Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The City of Hartford's political system seems to be intent on keeping the Connecticut Elections Enforcement Commission(SEEC) busy.

Minnie Gonzalez ...guilty, Democratic Registrar Olga Vazquez...guilty, Deputy Democratic Registrar Garey Coleman...guilty.  Now another Hartford politico, Angel Morales, is adding his name to the list of those fined by the SEEC for political wrongdoing..

Morales, a convicted felon has not been successful in his attempts in the political arena, but none the less he keeps surfacing as he is embraced by several Hartford politicians.

Morales has recently been employed by the Senate Democrats at the Capitol. He apparently also works occasionally for the Democratic Registrars office.

The SEEC complaint against Morales goes back to the November 2011 election. The complaint alleged that Morales entered the polling place at the Learning Corridor on Vernon Street with at least 6 younger boys . Morales was not authorized to be in the polling place and refused to leave when asked by the Moderator, Carmen Cordero.

According to sources who were present at the time of the violation, Morales used the now familiar Hartford line "Do you know who I am" when he was asked to leave. Morales refused to leave the polling place and was eventually escorted out by a Security Guard.

In the consent decree , in which Morales admitted to his violations, the SEEC felt that Morales "did not show good faith" in the matter and fined him $200.00 for his violations to ensure Morales's compliance in the future.

Why can't Hartford's politicians just play by the rules? It is certain that they actually know the rules, but there seems to be a sense of entitlement that they can just do whatever they want. I think this is a large reason for chronic low voter turnout. Hartford's voters are reluctant to place their faith in a system that they know is corrupt and has no integrity.

How do both the Democratic Registrar and her Deputy have their jobs after admitting that they forged signatures on election petitions. In most towns there would have been an immediate outcry for their removal. Not in Hartford though, corruption is encouraged and actually rewarded with large salaries and the knowledge that there is no accountability for corrupt activity

Hartford's culture of blindness needs to change

1 comment:

  1. Angel Morales is not to be trusted.
    However, a character like Morales always moves ahead of an average person looking for a job. There is always a way out for this person with a criminal record. A very serious criminal record. The Hartford Mayor and other political connections love him. What else is new in Hartford?
