Wednesday, November 27, 2013




(November 26, 2013) Today, Mayor Segarra announced two staffing appointments: Henry Burgos as Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations and Kennard Ray as Deputy Chief of Staff. They begin work with the City on December 2.


Mr. Burgos, a Hartford native, joins the administration after serving as Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations at Capital Community College. Burgos also served 10 years as the Principal Human Resources Specialist for the State of Connecticut Department of Developmental Services, overseeing labor relations for the agency’s 4,000 employees. Burgos holds a Masters in Science from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and graduated cum laude from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.


“Henry is an extremely qualified professional and public servant,” commented Mayor Segarra. “As we continue to improve our processes and procedures citywide, I look forward to working with Henry and his staff to develop a new approach to human resources management that positions the City to recruit and retain a talented, diverse workforce. Throughout our search, we talked to staff and identified a need to transform and modernize the department. Henry brings the skills and perspective necessary to help us realize that goal. ” 


Mr. Ray, also a Hartford native, joins the Mayor’s Office after serving as the Political and Legislative Director for the Connecticut Working Families Party, where he lead regional organizing efforts in support of public education, voter outreach and minimum wage increase. Mr. Ray will work with the Mayor’s Chief of Staff as a liaison to City Council, community organizations and residents. He will lead project management, policy development, and day-to-day community relations through the Office of Constituent Services.
A Deputy Chief of Staff? Can anyone point out to me where that position is in the Hartford City Charter as an authorized position in the Office of the Mayor?
But wait, it gets worse, much, much worse.
Kennard Ray is a convicted felon. And before all the comments start about "second Chances" I'm not saying a convicted felon for a "mistake" one time when he was young. I am talking about an extensive arrest record dating back to at least 1998 for gun charges, drug dealing, interfering with police and at least a few years served behind bars during his adult life.
We have enough problems with guns on our streets, never mind bringing those people committing the gun crimes into the Mayor's Office.
And how did this selection get through, does no one on the Mayor's Staff know how to use Google or even check his name in the Judicial website. Those in the Mayor's Office can't get out of their own way and this seems as another example of how they go out of their way to embarrass Mayor Segarra almost daily. Note to City Staff, : he does a fine job of embarrassing himself, he doesn't need your help.




  1. That didn't last long, he's gone before he started.

    In true Mayor Caviar style, he said the guy didn't disclose it. The city apparantly doesn't have access to google or a computer and doesn't do background checks until the day someone starts. Kind of bizarre, even for Hartford.

  2. Here we go again! More nonsense. I hope u send this to the already pissed off governor. I know he is quite embarassed with the actions of mayor caviar. Oh and i bet the current federal investigation will be taking front lines soon. I hope pedro knows that ignorance will not save him from joining eddie perez

  3. Im guessing the City Council made sure this guy was a bona-fide resident of Hartford. That was all they needed to hear, a minority city resident.
    Background checks don't matter to City Hall. I'm guessing this guy is a "friend" or "relative" of some higher up in City Hall that vouched for him and Segarra fell for it.
    Really makes Hartford look good. Why can't they just hire the best, smartest person for the job? Forget residency, race, and connections and just please hire the most qualified person!

  4. Hartford CT.....TV N00N BREAKING NEWS today the day before 2013 Thanksgiving Day...a Hartford resident is suppose to become the new Deputy Chief of Staff as of December 1, 2013. Wake Up Hartford Tax Payers it is not only a non-existing job the appointed gentleman has a long history of serious crime. Mr. Mayor, do you sleep on the job? You need a place to go and relax and prepare your resume for a job search. Hartford taxpayers have had more than enough of your style and humor. You certainly do not represent the people of Hartford. Oh, and go find more cash to give to SAMA And make sure to have a photo taken of you and your buddy Councilman. Make sure it appears on the front page of a newspaper with the two of congratulating SAMA for all the back taxes they never paid. The majority of Hartford taxpayers do not know who your buddy Councilman is because he is always in hidding. However, he is a former attorney from Corporation Council and so are YOU along with the lady who was in the taxpayers crashed car!!!

  5. Background checks are not that hard to do, nor are they expensive. What in the world are we paying those folks at City Hall to do anyway?

    As far as the Mayor and Council, they ALL have to go. Join me in not voting for any of the same names again. Time for new blood.

    Maybe there will be some honesty and integrity in the DNA of that new blood.

  6. What a shock ? The entire city is the toliet bowl of ct. I hope the feds occupy this joke of a city . Flush all of these turds. Now !!!!!!

  7. Of course this person was a friend of a friend. The Mayor dose not know his right hand from the left. Do not forget what he said in a full page story to the Hartford Courant. He was just filling in for the rest of the former Mayor's term. What a joke? He had no where to go. He did not have an outstanding law practice. Who knows how on earth he became an attorney? He has no management skills. He must resign and then his cabinant will be fired. The Governor will find a way to get rid of him. He dose not need anymore bad press about the Capital City. The Gov has to get re-elected. He has no where to go. CT politics at it's best!!! Case closed.

