Thursday, September 12, 2013


It appears that homicide number 20 for the City of Hartford may have occurred earlier today.

Sources are telling me that  a male individual was babysitting for his girlfriends  18 month old daughter earlier today on Middlefield Street in Hartford. Through some sort of interaction with the boyfriend, the child apparently suffered  life threatening injuries. The manner and cause of those injuries will be determined after an autopsy by the Connecticut Medical Examiner.. Sources told me that the manner and cause of death needs to be determined but they believe it is a homicide.
Sources have also told me that the boyfriend "is no stranger" to law enforcement officials in Hartford.

For some unknown reason, after the child sustained the injuries, the boyfriend drove to a home on Durham Street, he then took the child to Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center where the child was pronounced dead.

Hartford police later seized the boyfriends vehicle that he used to transport the child as potential evidence and the car was towed from the ER parking lot at Saint Francis


  1. That little punk crazy as hell I hope he never see a female again !

  2. I hope someone gives that punkfool a few low blows to the stomach when he's incarcerated.

  3. this is a horribly sad story. Sadly one that seems to happen frequently enough for it not to be as shocking as it should be. There has to be a better way to raise our kids safely and lovingly, even when resources as lacking. This 19 year old killed a baby. What could be worse? The mother's pain will never end, no matter what sentence he ends up with. What a loss of innocent life.-


  4. Very sad ending for this innocent child, very heart breaking.

    What is going on with this young generation. They have very little tolerance, their quick reactions are costing them, their life behind bars. It appears that all of a suddenly its the new trend. Young children going wild, acting out their rage. It's very scary. How can we allow this to happen. Children having children, it's hard for an adult it must be twice as hard for these children. These youngster think that they can handle it. But in reality, they are not ready to deal with it. That goes also for the mother, how can she leave a child with a stranger. These are the consequence of teen pregnancy.

    It's time for a change, I think that the school system has to add new courses to keep up with our new generation. Where the students have to visit our judicial system and our correctional facilities; our funeral parlors and our hospital trauma centers, etc. They need to get a first look at what goes on in court as well as behind bars.
