Friday, October 25, 2013


According to sources , the City of Hartford has been served with subpoenas requesting documents related to payments to Hybrid Insurance and dealings with Earl O'Garro. Numerous City Departments, including the Treasurer were apparently requested to provide documents ordered by the Federal subpoenas.The letter to City Departments was distributed by the Corporation Counsel, according to sources. More on this as information is made available


  1. Can not wait to read what is what. There is always interesting stuff of city policy issues that make great reading.

  2. OOOOOhh! Even better then an investigation by the state's attorney --- a federal grand jury!!! The Feds have a whole lotta $$$ to stamp out cry-baby, pretenders. But, I dont think you got the whole story ... especially the part about investigating Cloud steering biz to OGarrooo.

    I hope this allows for some introspection --- now he can see how asinine someone looks who's life is quantified by material wealth and not substance. Everyone can see through the shallow shell of a person who attempts to cover their insecurities with borrowed affluence.

    You are a public servant, not a high-roller. I don't know why/or how he thinks he can get away with that behavior. I would hate to say that someone who made it that far in life is an idiot --- but I dont know how else to explain it. The acts speak for themselves.

    Here is the second call for Cloud to resign. Please before you will waste more of our money paying for your dumbass legal defense.

    Oh and Kevin --- get ready for the grand jury!!! Bettr tell Bruce to buy some diapers, hes probably going to pee himself up there.

    And BTW, I dont think Im going to rely on the audit commissions definition of criminal intent.

  3. I've been saying bring in the Feds for years. Then fire everyone who works for the City (they can reapply for their jobs). The City doesn't seem to realize there is an ENORMOUS pool of unemployed candidates out there, most of them better qualified than what we currently have working 'for' us.This management method has been used extensively in the private sector. It's tough but I bet most nonpublic employees have been through similar treatment. And appointed positions should have triple the regular amount of scrutiny.
    Never thought I would say this, but Pedro is making Eddie look good.

  4. Oh you have to bet that SKB has or had her hands in this mess. She had to know what was going on...but Oh wait a minute ! she will come out smelling like a rose again.....

  5. Ihope this broker starts to tell the truth and stop hiding. He is hurting a lot of people and needs to realize what he did wrong! If you look at his YouTube video, he makes it seem like he is an honest person, but he is a criminal who steals money! He should be punished and I feel sorry for his mom!

  6. Cloud is in the middle of this mess. He also has the highest pcard food expenses in the City.

  7. Guess AC's attempt at distraction by questioning capital budget well after it was adopted didn't fool the feds.

  8. Listen all of you ass clowns, once the Feds are in everything is fair game. Don't think for one second that it's just a Grand Jury into this insurance scam, it just got the ball rolling and now every dirty little secret is going to come out. What do you think the Mayor's former Chief of Staff, Jared "grand theft" Kubiac is going to say. Talk about needing diapers, They can all quit or retire but it still won't get their ass out of the sling. Look out because here come the smack down train, and it's running over City Hall.

  9. Fed's or whatever. Its politics and they all scratch their back. City hall is extremely amazing at covering up s.... and/or making up documentation. Treasury is not the only department doing fraud, many others too.
