Wednesday, September 11, 2013


No I haven't lost my mind. Recently I posted about a Seymour Street landlord that was intimidated by a local thug drug dealer  after he tried to rid his property of the drug dealer. You can read more about that here

 The problem is that the dealer opened up a huge can of worms by his actions, that has now , at least temporarily , put his fellow entrepreneurs and amateur neighborhood pharmacists , out of business and some behind bars.

When I first got the complaint about the Seymour Street neighborhood and the vandalism done to Stan Gutt's property , I spent some time observing the activity on the street. The blatant open-air drug dealing was amazing. The street was busier with hand to hand drug deals than the McDonald's Drive thru around the corner. The drug dealer Wesley  or Ricky, depending which name he is going by this week. created a firestorm.

Within days, about every resource available was brought to bear to take this street back. The Shooting Task Force, the HPD Traffic Division ,Narcotics Officers, Condition Units , DEA and I am sure I am missing a few others. Thank you Wesley, this wouldn't have happened without you or your boys slicing a few tires and smashing some windows. On Monday a full scale sweep of the area produced numerous arrests of the same drug dealers that were dragging the neighborhood down.

The residents of Seymour Street are appreciative today. They can call 911 and report quality of life incidents all day long, but Wesley made it happen. This afternoon when I spent some time on Seymour Street, there were no drug dealers peddling their wares, the Community Service Officer Ghami Perez was making his presence known and it was a much different street than I saw just a week earlier. Even most of the lawns were free of trash and garbage, the street was clean with one exception

The only real exception was the Seymour Street side of the rear lot of the DCF  Hudson Street Headquarters. Apparently the landlord that makes a decent amount of money off the State of Connecticut has forgotten that he needs to clean up his Seymour Street frontage. Neighbors pointed out the recliner and discarded tires as well as the lawn that hasn't been cut for moths, definitely an eyesore.

Thank you Wesley, this wouldn't have been possible without your initial actions, the street has been cleaned up and you drew HPD's attention to the drug dealing. Good Job. Next time you drive by as you did today while we were out there, stop and say hello to Officer Perez. He might even thank you for your help ( be careful though, her might  have a warrant for you )


  1. Kevin you posted the good news earlier about the homeless wheelchair mother getting some assistance. Then you posted about Wesley Gray terrorizing Seymour Street, Yes that is his full name, Wesley Gray. Wesley Gray is also confined to a wheelchair because he was shot a few years ago as the result of a drug deal and was paralyzed from the waist down.

    Please try to make sense and explain to me how a drug dealer in a wheelchair can collect Social Security as well as Section 8 housing assistance , but a homeless woman with kids is out on the streets.

    Something does not make sense here

  2. Kevin, What a fun day of entertainment on the scanner, buyers meeting with the sellers, walking or driving around the block only to end up with a meet and greet with HPD's finest. As some might say, "like shooting fish i na barrel"

  3. I heard that there was no shortage of drug dealers to pick up out there and HPD did. I also got a call that the debris and recliner in the picture was cleaned up today by the State.

    Who says the blog doesn't make a difference?
