Wednesday, November 20, 2013


In response to my FOI request for e-mails related to Earl O'Garro and Hybrid Insurance, a couple thousand e-mails were provided. to me. I can't post them all here, but a few of the strings are very interesting to me and what motive was behind them. I am  not going to editorialize on them because I don't want to appear as though I am siding with Hartford's Treasurer Adam Cloud .

Did Cloud make mistakes and exercise poor judgment as an elected official, I think even he would answer yes. Was there criminal intent? You (as well as a Federal Grand Jury) can make that call but I don't think so.

Below is a sampling of e-mails from those provided to me in a file labeled "John Griffin Chief States Attorney" If you have the time read the file and see if you think Griffin was at getting to the truth and identifying a problem, or was it more about accusing "an elected official of Insurance fraud".

Keep in mind, there have been no allegations of Insurance fraud, except by Griffin, at any point in this matter, but Griffin mentions  it several times, even before any investigation was even started.

There are many more e-mails I will try to post to paint a clearer picture of the motivation behind this matter. I don't think it began with concerns over  a wire transfer


  1. Kevin,

    It is good you're not the judge in this case. There is general feeling that not only was standard ethical business behavior violated; the actions to send the funds were apparently deliberate. To excuse this as "poor judgment" is inexcusable and unacceptable. Every day, most workers hold to the high ethical business standards without the crutch of this weak excuse to fall back-on. The politics of why this got out does not lessen the violation!

  2. It's too bad that Cloud didn't show the same level of concern about spending taxpayer funds that Griffin does.

    If Cloud wasn't an elected official, he'd be fired. And if he's so innocent, why has he retained an attorney?

    Normally he'd be covered by the City's public official's liability insurance (wonder if his buddy O'Garro paid this!) but since he acted outside the scope of his authority in wiring someone other than the firm who invoiced the City (HD Segur) hadn't even invoiced the city, it is doubtful the insurance would cover him.

  3. Now Appears emails were also sent to Thomas Griffin of the "Griffin Personnel Group" in October!!!!!??? Is this the Risk Manager's father/brother, a personal business interest? How does this new Company play into the mix? according to "GPG" it touts they have a "100% conviction rate for client criminal cases that they've prepared.". Has the Mayor, Kishimoto and Altieri now contracted their own private investigative firm in this matter to crush Cloud? Why wont they just leave the matter to the Feds? Who is paying for this new outside investigation service? Taxpayers again of course! Dirty laundry aired once again into the press. Mo money mo money mo money.....And away from our children's education. Nice use of taxpayer dollars.

  4. Just reading the blog established by you Kevin and i must say Thank you! Without this blog taxpayer voices are lost. I am most interested in the links i have read in the blog and the comments made. So much seems overlooked if this blog wasnt available. I am very interested how the pieces of the puzzle are connected with the Finance Department. Certainly taxpayers are most concerned if there is an internal independent BOE investigation by this GPG group to dig dirt on Adam Cloud. Does the elected BOE membership know if this was authorized? Who authorized this investigation? Mat Poland?
    If this was not authorized, is the BOE administration leadership running Rogue to convict Cloud before the governmemt intervenes? Seems like the BOE needs its own internal investigation. What a joke Mr Poland Thanks again Kevin!

  5. Easy enough to find out, Foi any contracts or payments made to GPG group by the BOE. This will clear up the matter pretty easily. You know what they say when you 'assume' to know the facts.
