Monday, September 16, 2013


The Hartford City Council has called a special meeting for Monday at 5:30PM .. According to the meeting notice below, the intent of the meeting is to discuss the City violence with the Hartford Police Department . Please show up and voice your concerns on the increase in crime and gun violence, approximately a 10% increase over this time last year.

State representative Angel Arce, from Hartford's 4th District has asked me to help get the word out on this important meeting.

We need to get honest answers from the Council and hold them accountable for the budget cuts they made to Mayor Segarra and Chief Rovella's recommended budget for 2013/2014

 The Council has begun a disturbing trend of submitting and acting on resolutions that only attempt to micromanage the operations of the Police Department from the size of engines ordered in new cars to who can use the Police Department gym. The focus should be on making sure the police department is properly funded and staffed and our neighborhoods are safe

 Despite the Councils announcement to the complaining public at Monday nights meeting, Councilman Cruz announced that a "Police Academy Class " was graduating today to address the issue of attrition. The real truth is that there was no "class". One, yes one, officer graduated today from the Meriden Police Academy. That hardly is a net increase over the eight officers that have announced their departure in the last week and many more are expected to depart in the near future as they qualify for their pensions after 20 years.

It is important that we let the Council know that we support Chief Rovella and his efforts and we expect that HPD be properly funded to do the job that we know, and he has shown, that he can do when given the proper resources.

Please show up and make your voices heard.

Just your attendance in support of a properly funded Police Department will make a difference


  1. Kevin...the Council are for the most part anti cop.

  2. "Kevin...the Council are for the most part anti cop."

    That's because for the most part they are immoral unethical criminals.

  3. Kevin, you should know by now Hartford is not serious about quelling crime.

  4. wooden took the lead on reducing the cops buget by 2m this past budget season. So when there are more murders,ask Wooden for more money or better yet,picket his house and work and show some displeasure as he has made Hartford unsafer.

  5. The police department budget increased from last year to this year. The overtime budget is a department problem. Everyone know police abuse overtime. Better management!!! last three years before retirement police clock salaries some over $100,000. Then the city is on the hook to pay pensions they cant afford. Remember Detroit !!!!

  6. That isn't just true with Hartford, its a nation wide issue when it comes to police OT and Pensions. Most agencies in the nation have removed OT from the penion calculation but CT as you all know is different from the nation. I know Weathersfield PD has removed that clause from their new contract thus those new cops that do work OT won't get it added to their pensions. I find it silly and down right stupid that Hartford still has this clause in the contract. Especially considering Hartford is amoung the poorest cities in the nation.

  7. I've been dealing with corporate counsel and the BoE for over 3 years trying to resolve an inappropiate relationship situation between Oscar Padua and Diane Georgantas, two administrators at Bulkeley lower. they (corporate counse) sends 3 Attorneys to my FOI hearings trying to deny my FOI request. My main premise for telling everyone about the Sexual relationship between OP and DG is He's using Public Funds on his girlfriend to keep her on Bulkeley's Payrool. t\This has to change and I don't care if it takes 10 years to resolve I'm not giving up and I won't believe the labor dept of the BoE anymore.

  8. I've been dealing with corporate counsel and the BoE for over 3 years trying to resolve an inappropiate relationship situation between Oscar Padua and Diane Georgantas, two administrators at Bulkeley lower. they (corporate counse) sends 3 Attorneys to my FOI hearings trying to deny my FOI request. My main premise for telling everyone about the Sexual relationship between OP and DG is He's using Public Funds on his girlfriend to keep her on Bulkeley's Payrool. t\This has to change and I don't care if it takes 10 years to resolve I'm not giving up and I won't believe the labor dept of the BoE anymore.

  9. Mr. Debow,

    If you want to contact me privately we can discuss this, I have a pretty good track record with FOI requests. Maybe we can shine some light on this situation
