Thursday, October 3, 2013


I am getting closer to making the official proclamation  that the Segarra Administration and those that are part of it have lost their minds.

The memo's below were released today through an FOI request. It seems that the full court press is on to remove Bruce Rubenstein from the Internal Audit Commission. Attorney Rubenstein was appointed to the Audit commission in March by Hartford's City Treasurer Adam Cloud.
Read more about that appointment here

Although van Norden claims in his opinion below  that Rubenstein has a conflict of interest by representing clients that are suing the City, I think the answer is much more simple. The audit Commission, was essentially  a lap dog before Rubenstein's appointment. Now in the last six months the Audit Commission has been producing some very substantial reports detailing numerous City Hall problems.

Many of those reports have been critical of Mayor Segarra,  his Department heads, L.John Van Norden himself and his boss, Saundra Kee-Borges. The reports may have indirectly caused  major shakeups in the Segarra Administration as several Department heads have left City Hall after audit reports were released detailing a pattern of incompetence.

It seems interesting though that Van Norden is detailing Rubenstein's potential Conflict of Interests since Van Norden seems unable to recognize his own conflict. How is he issuing opinions that relate directly to him and his bosses and trying to shut down the people that are critical of him?

Van Norden's own legal skills are questionable as he left his previous employer, the City of Schenectady New York under a cloud of suspicion, read more here. He actually was employed by the City of Hartford his first year here, even though he was not licensed to practice law in Connecticut

I don't think Van Norden's opinion has anything to do with concerns over a conflict of interest, it is that the Audit Commission is getting too close to the inner workings of the Segarra Administration.

Several sources have confirmed that numerous red flags have been raised over the handling of CIP funds, (Capital Improvement Project) and this most likely will be the next shoe to drop when it comes to Audit reports. Not to mention those that are already in the pipeline and proving to be less than favorable to Segarra, including the City Car take home use audit.

Audit Commission Member Bruce Rubenstein

Numerous irregularities have already been identified in the CIP process and may eventually result in outside investigations being started. The questionable transactions involve both State and Federal funds according to sources

In the meantime, outside of Segarra's Office there seems to be very little or no support for removing Rubenstein as sources tell me that both the Hartford City Council and Treasurer Cloud are solidly behind Mr. Rubenstein. It is also unclear if there actually a process defined to remove a Commissioner.

One source familiar with the memo, said that they believe that the claim of financial gain has no merit. Any financial gain obtained by Rubenstein would be the result of him successfully representing his clients in their lawsuits against Hartford . The financial gain would be set as an award for damages determined by a Judge, and not as a result of any action Rubenstein could take as an Audit Commission member.

 The simplest resolution of this matter would be for Segarra to do the right thing and not give the Audit Commission an opportunity to scrutinize him. Unfortunately I think that train has already left the station.

Here is some other reading material regarding Mr. Van Norden, here, or here ,or any earlier blog posting here

Rubenstein OfficialOpinionoftheOfficeoftheCorporationCounsel09242013


  1. These letters are from the same guy who gives a legal opinion that the city charter should be ignored when it comes to hiring retirees like his boss Kee-Borges? Please.

  2. we have the knockout punch pedroOctober 3, 2013 at 11:04 PM

    Attorney L John Van Psycho should pay more attention to his out of wedlock child and his court mandated child support payments and less attention to SKB and Pedrito since none of them will be around much longer.

  3. Oh and don't forget the opinion on SKB and Terry "crash a city vehicle" Waller's property scheme. Talk about a finical gain, kick them out then buy their priority for pennies on the $$$. No conflict or ethical violation, yeah right!!!

  4. "AB INITIO???" Really??? Is anyone else as amused at this as myself? Is the use of arcane, meaningless Latin phrases in City memos somehow going to HELP Hartford? Help our Mayor during a critical and ongoing management crisis? This should have been the FIRST thought before such poorly conceived and biased opinions were put forth.
    The appointment of Bruce Rubenstein was a brilliant use of a check and balance provided for in our charter. Kudos to Treasurer Cloud.
    The Internal Audit Commission is functioning as it should. It is investigating and reporting on the myriad performance and contractual issues that continually plague this City due to poor management and poorly performing department heads.
    Here's a thought: Our very talented auditors Pat Campbell and Craig Trujillo, would have nothing to report to the IAC if NOTHING WRONG WAS HAPPENING. I for one, am grateful for the REAL transparency exhibited that has resulted in necessary changes in management as well as changes in how this City conducts its business.
    And P.S., Rubenstein represents the actions of his plaintiff clients. He is not bringing actions against the City, the plaintiff is. I'm sure if anything came before the IAC that was remotely related to clients, Bruce would recuse himself.