  8. Never one to miss a political opportunity, Rubenstein is having the audit commission investigate this.

    Really bruce? Wouldn't your time be better spent finding out why your boy Cloud ignored standard payment processes to get his buddy some money, or to find out where that missing $670K went, Cloud's p-card expenses (including the NYC hotel room courtesy of O'Garro who he initially claimed he had no relationship with).

    Until Hartford cleans out the likes of Segarra and Cloud, they deserve what they get.

  9. According to lindsay farrel. Working parties know it all, he should not be judged on his past. Its only a gun. No biggy. Hey lindsay, i bet if he injured one of your family members with that gun, u would change your tune. Most criminals dont follow laws anyways. And most drug dealers carry guns to kill other drug dealers, which i honestly could care less about.

  10. Lindsay Farrell. Director of the working families party. U are a fool. Thats right, stick up for the filth of humanity. He was a drug dealer. He carried an illegal gun. Thats fine. I carry a legal firearm to protect myself from fools like you that ruin this country and think criminals should have caviar and live in my house because you want to fight some dilluted fight for equality. This is madness kevin. Im disgusted .....

  11. I'm all for giving someone a second chance if they've proven that their transgressions were a thing of the past and have turned over a new leaf.

    But this guy's honesty is questionable. It appears he didn't disclose any of his convictions to anyone. Did he really think no one was going to discover it? Worse yet, within the past year he had his wages garnishment by unemployment which means he wasn't exactly honest with them either.

  12. This administration certainly put's the Ha, Ha, Ha, in Hartford.

  13. I agree with Pedro when he said people need a second chance , but Mr. Ray has already had too many chances to do what is right . He has not one but 4 convictions up to 2004 . He said he was too young but he is very young still. I don't think a person with his history should be given such an important job . If you are going to give a second chance play safe and try him in an entry level position. Pedro you need to learn a lesson , you already got into so many problems with some of your staff. I will suggest to use a better judgment next time. Do not follow the advice of some of the trouble makers that are around you. Some might be trying to set you up for failure.

  14. I understand Mr. Kennard Ray worked for the John Fonfara Campaign. Is that is the case , it is not a surprise the guy is a felon. Those who know Fonfara from the beginning could know he is not a white dove either. This could be a political favor that has backfired. When you deal with people who aren't so decent that is what you get in trouble. As kevin said in his last article , the political system is real bad. We need to get to know the people we vote for. Politicians are well known for lying to get elected. Not a surprise either!

  15. What's the problem? Hartford residents elected a former Gang Banger as mayor, who turned out to be a LIAR and a THIEF.

    As far as I can see, it's business as usual in Hartford.

  16. Senator Fonfara had Jared Kupiec as his campaign manager when Edwin Vargas challenged him. Senator Fonfara has never passed a bill. He has been in the General Assembly for over twenty years. Mr shy is always late. He hides whenever he can and is not polite to any of his campaign workers unless they are from Wethersfield. Oh, and of course he had nothing to do with Angel Morales getting a full time job at the State Capital. Mayor Pedro has stated that Mr Morales is an outstanding Hartford community member. Oh, and Mayor Pedro hired the disgraced city Chief of Staff Jared Kupiec. It is a real JOKE!!! Hartford is a DEAD city and will continue as one until the voters get new folks to represent HARTFORD!!!


  17. Pedro has shown Hartford his lack of experience in the political arena. He started the year bad and ended bad.

    It has been a very disastrous year; full of disappointments, dishonesty, and deceptions.

    Shame! Shame! Shame!...City Hall Reality Saga will continue into 2014.

  18. I just read this on CTNOW. It once again shows the mentality of City Hall to just hire or do business with a minority or city resident. When will the city learn? Hire the best, most qualified people! I don't care what race or gender, just the best.The quote is from the Adam Cloud insurance debacle.

    "We're happy with what we're doing and more importantly there's, you know, the commitment that I have to a small minority firm that's doing the business," Cloud said, referring to Hybrid.

    Think he is still happy?

  19. What I saw in the news last night was a premeditated circus , probably well planned by the same Mr.Kennard Ray.Those people tonight were probably recruited to defend the man as a strategy to stay after he resigned. Talking about second chance , what did they mean ??? The guy already got arrested 4 times, he already was given too many chances.

  20. Kevin we have too many "bad apples" in City jobs already and maybe that is why you forgot someone in your list. Garret Borges was recently arrested and has a previous arrest history as well. Unfortunately so many "bad apples" get favorite treatment at City Hall. Don't doubt the whole issue of Mr. Ray is being raised to accommodate Ms. Borges recruits into higher level jobs. Have you thought of that? Garrett Borges already got a second chance and defeated the purpose by getting in trouble again. Do we need any more criminals in City Hall? I don't think so!!! What we need is a Federal Investigation to get them out of the way so decent people can do a better job and raise Hartford's moral. YES, we deserve much better!!!

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