi work comp fraud --we need more info?????

  22. The next story should be how then acting department advocate mertes illegally and against federal laws, released medical information in regards to tedeschi. Now that is another fine and bill for the city of hartford to pay ...

  23. Still being moderated?,,,,,Appears that you do moderate after all, but perhaps only when it suites your agenda? But I do see you continue to allow slander to slip through? Hmm...3rd submission...

    I thought a moderator of a blog or post, is supposed to moderate the comments to reflect the topic.
    The comments I often see here, are not even close to the topics posted.
    Since i'm now posting in this, yes, incorrect topic subject matter area, I'm sure that the posters here have never had any problems personally. To single out individuals whom they dislike, or maybe feel have been given breaks where they inturn have not received the same, is disingenuous. If I've struck a nail and this reflects you, I would say to you, tough crap, suck it up and move on.
    To those who wish to post comments into a public blog post concerning co-workers, why don't you instead go create a new web site for just those sorts of comments, maybe call it, "I Hate my co-workers" or "I need to continuously screw over my co-workers by posting crap, so I may reflect better in the mirror".
    I'm sure that all the posters here who have this much time to post comments about other cops, with such informed detail to these supposed events I might add, could do well if they applied themselves to actually policing the community they've been hired to protect and serve, instead of trying to screw another Officer.
    There are proper systems in place within the police department to report suspected abuses if you feel so inclined. Not to mention, if from what I read here, these events you post may correlate to possible alcohol substance abuse issue, which you could also report, confidentially I might add, you all seem to like that.
    Now, I'm stretching a bit, could this be stemming from a highly stressful work environment, both within the department as well as outside. Dealing day to day with some people of the community, who at times, do not reflect even the most minute civility, to say it modestly.
    Maybe you such posters could be better served by reaching out a hand to help or support the people you comment about.
    But no, you would rather reach out with the intended desire to stab these individuals in the back, rather than help these officers gain some intervention.
    If you have such convictions, I would love to see you same posters, place your names on your comments, oh thats right, you hide behind the "I will be retaliated against shield".
    I would end my comments by pointing out the obvious.
    When you post this type of information, whether it is true or slanderous, with good intentions or not, not to mention you may even actually be breaking the law on document disclosure and internal memos, the community reads these publicly posted comments.
    The community will form an opinion based often times, from ill informed, predisposed ideas and agendas, about all police within their community.
    In other words, you make it difficult for you to complete the job you yourselves are doing. You will have to not only deal with all of the regular challenges faced everyday, but also with the further complications created by the mistrust you help sow into the community concerning police.
    Sleep well with the knowledge that, some day, someone like you, will be posting crap about you.

  24. NASTY Things are Going on.

    Da HPD is on flames & you BM are censoring,

    The Feds should be looking at this blue mess, we the people mess ?

  25. Put a blackboard with some chalk in the locker rooms if you dont like the blog. Dont read the comments if you feel disingenuous and feel that officers are acting obtuse. This blog provides a verbal firetower for venting. The old days of handling issues like gladiator are over, and unfortunately that also encourages bullies to fear no physical threat. Either way not everyone gets along, so if u cant take the heat, dont turn on the oven.

  26. Looks like HPD finally got rid of Officer Stachowicz. Glad to see that it took the media reporting his racist comments for him to finally be fired. This coming months after he was in court defending himself against allegations of stalking and harrassment of a girl he was dating. He got to keep his job through that and she remained in fear with no restraining order granted. All because a police officer can't be a police officer without his gun and you can't carry a gun with an active restraining order. The termination of Officer Stachowicz was a long time coming. There's three sides to every story and they are all just as ugly in this one.
