Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Mayor Segarra in the Hooker Day Parade, followed by his "scheduler" Jalmar DeDios walking alongside

Apparently now it is not just enough to invite the Mayor to a Community meeting, now you have to explain "Why" as well as prepare talking points for the Mayor. I think the answer to the question "Why?" should be because we elected him, we pay his salary and he answers to us.

I am not sure what goes through this Mayor's mind, he has insulated himself with a Secret Service style detail and even travels with his detail on out of state trips. This is not the same person that many were hoping would turn this City around after his divisive and felonious predecessor was forced out of office.

 Now a form has to be completed to invite him to meetings and events. I honestly think Pedro has lost sight of who he represents and why he is there. This is a small City yet Segarra thinks he is on the level of our Governor or greater . As I write this, I am told Segarra is in Chicago, travelling once again for the same organization that sent him to Puerto Rico recently.

We need a leader for this City who is in touch with his constituents.  A Mayor that understands the difficulties his residents face day in and day out, and is in his City fighting for change to attain a better quality of life for his residents.

Put down the caviar spoon and get out and talk to the people in this City that are struggling to make ends meet. In the meantime Pedro, you don't need a screener before you visit in the community, get out there and listen to the honest truth.

According to the City Charter the Mayor may appoint a Chief of Staff, legislative assistant, research assistant personal secretary and receptionist or equivalent positions for which the Council may appropriate  sufficient funds. I don't recall any request to the Council recently for the new position of scheduler. But then again, when has the Charter mattered


  1. Mayor Caviar also operates this way with Department Heads they can't meet with him either without going through his, i would say pit bulls, however they are more like Toy Poodles. Pedro gives no direction, leadership or vision, he meets only woth his "cabinet", Mayor Cavier listen clearly; you puppet, empty suit looser are NOT the president, your husband is Not the first Lady, your cabinet; Sandy, Don Juan and Jose are NOT Congress!!! You and your flock of loosers need to fly the hell out of here. You speak of transparency and consistency, what a JOKE, Joker. Look st your latest consistent decisions, oh wait there was no consistency. Perhaps Chicago Politics is where you belong, i'm sure they have gated houses, just make sure there is no food banks on the ST, wouldn't want the Puppet Master Charlie to have a tissy fit.

  2. Why does the Mayor have this so called security guy? who is he afraid of ? the citizens of Hartford ? OMG all my years of living and working in Hartford, no other Mayor has done this, Mayor ...your ego is too much, you need to get are such a joke !

  3. Mayor Caviar, I think your next line is "Let them eat cake."

  4. Once again the city is broke and what happens? The mayor's office hires new useless employees while other departments have to cut actual working employees. When is council going to do something about this wastrel.

  5. Hartford's Mayor is so far removed from the real world that it is a sad day and days ahead with this figure at the helm. His personality and style is out of control. He can never make a decision on his own. Wake Up Mr. Mayor or the Hartford giant wave will knock you down and take Charlie with you.

  6. Why wasn't the mayor in or at the Veteran's Day parade?

  7. Regular Guy,

    Maybe they didn't fill out the Mayoral Appearance Request form properly and submit it to Mr. DeDeos on time

  8. Kevin
    Or maybe he was to busy trying to shoo away the hungry at the food pantry,. Oh I know why, he couldn't make it because he was too busy sleeping off the night of fun at the polo club evenly after he was driven home once again by his private HPD security force. Great use of OT funds Chief.

  9. Details of the Puerto Rico and Chicago trip? Who paid? what was the nature of the trips?

  10. Who paid for these trip?