  5. Doesn't someone have to file a complaint with the Ethics Commission, and the Ethics Commission themselves make a determination that there has been a violation of the Ethics Code?

  6. Kevin's Painfully Suppressed ConscienceOctober 4, 2013 at 12:52 PM

    I love this 'my corrupt guy is better than your corrupt guy' crap. Kevin --- get your head out of your butt or get it out of Bruce's butt --- whereever it is. It is a conflict of interests, period!

    You can't run your crusade to clean up City Hall with a conflicted & greedy "attack dog". Bruce is a shady character -- it is only fair that we looks into his dealings too -- especially when he was appointed to such a position of power. We are supposed to think that he is great since he is best buds with you - no further questions necessary?

    People in Bruces position should be squeaky clean as even a hint of bad intent will color his perceived character. With his power, all he needs to do is hint at a potential IAC investigation to CorpCounsel or other administration officials for his 'client' to get that little extra in their settlement offer. Guess who will hear about it? Nobody. Do you think counsel will go that deep into it when voting on the settlement?

    Time to put Bruce back in his kennel until he learns to restrict his appetite for all the city hall table scraps.

    For heavens sake - at least have the brains to realize that 'your pals' are in the wrong --- it does a disservice to your blog when you blatantly contradict yourself --- unless you are shooting for a position with Fox News.

  7. so I guess you are saying that every attorney should be excluded from serving? If they are convinced his behavior is unethical, where is the complaint to the Ethics Commission?

  8. Dear Kevin's Painfully Suppressed Conscience;

    You are in error on this one.

    Besides my recusal to investigate Corp Counsel or any lawyer within that department, I have an agreement with Sandy,done months ago when I got on the IAC, that all of my cases against the City are to be mediated, meaning neither Corp Counsel nor I place a value on a case. The independant Mediator ( A Judge) sets a figure on it and we run with it, therefore no problem. I have already utilized the mediation process BTW, so next time please try to get your facts right.

  9. Kevin's Painfully Suppressed ConscienceOctober 4, 2013 at 3:32 PM

    Kevin --- What a wonderful world this would be without lawyers! Unfortunately -- that is not possible. Not every lawyer should be restrained from serving -- just the ones who have cases pending against the city or who have other financial interests. I agree with you - an ethics complaint should be filed against Bruce.

    Bruce --- where is this letter with Sandy? -- It looks like Ljon didn't get the message --- post it or Kevin should FOIA it.
    --- What kind of mediation do you speak of where the mediator 'sets the value of the case'? - I guess we will just take your word on that one.
    --- Have you also agreed that you (and your firm) will no longer accept clients with interests adverse to the city?
    --- Irregardless now you are saying that you recused yourself from investigating Corp Counsel?! So this means that you will not investigate SKB? How can you serve with this restriction?! Is that why nothing has been done about that situation?! You have recused yourself and restricted that investigation so SKB has been free to hold three different positions at the same time!!!! Come on!

    You are creating a bigger mess -- step aside before your actions cause the good work of Internal Audit Department to be discarded because you are pegged as a self-dealer.

  10. Kevin your blog has gotten old. Its supported by unprofesionals who love to gossip and spread dirty laundry. Your a sideliner, monday morning quaterback. Get a life.

  11. anonymous 3:51pm

    I agree, so old that less than 5,000 people a day are reading it, keep an eye on that hit counter that should surpass one million in the next few days

  12. Thanks HARTFORD RESIDENT City Treasuer Adam Cloud...
    I stand by HARTFORD resident Attorney Bruce Rubenstein. Everything he has currently done and will continue to do to get HARTFORD back on track is fine with me. GREAT JOB BRUCE.....

  13. This is Anon 3:51 again. Its called Edutainment. Enjoy your hits. Many out of Towners like myself read it like a good ol soap opera. This is way better than Days of our lives or General Hospital. All credit is owed to you. Keep plugging away. Lol

  14. Kevin's Painfully Suppressed ConscienceOctober 4, 2013 at 6:33 PM

    Hartford RESIDENT and Treasurer Adam Cloud!!

    What a joke -- Cloud spends more time TRAVELING --- Check out the p-card report where Cloud was 'residing' at the f-ing Ritz-Carlton to the tune of nearly $1,000.00 of OUR taxpayer dollars. And look at the MANY other questionable charges in that report.

    Who was 'investigating' these p-card uses? Was it 'attack dog' Bruce? Nope, Bruce was busy busting Mayor Cavier while Treasurer Satin Sheets rested his head at the RITZ. Bunch-a-a-holes.

  15. One quick question is today the last day for the two department heads who resigned (before they got fired)

  16. The only mess that is being created here is the mess at City Hall All because Pedro isn't a true leader and SBK and Jared ran amock at city hall destroying anything good and the council being drunk with power.
    The only thing that will turn this city around is a change in personel in the Mayors office and on the council. See, what people fail or don't want to see wether Burce shouldn't be on the audit commission or not, he's not a puppet like Pat Cambell. Like the saying goes "when you can't attack the science/facts you attack the man" . This just shows you that they have something to hide, good luck trying to close the barn door after the cow has left.

  17. One was fired becuse he dindn't play nice with the Mayor's husband. Bruce was investigating. Charlies control and access to city buildings, perhaps thst's why they want Bruce out of the way along with rhe P-Card report

  18. My guess is that if we look at the legislative intent in the code that it is designed to prevent a commision member from obtaining a contract to repair problems he finds while doing his audit duties. Meaning, Commission member A holds a managing interest in a company that performs paving jobs in the city. Said company bids on a contract to replace city streets. A competing company secures the contract. Commissioner A then initiates a critical audit of the Competing Companies work for the city thereby creating an opportunity to have an advantage in the contract negotiations by taking them out. A lawyer representing clients who have "adverse interests" with the city is not the same. How does his position benefit him personally. Look at the body of work. They can't skewer him on the merits. Has his work embarrased to Mayor and his administration? Absolutely! Can anyone point to anything he's brought to light that is wrong? Aren't you outraged at their findings? Of course they want him gone. Quite frankly, the internal auditors should have an adverse position. Their job is to uncover corruption and incompetence. It's not likely to happen if the status quo is allowed to just keep appointing their friends. I could care less what political dogs Rubenstein has in this fight. He doing a great job and exposing corruption. He should stay. Van Norden on the other hand, not so much.

  19. When is the last day of the so called communications gal? What degree dose she have and from what school? Or dose she just advance because she has an in with the Mayor and former Mayor. What about the other gal who is on her second pension? Who and what exactly is her connection?...2000 whatever... Come on she has to GO too. All her nonsense is so redundant and it always was. She dose not even live in Hartford but boy she is well connected.


  21. Communication. Gal was one of Jared's walk of shame girls, the young buck got around ask the City Forester they both tried the age old sleep your way to the Mayor's Team worked for both.


  22. They need to pry the golden doors of City Hall wide open and Clean House.

    The Mayor's Office and each City department should be scrutinised and examined thoroughly....receiving 2 pensions, "DOUBLE DIPPING"!!! Currently retired from the City and working as temporary employees for years, and or rehired as staff at Corporation Counsel, Tax office, Finance, not to mention ALL the family and friends, DPW, as well as Town Clerk, and Purchasing Dept., HFD,etc.

    The City of Hartford residents deserve a clean slate!!!!

  23. Why didnt you publish my comment about Bruce going after Cloud? Hit a sore spot?

  24. The State Attorney's office needs to be called in to investigate Pedro and how he and Charlie benefit from. the city, staff and cobtract steering, CIP funds funding what Charliie wants and what they can uograde at the gated fortres.

  25. I agree completely.....Mayor and partner need to be investigated by the State Attorney's office. Let us also remember SAMA owing plenty of back taxes but were saved by Councilman Apointe and of course the Mayor. Let's close that non profit organization DOWN...DOWN... any of the SAMA paid staff live in Hartford and really do anything for anyone other than their own pocketbooks.

  26. Julio from SAMA calls the batman phone speaks to Srggara and Seggara calls the Dept and they run and do whatever he wants. SAMA was responsibke for the screwed up desigb on Park ST like the pavers in the strert and walkway yet the city is sent to repair on their money, your money. I don`t know who thinks they are more POWERFUL. In their own head Dictator Pedro or Aragent Julio. How much did they sell the building on Park ST that they got for a dollar? How much went into Pedro`s pocket.


  27. I agree,I do not know how much cash went into the Mayors pocket but it probably is a large sum of money. SAMA is a shame and must close. It represents no one and people know it.

  28. Seriously -- why is no focus being given to Adam Cloud by Kevin or Bruce? Just look at the P-card charges!! It is not funny -- it has the potential to make the mayor's 'cavier' dinner look like pennies.

    Kevin---no comment?

    Bruce---no comment?

    I know you are reading this ---

    Also Bruce why didn't you respond to that earlier post's questions about your position on the audit commission?

    Come on people look at the details, get mad, this is your money being pissed away at the Hartford Club and the Ritz.

  29. Cloud does deserve closer scrutiny. His use of the P-card and his comment that it wasn't public funds are both inappropriate. So it's okay to use pension funds from public paychecks to live high off the hog? While the pension funds dips to below 70%, which it never did under his predecessors.
